The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 147 - Grim Reaper

Chapter 147 - Grim Reaper


The lord did not stop, it followed by another slashed in the direction of Roman and the others.

But instead of backing down or evading, he blocked it!

"Damn! That guy was so insane!" Nicholas commented on Roman's action.

The Lightning Mayhem Spirit Beast used its claw to confront the scarlet wave of energy. 

After three seconds of confrontation, it exploded and Roman was pushed back a little.

"Nicholas!" Jura shouted. 'Now no plan is good at this point!' He thought.

Nicholas seemed to understand what Jura wanted to say. He hastily fired another valley of condensed javelins. Which Jura also did with his magical attacks.

Right after Nicholas and Jura sent multiple strong magical attacks, Roman also lifted his hand aiming at the Demon Lord. Then a purple sphere that flashed with azure lightning was coagulated in front of the Lightning Mayhem's mouth.

After it reached a certain size, it shot towards the Demon Lord.

Thunderously, the Demon Lord while facing above howled while at the same time summoned more strength to himself. It was followed by the influx of scarlet energies, bursting from its feet and enveloping its whole body.

It then suddenly charged towards the fast approaching sphere of lightning.historical

Before the impact, a large weapon of scarlet blade drew a long scarlet line in the air when the Demon Lord brandished it.

All the people saw it when the scarlet blade and the lightning sphere hit each other.

Kkkrrreeettteeekkk!!! The two opposing forces were struggling to dominate the others.



A stronger explosion exploded that resulted in a larger pit on the floor and destroyed a big part of the ceiling.

Everyone gaped.

Only Roman could confront the Demon Lord like that! They thought so.

Everyone outside the painting was dumbfounded, but sooner they boomed in excitement. Such kind of battle was seldom to be witnessed by ordinary people like them.

"Roman was the man!" Someone among the crowd of an audience beamed!

"Go Roman my boy KILL THAT SHIT!!!"

"Spunk his ass!"

"Turn him to ashes!"


"EXPLODE iiiiit!"

Such a noisy crowd. Then it was followed by,

Roman Roman Roman...!

Once again, they repeatedly chanted his name. After all, ordinary citizens tend to idolize people who were seemingly on another level than the others.

The people outside the painting was having a lively atmosphere once again.

Even from the other cities and kingdoms, those who were watching at it glued their eyes on the screen.

No one could believe what they were seeing. What kind of battle is this?! 

After the explosion, the Demon Lord shot himself towards Roman. Looks like he saw him as a dangerous being.

The other experts fired attacks at it. But the Demon Lord disregarded it and continued its charge towards one person.

Jura, Nicholas, Gilion, Hilion, The White Leo Knights, and even Harou and Lyka fired their strongest attacks to finish the boss while the other participants were currently fighting the Lesser Demons.

Seeing their approaching wave of attacks, the Demon reinforced his feet with a suffocating magical aura.

Gath on the contrary was killing the minions together with Vince and the others.



The combined attacks of the other experts just passed by a few centimeters away from the Demon Lord after it increased its speed.

Seeing the monstrous figure rapidly approaching him, Roman lifted his hands at shoulder level then opened his palm.

Like a sumo-wrestler who was ready to capture his opponent. But Roman wasn't a sumo-wrestler. A second after he opened his hands, "Stage 3 Transformation Technique - Lord of Mayhem!" he shouted in a whole overbearing voice.

It was followed by the bursting of blinding light around him.

When the blinding light disappeared, everyone saw the figure of Roman as big as the Demon Lord.

He now looked like the Lightning Mayhem. "Wait, he already mastered the third-stage of transformation?!" Jura and Nicholas were flabbergasted. Both of them were only capable of the second-stage.

Roman has currently had a tiger-like figure with white fur and stood on its two feet with its body trailing with lightning all over.

He leaped to encounter the approaching enemy.

When the two of them met in the middle of the spacious throne room, space was seemingly trembled by the super-strong impact of their attacks.

It made the others look like unwanted extras. They could only brace themselves from the mini shockwave.

Even the live video on the screen was trembling when the strong wave of pressure hit the Monitoring Devices and made them fluttered in disarray.

But it did not end in just one impact. The blade and claws were repeatedly brandished to tear the other side; however, no one of them wanted to back down, especially that the fight between them had just started.

Roman's two hands were enveloped by electrifying azure energies. And hastily slashed to the Demon Lord. Yet, the Demon Lord's scarlet blade parried his attack while sending multiple swings himself.

Everyone was dumbfounded while in awe staring at the two monsters dueling with their strengths in a melee battle.

