The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 94 - The New Beggining

Chapter 94 - The New Beggining

Wearing her tracksuit, Ice jogged early in the morning. Sealing herself inside the underground channel, she felt her body turn stiff.

Last night she had to write a 5 pages long report. It was about how the rift appears in that area. It was because that time she was in seclusion for her advancement. At first, she was able to guide the medicine to her mana output then directly to her mana source which was the Hollow Cell.

Then something happened after — that endangered her life. A massive amount of mana ironically burst out from her Hollow Cell. She didn't expect that her advancement would lead to a sudden increase in mana. A dense and massive amount of mana bursts out and almost ruptures her mana outputs.

In order to ascertain her safety, she released the mana from her body by letting it flow outside, through every pore of her body. Because of this, the mana scattered all over the place.. Then it causes a ripple in the space. It was followed by the formation of the rift.

Ice gaped seeing it, it was a very low chance that such a rift would occur. Yet it happened in front of her.

Ice immediately used her ice mirror skill to cover the entrance in order to avoid monsters or any kind of hostile creatures to pass through from it, if ever there is.

But not only that, but she also felt another presence baring an enormous pressure that was trying to take advantage of the ripples, it was the demon.

 Unfortunately though for the demon, when he invaded, the rift had been covered by an ice mirror already. It was a high-level magic spell for sealing.

However, Ice knew that it wasn't enough to entangle the demon. So she decided to borrow a spellbook from the library to use it as the medium.

Before she left the underground channel, she used a super high-level spell to assure that the excess mana would not overflow to the outside of that room.

It was also the reason why the room was covered with ice crystals.

And that's what happened at that time. But Ice didn't write it in the report. And she didn't tell about the hidden body of the demon inside the rift for personal reasons.

Maybe because of the hype that everyone was feeling at the moment, but no one asked her about it or even mentioned it. Later she would sell the demon's body secretly. Ice couldn't help getting excited at how much money she would receive from it.

"Hehehe." She giggled.

Actually, she felt more exhausted in writing a report than sealing that demon for three months.

She wondered if those oldmen loved bullying their lonely beautiful ace in the academy.

Around the city, in every corner, she noticed the pictures of the mysterious black magician were being posted. No one knew who he was. But he was a handsome guy, Although, his face was a little similar to that fledgling trainee. However, this black magician was a very handsome guy and that person although not ugly, wasn't as handsome as the black magician. Maybe because he was so thin.

She also noticed that the picture had a message saying, "Mr. Black Magician, the city officials hereby announced to reward you for your successive help in protecting the city from the attackers in the recent events. Each of the officials wishes to speak with you, kind sir. And thus, you are given a 2% commission reward from the labyrinth income together with some promising youth. In addition to that, on the following date mm/dd/yyyy, we would like to grant a medal of appreciation to you, kind sir. But if you don't want to reveal your identity, please at least leave your Cyber Wallet account or any contact number. So that we can send your money to your account. Or you could also contact one of these ID numbers...'' It was followed by lists of ID numbers.

Such posters were visible in every street corner of the city.

She was kind of curious as to who this magician was. "He really made a name for himself. But what's the need in hiding his identity?" Ice wondered.

In any case, she needed to go to the academy for morning practice. It seemed like, when she was gone, most of the juniors were slacking. And that granny wanted her not to be late in their magic training. Looks like that granny wanted her to meet some promising newbies who she took under her wing.

Ice also was expecting to see that fledgling trainee who defeated the demon.

Some people greeted her when they saw her. Some were cheering at her. And most of the people took a stolen picture of her then showed it off to their friends with them or in their group on social media.

Right now, inside the barracks and academy. There was a poll about who was the most famous person in the academy.historical

At this moment, many people were excitedly watching the poll. Currently, the most popular person was Ace Miss Ice, followed by Almina Amulet, the mysterious black magician, the loli elite girl, Kiko Sun, and then Maena and Rui-Rui. Mercenary Ultima slowly gained popularity as well. On the contrary, Yman the Rat Slayer was still the most infamous person.

But everyone was puzzled how he was able to acquire such a high commission. Even though he eventually leached with the girls only. No one really thought that he could help in the fight against the demon.

So many trainees questioning how he achieved such a feat of acquiring a 3 percent commission from the labyrinth. However, the officials did not disclose more information regarding the fight against the demon.

