The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 150 - Xelestial Beast And The Descend Of Sun

Chapter 150 - Xelestial Beast And The Descend Of Sun

"We made it! Haaaah!" Tiafel did a long sigh.

"Haaaah! Finally…" Taflas also breathed in relief.

"Man I'm so dead…(thud!)" Aegor muttered then dropped on his stomach and rolled a few times on the ground. Walking quite a distance was so tiring.

"Hmm, who are they? Eh! Lupine twins? So they are alive?" Hilion questioned.

Everyone glanced at the newly arrived group of people. It was of course the group of Crimson.

"I-I-It's Crimson and the others!" One of the leftover participants who remained alive up until now exclaimed.

"Ha? They're alive?"

'Fuck it! It's Crimson the one who kicked my ass! Time to hide.' Vince thought while slipping at the back of his friends.

"H-How come…" Harou subconsciously muttered. "These people! They were supposed to be dead by now. How come they survived that fall?!"

"Harou! You traitor bastard!" Ember bellowed while sending a sharp gaze to Harou.

Harou was taken aback a little. Even Lyka next to him was staring at the newly arrived with wide eyes.

But they noticed that Ember and the other were not in good shape. All of them looked exhausted beyond belief.

Ember wanted to plunge himself to Harou and kick his ass or throw him in the ridge, but at the moment, his feet were so heavy.

Even the way Ember shouted Harou's name was like out of voice.

Hilion on the other hand felt like he already saw the guy who was walking in front of Ember's group but he could not remember when he saw the guy. In any case, his mind was full at the moment.

"T-That's Crimson right!?" One of the participants who came from the adventurers guild asked. Then the person beside him replied a whisper.

At this moment, another person was staring with wide-eyes.

"Damn, so you're still alive! Why just now you showed your face to me! Huh! Crimson!"

Finally, everyone was taken aback at the sudden roar of Gilion's voice. Amidst the chaos of two huge monsters gathering energies on their palms.

Gilion without wasting time rushed over to Crimson with his hands was emanating emerald brilliance.

He had no idea how this person was alive. Or why he just showed now, but it was his chance to prove to the Princess that he was more capable than this stranger!

He could not let this person around Ella anymore. Only he had the right to stay close to her! 

Everyone was in awe at Gilion's sudden rapid charge towards the guy he called Crimson. Even his brother showed question marks above his head.

Crimson made a quick scan inside the room and saw all the participants standing around like some audiences. Most of them were staring at them and rapidly charging Gilion.

About 50 meters away from his front-right, he saw some people which he believed in a transformation form. Probably, they were the Transformation Artefacts that Ember mentioned to him before. He also saw Vince not far from them together with other adventurers who he always saw chilling inside the adventurers guild bar.

And that person who threw them into the ridge, he was called Harou if he remembered correctly. That guy was having a frown on his face. For certain he didn't expect to see them here.

Crimson also noted some individuals with exceptional aura around them. Especially the huge white tiger. Among all of the people around, he was emanating the most energy.

If he made an estimation, there were at least 70+ participants that were currently inside the room.

In front of them, demons and skeletons were battling.

A grin broke on his face upon seeing the black pagoda working well.

The leading actors of the show were the two huge figures in front. Both of them were gathering massive amounts of energy on their palms, forming them into spheres.

They were huge and suffocating.

The other one was a pure scarlet sphere and the other was the combination of different colors while coated in black. It was a combination of different elements.

Those two sphere's sizes were growing constantly on their palms.

A grip on his right arm was felt by him. "C-Crimson, what are we going to do?" It was followed by a soft and weak whisper into his ear, filled with worry about the current situation.

He knew that it wasn't good if those two spheres would explode at the same time in this area. Even Crimson himself could not escape away from the explosion of it.

After all, he already witnessed how strong those spheres were. Since he too used it once against a Territorial Beast in the Cursed Swamps of Flamingo Town.

Those spheres are called Spherical Bombs! A mass destruction skill that could dry a large swamp, could disappear a forest and could disintegrate a mountain.

It could even vanish a city.

However, not all magicians or experts could learn it on a whim. One must need a huge supply of mana to use it. And one must be talented enough to know the process of gathering mana.

Although it looks like a simple gathering of mana, the process of doing it wasn't so simple. One was basked in danger of self-detonation when a little mistake was made.

So high-level concentration is a must.

At the corner of his eyes, he noticed the fast approaching guy, it was Gilion. Wielding his dazzling emerald brilliant energy in both hands.

Hah~ Crimson sighed. There's only one option left. 'To dominate the enemy wholly," Crimson said in his mind.

"Dieeeeee!" Gilion leaped to shorten their distance rapidly. Now he was above him while lifting his hand. Probably, he would be going to shoot that Lightning Emerald Dragon.

However, Crimson already made a decision.


They saw the guy named Crimson flicking his fingers. A second later, "what—!?" Everyone felt a stinging bite from their backs.

"What is happe— eh?" Gilion was leaping in the air to attack Crimson when he suddenly felt weak and from his back, a pair of black wings grew larger.

Not only him, the other too.

Everyone was puzzled, they suddenly felt so weak. And what the heck are these wings at their backs?!

Mus who was peeking from the back of the chair froze upon seeing him.

"Dammmmmit! Why that guy still alive?! And those creatures from everyone's back! It was certainly made by him! Dammit! It's sucking everyone's mana energy!" Now Mus doesn't know what to do. He had to steal the treasures as fast as he could. No, it must also be a good chance for him. Since everyone was already weak, there's only that person and his group as an enemy.

