The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 190 - Ranking System

Chapter 190 - Ranking System


In front of them, they saw an Encan person with white hair. And he said something that was not pleasing in their ears.

They could not identify who he was. It was the first time they saw him inside the academy. Although the academy was wide enough to accommodate a whole town, he knew most of the bigshots inside. He even knew many of the unnecessary extras. Yet, this man, he could not remember seeing him before.

Perhaps the guy was just an attention seeker newbie. Unfortunately, it was the type of person that he hated the most. Also, he disliked Encans! They are so arrogant!

He wanted to ignore him but the guy's words won't leave his mind. Czar's eyes narrowed a bit. After advancing to his current position, no one had dared to mock him, especially in front of his friends.. Not just that, it was in the presence of Miss Cinde, the young lady of the Lupine family. It didn't take long for his anger to reflect on his face.

He did all he could to rise to his current rank. Although outside the academy everyone thought he was nothing, an ordinary normie.

Thanks to him being a member of the Lupine family, at least he was living slightly better than the ordinary noble. But that didn't change the fact that in the Lupine family, he was like an extra.

However, here in the academy, he was one of the respected personalities.

If only those people outside knew his rank inside the academy, they would be licking his boots at this moment.

Although the route for glory was a thorny path, he achieved to cross that path. All of it was because of that girl as his inspiration. He wanted to become someone worthy of the hand of the Lupine family's young lady.

Cinde was from the Main House of Lupine family, while he was from the branch.

And because he was a shy person, he could not even open a conversation with her. One time that he had strengthened his resolve and decided to converse with her, but her twin brother came saying that she wasn't interested in talking with other people. Not even he as her twin brother could open a conversation with her.

Ember told him that Cinde once said that the man she liked was the strong and mysterious type. It happened when he was 7 years old. After hearing it, he isolated himself from the others and focused himself on the training, to control his fire magic and increase his magical energy. Now that he finally achieved the 5-Star False Path Expert, he had all the magic aura and full control of his fire spell.

After coming to the academy, he joined one of the Knights and Magic Departments, the Mighty Solus Department. It was rank 3rd in all Knights and Magic Departments. The members consisted of all Wolfmen Demihumans.

Because of his commendable performance in the department, his position in the Mighty Solus Department took a big leap. Now he was one of their captains.

And no one dared to say bad things against him as it was inviting a direct challenge towards the whole Mighty Solus Department.

"Is this guy sick in the head? Hehehe!" One of them uttered then chuckled after.

"Hehe, let me teach this idiot when to open his mouth, Captain."

Czar's friends were shaking their heads towards the pitiful person in front of them. But Czar did not join their fun of taunting the person in front of him because the guy was wearing a grin on his face while looking at him with disdain.

He wanted to wipe-out the shit out of his face. No, he wanted to erase the man's face.

Czar's mouth slowly opened.

"You-u, who are you-u?" He asked in a shaky voice. It was the kind of voice when a person was angry. 

The pressure around him started to become heavy. Some spec of dust hovered in the air, going away from Czar and his group. Even the temperature around him rose terribly.

Yman could even see flames that started to dance on Czar's right hand. His flame was a little identical to Ember but fiercer.

Czar took a step forward; his feet broke the lying wooden door in an instant. Then the flame was now covering his hand.

'5-Star False Path Expert?' Yman thought upon noticing the small wave of energy on his hand. But even with the little amount of magical energy(mana), he was using, it was already enough to shake the entire building of Alchemy's Little Garden Department.

His friends took a step backward while grinning at the white-haired Encan.

"What a fool!"

"Tsk, he tried to anger the captain. This guy is crazy."

"Let me handle him, Captain! No need to waste your energy on someone like him," said the person who was standing close to Czar. But he didn't reply.

Czar's friends started to mock the white-haired Encan. All of them were thinking that the white-haired Encan will wet his pants later on.

Airi blinked her eyes warily. She was wondering what Crimson was doing. She glanced at Ella who was sitting on the sofa, in front of her.

But Ella was wholly isolated herself by the current situation. She could not do a thing about it. This academy's rule was different from the others.

Even the professor was nothing against a student if the ranking between their departments were too wide of a gap. 

In Rea's mind, 'too unlucky, Crimson didn't know about this rule. Then again, he came here as her guard and not as a student.'

After sending an eye to Crimson, she continued seeping her tea.

Next, Airi glanced at Cinde who was sitting beside Ella. She was having a hesitant face. She must be at a loss of what to do.

"This is bad, Miss Cinde, Miss Ella…" said Airi in worry.

Ella just glanced at her and didn't say anything.

On the contrary, "Uh? W-What do you mean, Airi?"

"Czar is a high-ranking member of The Department of Knight and Magic!" Airi exclaimed.

"A high-ranking?" Cinde repeated in an unbelievable face. 'How was that person able to acquire such feats?' She thought.

Although she was absent since the first day, her brother would occasionally tell her his gallant success whenever he won a battle. He was a boastful person after all. So she had a little understanding of the academy rankings and departments.

Airi knew about Czar. He was one of the leading members of the Knight and Magic Mighty Solus Department.

In this academy, all the students could fight in the 5D Arena, it was also known as the 5th Dimension Arena. A virtual stage where students contest with their strengths. They could fight monsters in there or fight the other students. It's up to their choices.

However, for a student to fight there, they must have an appropriate amount of points. And those points would increase whenever a student beat their opponent.

The students will rank based on their win rate and the number of points they hold. Thus, the student scores are also reflected in the Department's ranking.

Each department must show results for them to earn points. Every department could earn points through the battle by strength, minds, and even in research results. It was all done by the members only. The professors and instructors were only there to guide them.

The academy was encouraging the students and even the professors and all the staff to become productive. Not even the student council was exempted by this rule or even the principal.

Everyone could replace the other departments when the highest council deemed your department as unproductive. The worst-case scenario was being kicked out of the academy.

And the Alchemy's Little Garden Department was one of the departments that received a red tag.

The red tag was a warning for disbanding.

Before Yman could open his mouth, "Crimson, don't!"

Cinde shouted. She wanted to do something to stop them from fighting.

When Czar heard it, he felt a conflicted feeling inside him. He stole a glance at Cinde and saw her looking in their direction. No, she was looking at the back of the person in front of him.

The way she looked at him was different from the way she looked at others.

It was written in her eyes.

Also, why Cinde came to this place in the first place? She was best suited at the Knight and Magic Departments. Not in this Alchemy-shit department! Especially the Little Garden-shit department!

Czar was grumbling and stared at the person in front of him.

Airi was sweating, she glanced at the professor, but the professor was weirdly silent. And even Miss Ella did too.

The professor was wondering about this young man that Ella trusted to become her bodyguard.

"Heh!" Instead of feeling afraid, they heard him scoffed at Czar.

Czar's countenance going for the worst as more veins showing in his eyes and pulses appearing on his face.

Airi and Cinde widened their eyes. 

In a split second, 


They heard a dull sound.

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