The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 258 - Heading Back...

Chapter 258 - Heading Back...

After quite some time, Empress Eleanna finally released them. Now they are flying above the wide-range plain land, heading towards the Encantasia Campus. Yman needed to retrieve the 70 percent finished Body Tampering elixir of Airi.

"By the way Crimson, why is it named Tampering instead of Tempering?" The girl beside him, Princess Merea Ella, asked with wonder regarding the name of the elixir.

Yman glanced an eye to her. "The answer is simple. Because as the name suggested, it doesn't make the body stronger or heal it. In fact, it makes the body worse and even the person who will use it will suffer a breakdown and severe pain…" he replied without explaining any further.


Rea was stunned after hearing his reply. She wondered if Crimson and Airi had something in their heads for creating such a medicine. What are they planning to do with this elixir? It's clearly dangerous! She thought..

Noticing Rea's stunned face, "It will get rid of the affected area by the illness, inside the person's body, that could not be pinpointed even by the advanced technologies…" he continued saying but it only worsened Rea's impression towards the elixir. She knew about the advanced technologies of humans, but even with such technologies, there were always unbeatable circumstances.

"Hmm, getting rid? Do you mean the body parts? Won't the patient be put in a bad situation? Or perhaps even die?" Rea with a frown fired multiple questions to Crimson.

Still, he had an unperturbed face from her questions. "Mhm," he nodded. "Yes, the patient will be put in danger, however…"


Rea was having an unamused face. But Crimson wasn't finished.

" only will happen in an instant," he added. Then continued by giving an analogy, "It was the same as how a rotten fruit couldn't be reverted back to its fresh state with conventional means. Therefore, the only solution was to throw it and get another one. Yeah, to reform the affected parts, such as blood, tissues, and etcetera, the healer must be beside the patient and ready to act right after the Body Tampering elixir took effect. Since the cause of the illness wasn't by ordinary disease, the only solution was to get rid of the cause and the affected area." 

But even so, it didn't give a good impression to Rea. "What the-!" She exclaimed. Then added, "Why does this sound like, if you are tired of your girlfriend, then break up and find another one! Hmph!" Crimson was stunned after hearing her. But in Rea's mind, 'Is this guy for real?!'

Crimson wondered why Rea was pursing her lips from his explanation. He was just giving an analogy though. Maybe he explained it wrongly? Regardless, why she was giving her own analogy? And it was about girlfriend to boot. He decided to ignore it as he was an inexperienced man. Oh, boy. Poor Crimson.

"I mean… you need to get rid of the unreformable parts to re—" he tried to explain more but he was stopped.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." She said, unwilling to listen further while trying to ponder about his words but her face still showed an unamused expression towards him.

".....", he fell silent, wondering if she was mad at him or what. Did he do something wrong? His thinking came to a halt when Rea opened her mouth once again.

"So by destroying the affected area of the illness, it also opens a path for healing?"


He nodded.

"Still, this idea isn't a good bet." Rea knew the danger of the person who took it. "What if—"

Now, it's Rea's turn to get silent when Crimson suddenly interrupts her by saying, "Don't worry, the Body Tampering elixir is not only about destroying the affected part without taking into account the safety of the one who consumes it." He knew her worry as he too was worried about the same thing. What if the person who took it died in an instant? It was in their minds while synthesizing the elixir. Of course, it wasn't like Airi and Crimson made this elixir on a whim and without precaution. They tried it on various subjects until the success rate reached a favorable percent while at the same time taking into account the safety of the consumer.

"What do you mean?"

Yman raised an index finger. "The Body Tampering elixir also preserves the soul, body, and mind of the person to avoid the direct effect(dying) of losing some critical parts of the body."

Rea was surprised and fell silent as she was pondering once again. Indeed, if these three major components of the human aspect were sealed for a couple of seconds, there was a high possibility of avoiding the direct outcome of dying when a person took the Body Tampering elixir. With this, the healer had sufficient time to cast healing magic and reform all the affected areas in the consumer's body.

Perhaps Crimson and Airi used the negative effect of the elixir by overturning it to their advantage. Such as that. Hmm… these two really—

"Hold on tight!"



Rea's pondering came to a halt once more when suddenly Crimson shouted a warning. Following it, the Hell Chaser Giant Bird dove, and a streak of yellowish magical energy passed overhead.

"What?!" Rea reflexively muttered, out of surprise. Then she glanced behind them.

"Idiot, don't hit the princess! I said, hit the bird!"

"I'm sorry boss…"

Behind them, Rea noticed some people standing on a flying stick while chasing them. About 10 of them, all of them were wearing black clothes all over their body. Probably to hide their identity. Well, it was understandable since they were inside the empire.

Though no need to guess who these people are.

Yman just sent a glance behind then returned his guessed forward. Without looking back again, he lifted his hand and opened his Cyber storage, then let out some first model crimson-colored bee fire dolls.

The crimson-colored bees produced buzzing sounds as they came out from his Cyber Storage. They immediately flew and approached the chasing people in black clothing.

"Boss, something's coming!" Seeing the flock of insects that were hastily coming to meet them, one of the chasing people yelled out a warning.

"Heh! Are you afraid of insects? Go home and eat shit, dumbass!" 

"Eh?!" The former went silent in a tight lip.

The person in the middle, who was also in the lead, shouted annoyingly and gave a command while also firing magical attacks to the fast-approaching flock of insects.

The bees dispersed in time and successfully evaded the lightning attack. It passed in the middle without hitting a single target.

"Dammit, what with these insects!" Muttered the leader in annoyance. In any case, why they suddenly appeared from out of nowhere.

Just then, his subordinates also start their attacks. Different types of magical energies of different elements were fired to the flock of bees.

Some of the attacks were able to hit one or two insects. Well, bees weren't scary tho. So none of them were serious enough to get rid of them.

However, when the bees got close to them, they were bombarded by sting needles coming from the bees.


The leader groaned in astonishment, but it was already too late. Never they imagined that these bees could fire those needles.

Yman once again glanced behind and saw the figures of the enemies falling from their flying staves.

Looks like some low-level goons only. He thought. Then the giant Hell Chaser Bird howled and sped up towards the campus.

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