The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 326 - Two Methods Of Enchantment

Chapter 326 - Two Methods Of Enchantment

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Brai continued advancing towards Kiko. He was coming closer and closer to him.

"Oh, so you are persisting, huh! Interesting! Come and seek your death then!" Kiko scoffed. He initially thought it would be enough to intimidate Brai. But looked like it wasn't as Brai still coming towards him. Kiko raised his hand in the air while impishly laughing.


"Now, take this!"

"Fireball Barraaaaaage!"

Kiko shouted in an overbearing tone. The hand he raised suddenly flung forward, pointing two of his fingers towards Brai's direction.

Fwoosh~ fwoosh~ fwoosh~

As though the fireballs received his command, they spiraled one after another, like missiles, to where his fingers were pointing, towards Brai's direction.

Seeing the multiple fireballs flying in his direction, Brai held his breath. Then mana erupted from his feet. A geometrical pattern materialized below him. 

All of the onlookers noticed a sudden increase in his speed after it. He became agile and moved like a blurred image.

Everyone questioned what that was. That geometrical pattern.

Even Yman wondered. "Is that an enchantment as well?" He asked in a calm voice but with a tone of doubt.

Hearing it, "Yes." Almina nodded to confirm his guess.

"On his shoes?" He asked once again.

"Nm~!" She shook her head. "On his feet."

Her reply was unexpected to him. It confused and slightly stunned him. Based on his knowledge, enchantment could only be applied to gears and equipment. So, Almina's reply drew a frown on his face.

"Uhm, Yman. There are two different methods of enchantment…" Almina exuberantly started explaining. After noticing his eyes were on her, she had the urge to continue explaining. This is her chance as well to have a casual conversation with him. So Almina felt motivated to answer all his questions and explained them explicitly like an experienced tutor.

Due to her habitual gestures when explaining, she unfolded her smallest finger as she started saying, "The first one is the [Enchantment Mark Method] which is mostly used for the current era. Also known as the modern method. The Enchantment Mark Method could only be applied to modern gears and equipment. No matter if they are costume-made or magical gears and equipment that drops from monsters and magical beasts, enchantment marks can be applied to them."

Yman was staring at her as she was explaining in high spirit. Around them, the others seemed like they understood why Almina was in such a condition. Only Yman did not put any meaning into it. However, there was a mysterious pleasing feeling while listening to her. Though he could not explain what it was or how to express it.

For some reason, his mind suddenly veered away from Almina's words. He was attracted to her lips as she kept on explaining.

Yman slightly shook his head to get rid of the foreign thought that was trying to lure him away from his focus. "I see. How about the second method?" He asked again when he noticed Almina had finished explaining the first method. He wasn't being greedy, he was just hungry for information.

Since Almina knew better than him in regards to it, he had to take advantage. After all, an information broker charges a lot. Though he could also learn it from books. But he had to search for them first. Maybe in the library, there was. He had to spend some time reading then if ever he had a spare time.

While Almina started explaining the second method, their eyes were already on the monitor. They saw Brai rapidly cutting all the fireballs that came in close contact with him. And also dodging some of them.

Almina once again unfolded another finger. "The second method is [Enchantment Spell Method]..."

Although Yman's eyes were on the monitor, 50% of his focus was on Almina's words. Also, he asked Sistela to record all her words if ever he missed something important.

All of them were already in their resonance, so none of their deities could be seen leisurely sitting on every part of their body, usually on their shoulder, head, hands, and sometimes floating beside them.

Almina continued her explanation while the battle on stage became so heated. There were even some audience members who stood up from their seats while cheering.

"Contrary to the first method, the second method is also known as the ancient method. And it can only be applied to the person's body."

"Hm, that is new to me," this is truly new to him. Yman had no idea that such a method existed. It was also the reason that he was baffled when Almina told him that Brai cast an enchantment on his feet and not on his shoes.


She glanced at Yman then continued her explanation. "This method is difficult to master and required to recite the complex spell."

"Does that mean the modern method is much better?" Jamie, who became interested in their topic, suddenly chimed in.

Almina shook her head. "Honestly, if I give my honest opinion, the second method is more practical to use and much better for me."

"Oh, why is that?" This time, Jami and Yman asked the same question at the same time.

The two glanced at each other and smiled. Yman, on the other hand, had a bitter smile.

Almina sighed. "Because the ancient method can be activated with less mana needed than the modern method."

"So, the ancient method is better, then," this time, it was only Jami who said it. Yman had different thoughts.

Almina showed a bitter smile. "Uh, Jami, I said it's only based on my opinion. But it doesn't mean that everyone will agree to it. Remember that each method has pros and cons. Although the ancient method needed less mana to activate, it was also much slower to cast compared to the modern enchantment in which there's no need to recite a spell. The equipment or gears with enchantment marks engraved to it just needed to eat your mana to activate whatever kinds of enchantment ability was in there."

"I see, thank you for explaining, lead. You're the best!" Jami said sorry while at the same time hugged Almina from the back.

Yman noted that Jami was someone with a high-spirited personality. But he had to admire Almina. Although sometimes she seemed like a dork, on some affairs she was knowledgeable.. No wonder she was chosen as the leader of the elite class.

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