'Hehehe, hahaha!' He laughed inside. Then, 'taptaptap' he went out of hiding.

"I don't know how you survive the fall but good job Crimson! Gahahahaha! Now no one can stop me to get the treasures!" Mus laughed heartily.

Looking at Crimson and the Lupine twin, he was certain that both of them were so exhausted to fight.

Looks like Mus clouded his thinking because of the treasures in front of him.

"That lowlife went out of hiding! Let me handle him!" Ember gnashed his teeth and declared.

"No bro, let me handle that traitor," she glanced at the person beside her.

Crimson smiled at her and nodded. He knew that this girl was hiding some trump card.

He too was curious about it.

Unhurriedly, Cinder walked towards the podium. And took something that she was hiding from within her clothes. It seemed like a pendant that looked like an egg.

"Hehehe, I see, so the princess of Lupine Family decided to confront me, huh. I don't even mind if you attack me once," said Mus while licking his lips. Seeing their situation, Mus believed that he could defeat all of them at once.

Cinder raised a brow. 'This guy was out of the blue. He was in his utopia,' she thought. 

Right now, she wasn't in a good mood to play. But she was in the mood to punish a traitor.historical

Without wasting any more time, she summoned the weapon she took.

"I-Is that an Artefact," Crimson asked subconsciously.

"That's not an Artefact. I didn't know she brought it with her," Ember said with a serious face.

"Not an Artefact?"

"It's a Sealing Stone!"

"What was sealed inside?"

"Ahaha, even me had no idea what it was. But she used to hate bringing that thing with her." 

Crimson did not continue asking, as he felt sadness and worry from Ember's voice. Looks like the thing inside the Sealing Stone connected to a sad past.


Crimson fell silent and glanced and glanced at Cinder who had started unsealing the Sealing Stone.

While they were talking, a little above them, Gilion was hanging and was struggling to free himself from something behind him.

For some reason, he felt so weak and his mana was being sucked. Even lifting his hand was difficult now. It was the sign of Mana Deficiency!

"What bull—shit is thisss…" he said in a weak voice.

Even Harou and the others were the same. Lyka was able to free herself before the creature fully sucked her mana. Thanks to her summon who clawed the creature. But it flew away before the claws hit it.

She then helped her cousin to get rid of the black creature sticking from his back. She wondered what it was. But no doubt about it, she knew that only that person could make such creatures. In fact, at this moment only that person and his comrades were not attacked by these creatures.

She also noticed the other creatures flocked above him. Looks like they were so happy and waiting for his order.

Her initial thought about him was right. He wasn't an ordinary person. They needed to get wary of him.

The battle between demons and skeletons was still ongoing. Both were inside their area of effect. So their numbers were going into the process of 'increase and decrease'. But at this moment, the demons group was being suppressed.

While the two main characters of the battle were still focused on gathering enough mana energy for their attack, the fight between Cinder and Mus was about to start.

Crimson narrowed his eyes. The thing that came out of the Sealing Stone was a huge creature with the body of fire. It looks like a bird. A little smaller than a Hell Chaser but looks fiercer.

On top of that, it was exuding tremendous heat.

Mus who had a broad grin after he transformed into a figure of Venomous Mouse, now was trembling like a scared chick.

"A-A Contracted Xelestial Beast(Celestial Beast)..." he stammered.

Crimson was having a puzzled face. He didn't know what it was.

"I see, now I understand… why those demons were dealt with so easily. And why he and she always had the same increase in points whenever those black summons killed an enemy. And to see such talent. Looks like the Lupine family were hiding something big," the empress stated. "In any case, that guy fufufu his beyond belief. Look at that summons of him. It is even able to use that kind of peak-tier attack," she further giggled.

Ella glanced at her with a face that wanted to ask. But she remained quiet. Cause she too had a slight understanding of the situation.

Not only Mus but the others inside the ruined throne room were also having surprised faces after seeing the Contracted Xelestial Beast.

"N-No-way she was able to get a contract with such a beast?!" It was only below a Sovereign Rank Beast which is the highest.

After the Xelestial FireBird opened its mouth, Mus already turned to ash and disappeared like no Mus in there in the first place. He was wailing like someone being grilled in the scorching fire.

Crimson subconsciously gulped. That Xelestial Beast did not even fire an attack; it only gaped its large beak in front of Mus. Then steam came out of its mouth which turned Mus into nothing.


Everyone gaped.

After killing Mus, Cinder dropped on her knee and the Xelestial Beast turned into a tiny firebird and landed on her head.

"As expected, she wasn't able to control it yet! But good thing that she ran out of mana… if not, all of us might get wiped out," said Ember worriedly.

Without wasting time he rushed towards her and took her.

After taking her to a safe place. Let's end this game.

He lifted his hand towards the huge skeleton. Then all the Winged-Ant hovered over the huge skeleton and turned into little spheres. Countless small spheres were floating above. Then they dove towards the Spherical Bomb of the huge skeleton. But it did not explode. It combined and made the Spherical Bomb bigger. Now it was way bigger than the Headless Boss.

The Headless Boss was sweating upon seeing the Spherical Bomb of his enemy.

After reaching the size that was triple than of the Headless Boss. The skeleton fired it.

The Headless Boss who was already late in making his Spherical Bomb so big had no way but fired his Spherical Bomb also.

However, together with him, the Spherical of the skeleton bulldozed the enemy's Spherical Bomb together with the Headless Boss. It broke a part of the castle and went towards the faraway land. It even pierced the mountain until it exploded.

The sun was seemingly descended as how everyone described the scene.

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