The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 291 - Special Type Of Magic

Chapter 291 - Special Type Of Magic

Jugo was so mad that his first attack ended in a failure. And he was even madder that more seconds already passed. His intention of defeating his enemy in a second was just empty words now.

He proudly declared to his friends that he would become the participant with the shortest time in winning the round, and yet! He made a blunder to himself for failing to accomplish what he declared. He disliked to admit it, but. He became a man of no one word. Because of it, the trust value they had to him would be lowered considerably. As a man from a prideful race, the wolfman, this blunder brought a huge impact on himself. Rei-Rei and the others knew about it. They believed that Jugo was thinking along that line at the very moment. It was useless even if they would tell him that they were not thinking like that at him. The only way to lessen the negative feeling he had at the moment was to redeem himself by winning. Though it would never totally lift the heavy feeling he had, at the very least, it could subside a little.

He knew he could not take back what he already spat. But to redeem himself from the embarrassment from his failure, he must defeat his opponent in a single attack!

Regardless, his opponent did not take advantage when he was in a slight daze. Jugo thought that maybe this opponent of his knew that even if he did it, it was still useless. Their gap in magical and physical strength was just too vast.historical

The others, especially Instructor Goki, found it weird as well that Yman did not take advantage of the situation. He knew how clever of a person Yman was. But soon, they noticed the natural smile on Yman's mouth.

'Damn! Is he looking down on me?!' Jugo asked himself, full of anger. Even a pulse in cross-shaped emerged on his face. Never had anyone dared to look down on him. As a prideful wolfman, it was a big provocation to him. Anger surged up from within him.

If his main goal a while ago was to finish his opponent in an instant, now it is different. He wanted him to suffer a bit of pain.

"YAAAHHHR!!!" Dense mana burst out from his body along with a warcry.

In just a blink of an eye, his figure disappeared once again. Everyone saw claw marks left in the air, from his previous location towards his opponent. The audience held their breaths in a second before a loud cheer reverberated.


"Finally, done…" muttered the second wolfman in Rei-Rei's party.

After seeing the quick and powerful attack of Jugo, they expected that it was a sure-win attack. They also saw Jugo's enemy frozen in his position. It was those types of scenes that the animation of getting sliced came late. Jugo, on the other hand, skidded a few steps. But when he stopped, they noticed a puzzled expression on his face while staring at his hand or perhaps he was staring at his claws. But why is that?

"Eh? Why does he look like that?" Sonya asked.

Rei-Rei widened her eyes, "Wait, could it be…" she muttered. Right after saying it, they saw Yman run towards Jugo. It wasn't a strong or fast punch but it connected on Jugo's face!? They couldn't believe it!


Crissssss… Crasssss!

Jugo was sent sliding and rolling on the stage floor.

"How that weak-looking punch had so much power to send his opponent flying!" Sunday exclaimed. Everyone around her turned silent and glanced at her. "Uh… Lady S--"

Jack tried to call out at her, but Sunday already noticed she reacted overly. "EH? S-sorry…" she bowed and said sorry. Everyone was as curious as to her. They also wondered how that young man was able to survive that quick attack from his opponent. It wasn't only once, but twice already. Could it be that the wolfman had bad eyesight? But even if they had bad eyesight they could reinforce it using their high sensory in sniffing.

"What just happened?"

"I thought I saw it when the wolfman clawed his enemy."

"Me too."

"I thought it was the end of the fight."

The audience was noisily whispering to each other.

Inside the security room, Ice was narrowing her eyes before a smile broke out from her mouth. "I am right, he wasn't an ordinary person. It must be the reason why his deity looks like that."

Ice was currently in charge of monitoring the surrounding area. Currently, she is surrounded by monitors. And displayed in the monitors was the surrounding area of the city. The instructor who was supposed to be in charge of this task was called out by her favorite Elder, Elder Paan. And so, that old hag asked her to take the role for a time being. Ice could only cry as Elder Paan dragged her by the collar when she tried to escape. Well, what can she do against an elder? It was like comparing a baby to an adult. All the same though.

Although Ice realized how Yman was able to avoid his opponent's attack, it still puzzled her. He knew Yman was using the skill of his deity, the One Second Invisibility! Exactly as the name implied, it turned the user invisible but for a second only. Imp was known for being a great illusionist. They are one of the rulers of dark power.

But even if Yman used the invisibility ability, he should still be hittable by his opponent. It didn't turn him into air or erase his physical body or bring him into a different dimension; the invisibility ability could only hide his figure which was still capable of getting hurt.

"He used his Time Warp ability in a split second after his figure turned invisible," Rea explained to Yana who was puzzled as to why her brother wasn't hurt by the enemy's attack.

Yana was staring at Rea with a surprised face. "T-Time Warp?" She could not believe that her brother could use such an ability that only the special magicians could use. C-could it be her brother was one of the Mo-moderators? Moderators are individuals who could use special types of magic such as Time, Space, Illusion, Creation, Distraction, and Manipulation. Although it was long ago, she could still remember the words of her personal instructor at that time.

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