The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 71 - Not Made For The Better

Chapter 71 - Not Made For The Better

Later, after Yman and Sistela came out of the Underground Channel, he checked on his mobile device and noticed that there were many new mails in it. He turned it silent before entering the channel so as not to distract him while he was fighting.

He wondered if it was from Yana or Ms. Pai who sent him the messages. He hoped nothing bad happened to his Sister. But when he saw the sender, he sighed in relief.

That anonymous again...

He disregarded it and didn't bother checking the content of the message as it was probably another prank again.

This was what he believed in..

Together with his deity, they went back to the hotel room where they were staying.

When Yman and Sistela entered their room, they saw Yana soundlessly sleeping on the bed. Yman immediately went to take a bath as he was smelling bad.

On the other hand, Sistela flew beside Yana and went into sleeping mode; initially, she wanted to tell her of what happened today.

After a refreshing bath, he wore a white T-shirt paired with pants; then, he walked beside the bed and pulled the blanket up to Yana's shoulder. His lips extended into a warm smile as he watched his Sister's serene face while it was sleeping.

After turning off the light to dim the inside, he glanced outside and saw the blue skies and the drifting clouds. There were also some weird looking birds flying at the cloud's level. They flew towards the distance together with their peers.

The beautiful scenery captivates him. He walked towards the window to open it and permit the fresh air inside. Also, to illuminate the room with its natural brilliance, and at the same time, to peek outside and to have a clear full view of this mysterious world.

His messy brown hair danced slightly when the wind passed through the opened window and caressed his skin.

Gazing through it, he saw some people riding giant birds coming from the left and flying towards his direction in haste. Each of the birds was carrying one person. He also noticed some objects besides them, lying horizontally on the bird's back, which Yman assumed were pieces of luggage.

Each of them was flying not so high.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...!

A moment later, they passed by at the height of a hotel's window on the third floor, where Yman presently was gazing through from the inside.

Yman's eyes widened a bit when the laying objects that he initially thought as luggage were not really as he thought.

Human corpse?! He exclaimed in surprise.

Hmm...probably not, he instantly retracted his initial thought when he noticed that one of the laying people twitches her face. Likely, she was in pain.

However, whether they were all conscious or not, he had no idea.

Each of the birds was carrying one person laying and tied on top of the bird behind the person who was maneuvering the birds or also known as the pilot.

Yman also noticed the solemn expressions worn by each of the pilots.

Do they belong to the junior or senior trainees? He had to question himself. Since based on their faces, they don't look old, and likely, just a little older than him.

Yman was marveling at what really happened to them.

Wait... aren't they in a group? So maybe they were on a mission and encountered a fierce beast. They even looked so worn out.

He was pondering, and thought, how scary it was outside the city. He saw their back become tiny and tinier as they rapidly flew towards the distance which he assumed to be the direction of the hospital.

Yman sighed and was about to leave when in an instance, the corner of his eyes caught something from his left side again.

Before his head could fully glance to his left, his eyes widened in disbelief when a streaking azure light straightforwardly trailed to chase those people on the birds.

The azure light traveled rapidly and in an instance, it was already in front of his face. His mind went blank for half a second.

Then, Yman felt a bad premonition and immediately leaped over his sister and shielded her using his body.

A sound similar to fireworks reached his ears when the streak of light passed by the window and went towards the distance.

However, since it passed relatively close to the windows of the hotel's third floor, the pressure it was emitting broke the glass windows of the hotel rooms.

It was followed by a loud explosion. People's jarring shouts from the outside reached his ears. But it seemed he didn't hear it.

Because at the moment, some shards flew towards Yman and pierced on his back. Blood immediately spurted on the wounds and from his mouth.



Because of the loud rustling noises, Yana and Sistela woke up abruptly at the same time.



Both called out to him when they saw him above them. Yana and Sistela were puzzled and flabbergasted. However, the two of them froze upon seeing him bloodied all over.

"Cough, cough, cough...!" Yman coughed blood and stained Yana's face and the blanket.

"I - I am fine..." he tried to sound as fine as he could so not to worry his sister.

Yana's lips and eyes trembled, "B-Bro, y-your b-bleeding..." she said with a grim expression. Her heart immediately beats rapidly, and it suffocates her. Summed up with her trauma from the past; her vision abruptly becomes blurry and she feels strong dizziness attacking her.

A second later, because of her weak resistance of seeing blood from her family member, and having a weak constitution, she blackout.


"Sistela resonance!" Yman shouted immediately after lifted out most of the shards. Blood splattered from Yman's mouth.

Sistela though puzzled, forthwith agreed to him.

After shouted resonance, he noticed his health points barely made him alive. Perhaps he felt it too.

The DIP or photonocules instantly did their rules. Retracing the most lethal wounds and avoiding it from further blood loss. Even the damaged organs were reformed.

Yet he forced his hand to pull out the broken glass shards that stuck on his back.

Then without wasting time, he cast his healing ability multiple times.

A couple of seconds later, he finally felt better. The DIP could only avoid him from dying as long as his health points still did not reach zero percent, but it could not heal wounds — or can it replenish his health points? The answer is a flat 'No'.

"Y-Yana?" Yman's voice was trailed with sorrow when he noticed his sister was unconscious.

"H-Hey, Yana?" He called out again.

"Yana! Yana!" He called out again and again while shaking her. He was afraid since Yana was covered by the blood.

<She's fine, just unconscious!> Sistela notified him.

Yman immediately checked her breathing and figured that she was indeed breathing. Then he scanned if she was hurt by the shards. Thankfully she wasn't.

Yman speculated that it must be traumatic for her to see him in such a state a while ago. Therefore, it causes her to faint.

He sighed in relief but he needed to do something.

The glass shards flew around when he lifted the blanket away. Then he carried his sister towards the sofa. He gets rid of some shards on it by kicking them.

But before he began placing her on the sofa,

Woosh, woosh, woosh...!

Yman glanced through the broken window and saw five people with their bodies covered in dark blue clothing. Each of them was riding a giant bird. It was the first time he saw such a bird. With a long neck, pointed red beak, fierce-looking eyes, and in red feathers.

"Hehehe. Those weaklings truly run fast with their tails like scared chickens!"

"Heh! Just as I thought, this city's academy magicians were a bunch of cowards."

"Boss, shall we made an artistic explo—"

The third person didn't finish his words when he saw a young man carrying a young unconscious girl on his arms inside the broken windows of one of the hotel rooms.

"Bleeeeeeeh!" He then sent middle fingers on both hands while tucking out his tongue towards the young man.


Each of them glanced at the young man and grinned wickedly.


"Gyahahahahaha!!!" historical


Yman saw their taunts before their silhouette went when they passed by; leaving behind their hideous peals of laughter.

His eyes were hidden behind his messy and bloodied bangs.

He felt a strong desire. The same desire that he wanted to forget. A desire for revenge.

Then a wicked smile appeared on his mouth. He tried to change for the better. But maybe he was not made for the better.


Black smoke was oozing from his feet.

<P-Partner? I - I felt s-something w-was w-weird w-with m-m-my s-s-system...> Sistela's voice was like a broken machine.

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