The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 60 - Mysterious Magician

Chapter 60 - Mysterious Magician

"Since Mister, only buy it for 50 gold points I guess I can't sell it here," Yman said while trying to sound regretful.


"Wait, Kid!" Shouted the man at the counter. The man has narrowed eyes, a little beard and long black hair that is tied at the back of his head.

When he saw the object in the hand of Yman, he almost choked himself in regrets.

Common quality core had gray-ash color, and the blue inner core is for rare quality materials. .

Whereas, Wanderer monsters were known for their high-quality Inner Core. Only this kind of monster or beast had such purple color of Inner Core.

"No way, who wanted to sell such high-quality materials for 50 gold points." Yman rebutted as he tried to leave the shop.

Regardless, if he could not sell it here, he would just find another buyer through online trading. Although it was riskier. More scammers nowadays online. He could also let the barracks sell it for him. That was part of the agreement. But, Yman wanted to avoid causing trouble to himself.

It was known that the weakest Wanderer beasts were as strong as level 10 magicians. So if Yman went into the barracks and showed the material to them. He was certain that they would rain him with questions.

How did he get it? How did he kill the monster? Such things are very troublesome for him.

So his only choice was to sell it in a buy and sell store.

"Wait, kid, I'm just joking a while ago, hahaha." The man at the counter said as he clapped his hands near his face and showed a delightful smile.

In his mind, if he succeeded in buying the purple core, he could gain a huge sum of money in return. After all, the purple inner core was one of the rarest cores among all the monster cores.

And this core is hard to gather. Since Wanderer monster or beast tends to roam all over the place looking for victims to be preyed upon. They fought humans, Demi humans, beasts, or monsters alike.

They were the hunters who did not choose which enemy to kill, even monsters of the same species as them.

More on that, they became stronger as they won every fight. So it's hard to kill them. Since they could also use some unique abilities.

"No Mister, I could not trust someone who tried to swindle me just a moment ago. *Sigh!*" Yman replied with a sigh.

"No no, kid, listen up, I-It's just a misunderstanding. We can come up with the right price. I may even extend 10% of the price of your low-quality materials. Just sell that purple core to me. Ahaha, but of course I needed to check it first if it's real or not."

Said the man.

|10% my ass!| Yman yelled in his mind. This man certainly from a secret fraud society. "But, Mister, your minimum price for low-quality materials is 50 gold points per gram only. However, the original price is 100 gold points per gram. Isn't that still a scam even if you added 10% on it?"


The man was speechless. Looks like he was unveiled.

"Ahaha, no no no, what I mean is 100 gold points per gram. With an addition of 10% for you as a good customer! Hahaha. How about that kid? Wanna do a partnership with me?"

He really did not know how this kid acquired such high-quality material. But he needed it. Even if he added 10-20 percent in every gram of low-quality materials he could still earn a lot of money if he managed to resell the purple core into another buyer.

Yman sighed. He certainly knew what this man was thinking. But his offer was good enough for him. As long as he bought the purple core at its original price. And he could sell his low-quality materials at a slightly higher price. This offer is good enough. But he was certain that this man would flee after that. So that the partnership he mentioned of about a 10% increase in all his low-quality materials would render invalid after this one-time deal.

"Hmm... 10% was not enough. Still too low than the income you may get from reselling the purple core." Since this man already thought of escaping after this one deal. He should try to increase the price somehow.

'F*** this kid!' The man shouted in his mind.

"S-Sorry kid but, I could only give you a 10% increase. And besides, it's not easy to sell materials nowadays." He replied.

'Hehe. Too bad kid. You don't know about business! While you are still going, I'm already returning! That's the gap of knowledge in business the two of us had. Hehehe!' His real thought.

Before Yman could reply...


His MTMD made a vibrating noise. "Oh, sorry Mister, I got a call from a friend." He said and picked the device that was stored in his trousers pocket.

"No problem kid, just go on." The man said at him with a smile.

No matter what, it's just a call though. What he was most concerned about was the purple core.


"Hello, Bob?" Yman said in a normal volume which the man at the counter could hear him.

"Yes, Yes!"


"Is that true?"

The man was wiping the glass with a delighted smile on his face. Waiting for the kid's call to finish.

"A merchant from the empire will be coming here next week and wanted to buy low-quality materials with a 20% increased in price?!" Suddenly, Yman yelled in surprise.

The man's smile suddenly froze upon hearing it. 'The heck, is it true? A merchant from the empire?' The counterman could not believe.

"Really?" Yman continued talking on his MTMD.

"Yeah, that's good news!"

"What? That's not all?" While Yman was talking, the surprise of his face was very literal.

"He is also buying rare and high-quality materials with a 30 percent increase?!"

The counterman had sweats forming on his face. Looks like his plan will be ruined.

"Damn, that merchant sure thing is a rich man." historical

The man was thinking of who was this merchant? If it's true, then the more he needed to buy the purple core before that damn merchant came here.