Seeing the busy people around him. Mus slowly slipped-in towards the treasures.

Roman and the Demon Lord's exchange was being backgrounded by thunderous sounds of collision.

After a couple of seconds of exchange, both Roman and the Demon Lord stepped back a couple of steps when their strong attacks hit both of them.

Yet none of them was willing to surrender.

Once again, they both kicked their feet on the broken floor and dashed forward towards each other; the other one was trailing with azure electrifying light while the other one was trailing with scarlet energies.




Everyone's ears caught a howl that seemingly came from the graveyard.

A moment before the collision of the two monstrous figures, they noticed something fell from the ceiling.

A black figure.



All the people heard a reverberated dull sound.

The next second.

Thud! Thud! (Tremble!) The room trembled when two figures were sent back and crashed on the floor. The other one was sent and crashed into the wall.


Everyone fell silent. Even the watcher outside the painting all gawked in disbelief. The other participants and the Lesser Demons stopped their battle and glanced in the direction of the crash.

It seemed the time had stopped for all of them.

Everyone was holding their breaths, puzzled as to what was happening. 

"W-What was that…?" A mutter escaped from her mouth. The empress subconsciously asked. It was so unlike her usual calm and perceptive aura around her.

The Knight-Captain was tight-lip while staring at the monitor. He too had no idea what just happened.

After seeing the black figure in the middle of the throne room,

"C-Could it be…" Ella's skeptical utterance made the empress and the Knight-Captain glance at her.

In the middle of the room, they all saw another huge figure. And based on what they had witnessed a while ago, this new figure repelled the attacks from both Roman and the Demon Lord!

Also, it was sending an eerie and cold feeling to all of them. The figure was garbed in black tattered-looking cloak.


Both its arms were extended in the opposite direction. In fact to the directions of the two other monstrous figures: Roman and the Demon Lord.

They could even see the bluish glow on his hands. But they all noticed something unusual about the new arrival. Its hands are neither the muscular hands of the Demon Lord nor the furry hand of the Lord of Mayhem Roman. Its hands were so thin, no flesh nor skin.

"A-A Skeleton!?" Nicholas shouted.

"It's an undead!" The audience outside the painting exclaimed after they finally went back to their senses.

"Damnit, an Elder Skeleton! But how was it so huge?!" Vince asked with a 'can't believe face' but no one could answer this question.

"W-What the hell! Why is that here?" With knitted brows, Hilion asked.

"Could it be— another enemy?" Leon doubted.

"Perhaps sir," said Anthony beside him. While warily gripping his long stick weapon in hands. Also known as staff.

"Damn it! What kind of joke is this?!" Some random participants shouted.

Harou squinted his eyes. The next second, "thump!" Lyka landed beside him.

"What is that, Big Brother?" She asked.


"I don't know, in any case, don't let your guard down…" he too didn't know about it. But seeing the figure of it, it must be an enemy. Harou thought so.

Roman sprung on his feet which caused the ground to tremble slightly. He peered in front of him and saw the reason why he was sent back. However, Roman did not blindly attack it. In any case, this newly arrived, he could feel something strange about it.

Ahead, near the podium, he noticed the Demon Lord angrily picked up his scarlet blade on the ground.

The Demon Lord twitched his face towards the newly arrived. Then without wasting time, it dashed towards it. 

Roman and the others were surprised at his action.

As a copy, it didn't have a mind of its own and only followed what was programmed to him based on his creator's intention.

However, it wasn't possible that he intentionally going to attack his comrade.

In this regard, could it be… the newly arrived wasn't its comrade!? Everyone arrives at the same conclusion.

But before that, the Demon Lord strode in wider steps.

When it came near to the huge skeleton in a black cloak, it swung in full force, the weapon in hand.

However, everyone was surprised! In the hand of the huge skeleton, the debris of the floor and concrete were gathering on it. Then it formed into a huge scythe!

"G-Grim Reaper…" the empress muttered upon seeing the huge skeleton wielding a huge scythe.

Oddly enough, they expected the huge skeleton to use his weapon to block the incoming swinging blade of the Demon Lord, yet… the huge skeleton's figure disappeared and reappeared behind the demon.

On top of that, the sharp blade of the scythe was now embracing the neck of the Demon Lord. While the long handle of it was resting on the huge skeleton's shoulder and their backs were facing each other.

Everyone held their breaths.

A second later before the Demon Lord could make a move, ssshhhhhhiiiiinnngggg!!!

The head flew and fell to the ground which followed by a dull sound that reverberated inside the room.


A crack to where the head landed was visible on the floor.

Then silence descended the whole room once again.

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