Vortex and his friends were so envious with Ultima. Although he was still currently under quarantine and in the observatory process, his future was so bright. Getting a 1 percent commission from the labyrinth was really a very big deal. Perhaps at this moment, many businessmen are already offering to buy this 1 percent commission from him. Actually not only him, but even Maena and Almina were also getting a call from left to right. Asking if they wanted to sell their commissions to them with a huge price and resources.

Maena couldn't believe what was happening. She didn't expect that just by going with Almina Amulet and that gloomy person, she would receive such huge benefits.

In any case, now is the day that she and Almina Amulet could go back to the training grounds.

Actually, she not only received a huge benefit financially. She also received an invitation to be trained personally under Elder Paan. Together with Almina Amulet and a junior trainee. This makes her more excited. But actually, Maena wanted to go to the more advanced academy like Zone 1. Now she wasn't sure of herself. 

But before that, she wanted to see that guy. I - It's not because she was concerned about him or whatsoever.

Not only Maena wanted to see him, but even Almina was also excited to see him.

However, when they arrived at the training grounds, they learned that Yman was absent for several days already.

Maena and Almina wondered why.

But even the group of friends of Yman did not know where he was at the moment. Even Bob was wondering where Yman went. He tried to contact him but his call could not go through. He also went to visit his apartment room, where Yman and his sister were staying. But no one was there.

"Fufu, seeing you and the cool princess looking for the same person is a very surprising thing," Maena who was currently stretching up suddenly heard a voice from her back.

She looked and frowned.

"W-What are you talking about?" Maena tried to act like she didn't understand what this person meant.

She answered while raising her brow.

"Fufu, in any case, I thought you dislike this place. I see that you started to have a change of heart. Remember that this place couldn't give you back what you lost. Only the young master could do it for you. Please don't forget about it."

After saying it, that person turned his back and walked away.

"Even in this academy, he is still able to spread his connection," Maena mumbled.


That time when Ice lifted the ice mirror seal, many merchant agents came into the city to buy high-quality materials. Because of this, several merchant agents were able to catch the news of the labyrinth entrance. Therefore, they immediately called back to their bosses about it. 

Many bigtime merchants requested a partnership with the businessmen in the city of Zone 7. Not only that, but the news about it also reached the neighboring cities.

Mayor Chan and the other officials were very busy at the moment.

The rebuilding of broken houses and streets were ongoing. The underground channel was also undergoing remodeling.

Another week had passed,

Many people from different cities came into the West District of Human City Zone 7. Different kinds of businessmen were present at the place. Not only businessmen but also magicians. In just two weeks, the West District had changed so much.

The city income also leaped at a new height. The people who come from the other city came here not only for the rift. Some came here to see the famous Ace of this academy. Not only was Ice famous in this city, but she also had many fandoms from other cities.  Especially those who saw her fight before in the competition. Summed-up with her beauty.

Nonetheless, some came here for the mysterious black magician, and for those promising youth of the academy, especially Almina Amulet who defeated high-level magicians.


Many kinds of stores were lining relatively close to the underground channel, and people from different parts of the world were crowded around it. The whole city was celebrating.

After the mayor went to the stage, he gave a dramatic speech of how this city suffered. Then he said thanks to some individuals. He ended his speech saying, "The Dungeon officially opened!"

The people present at the place broke into a loud cheer.

On the contrary, Almina was not in the mood. It has already been 2 weeks since Yman was gone. And no one knew where he went.

In order to forget the unease she felt, she drowned herself in training. At first, she and Maena were surprised to see that the junior trainee the Elder Paan mentioned would be training together with them was no other than the current Ace.

The Elder guide them well.

On the other hand,

Miss Ice taught them some super high-level techniques. One of them was the technique known as Perfect Breathing. Almina was familiar with this technique. After all, it was her brother who invented it. She wondered how Miss Ice was able to master it. Not just that, she was a good teacher too compared to her brother. She didn't even learn even a little about it when her brother tried to teach it to her.

And now, Almina's abilities have improved a lot. Next time, if ever the same thing would happen, like the demon incident, she would make sure that she was helpful.

One thing that puzzled her, whenever they were resting, Miss Ice would occasionally bother her asking things about her brother.

Actually, Ice was a big fangirl of Almond Amulet.

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