Actually, before the change in price was announced to the public. The legislation would give a margin of 1 - 2 weeks prior, before it would announced to the public.

Just last night he received a message from one of his trusted friends working in the commissioner department that there would be an increase in price for all the high-quality materials because of low supply and high demands. The price would increase two-times the original price.

So it was only natural that some of the merchants would send their people into the other cities to scout for some high-quality materials. So what this kid said wasn't really illogical.

More sweats were surfacing on the man's forehead as he thought of money slipping from his hands.

"Okay, Bob, I guess I'll wait for that merchant."

Yman said with delight. It was evident that he was grateful for the news he got.

But before he ended the call, the man growled and said that he would increase the price higher than the merchant.

A smirk silently appeared on Yman's mouth as he said, "Sorry, Bob, I've got a better deal here, so I may pass for now with the merchant's offer." He said and ended the call."

On the other side, Bob was having a stunned and puzzled face. He called Yman to ask him about the Open Forum tomorrow. But Yman was talking about something he could not understand.

Yman was thankful for Bob's timing at calling him.

Actually, Yman already knew about the price hike. It was easy to figure out, online. Because some of the dealers seemed to be improperly increasing the price of high-quality materials in the online market. And even so, the price increased, the material still sold out in no time.

In the online market, almost all of the products were being posted there repeatedly. So it was easy to figure out which materials are lacking.

But these past days, there were no high-quality materials being posted. So Yman had guessed that something was amiss.

Finally, Yman was able to sell the purple crystal with a 50% price increase, 30% on rare quality materials, and 20% to low-quality materials. Yet he believed that the man at the counter was still able to get a good commission after he resells those materials.

Although, it depends on his business strategy. After proving that the materials were genuine the deal was concluded.

Actually, Yman had more rare materials and low quality than those two high-quality.

If he wanted to gain more, he just needed to wait for a few days when the price-hike will be announced. But he needed money now. He had to finish his mission before the time limits. And needed to buy a Level 2 Syringe of Advancement for him to advance into Level 2.

Before he left the store, the man in the counter asked him if how he got the purple core. Since he could not believe that such an unhealthy and sick-looking person could manage to kill a Wanderer monster. And the kid did not look strong no matter how the man looked at him.

Yman forced a dry laugh. Fortunately, he remembered about the mysterious girl Miss Ice. He replied saying, "A mysterious magician just asked me to run an errand." After scratching the back of his head he finally left the store.

The man was puzzled though. But, anyway, he did not give care on it and just pushed it at the back of his mind. Then he hastily contacted some business partners.

Yman next went to the smithing shop. And asked for an item that suits the ability the Magic Cryst holds.

It was the same round person who was at the counter when he first came here. When he entered, that person was sitting on the chair in the same position as before. With his face covered with the straw hat and his deity was resting on top of his bulging belly.

When he showed the Magic Cryst, the man finally took an interest and stood up. Then he took the Cryst from Yman and examined it. Probably he was appraising it.

Yman's guess when he first came here was proven right. The man was really wearing an eyepatch with the design of an eye. The eye design was familiar to him though. Similar to the eye on his teacher's mask.

He wanted to ask but he assumed that he would not get a truthful reply.

The fat man asked him to come back tomorrow because he would prepare the item. Then he returned the Magic Cryst to Yman. It would be attached tomorrow when the item was ready. But before he left, the man measured Yman's hand first.

After leaving the smithing shop, he directly went to the market and bought some food and other stuff.

After buying all the stuff needed. He directly rode on a carriage.

Yman was contemplating while inside the carriage.

|*Sigh!* Going on the market was so tiring, huh. Wait, I have something I need to do. To order a level 2 Syringe of Advancement.| He thought and then took his MTMD. He directly brows on the main website of Seeker's Association.

|Not only the Seeker Association fought against monsters. They were also one of the most trusted suppliers of Syringe of Advancement.

After issuing my order, I will only need to wait 5 hours for the item to arrive. Of course, I was filling up some forms before the order was made. Since, they must know my address.|

|Oh, right. I have to buy a head part for Sistela. This will be helpful to appraise the monster's strength. After all, it is useful to know the enemy's capability in a fight.|

After several minutes,

"Welcome back, bro!" Yana greeted him with a warm smile.

"I'm back," Yman replied and sat beside her then patted her head.

<Fuh~> Someone came out from the kitchen. Yman glanced and saw Sistela. She was keeping the laundry into the restroom and boiled some water.

<I need my salary!> Sistela shouted. Actually, she just recovered her battery and now she had to do the house chores.

Yman chuckled. Although Sistela was sometimes mean to him. But she was a big help to him and his sister.

"Don't worry, My Deity, your head is coming." He said with a grin.

<P-Partner, the way you said it, is somewhat scary.>

"Ehehe, he was only teasing you, Sister Sistela."

Yana chuckled.

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