The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 97 - Laura Agila

Chapter 97 - Laura Agila

"Ufufu," everyone fell silent when a sudden giggle was heard by them.

They glanced at the source of it and saw a person climbing down the stair, it was at the left side of the counter and right side of the customer perspective. This stair led to the third floor of this building.

Actually, the first floor was for the reception area. The second was for this guild bar, and the third for lodging, and fourth for the Headmaster Office.

"Headmaster Laura Agila!" The people around exclaimed when they saw who was the person who climbed down the stairs.

"Aunt!" Suddenly, they heard a yell from the famous Ella. She immediately dove towards her.

Everyone was astonished seeing the famous artist Miss Ella hugged the headmaster of the adventurer's guild.

Never had they imagined that the famous Miss Ella had a close relationship with the headmaster of the adventurers guild.

"Merea, how are you little, girl?" Headmaster Laura Agila asked Ella who she called Merea. She then hugged her back and gently brushed her head.

After hearing her aunt, "I'm not a little girl anymore Aunt..." she retorted bashfully while slightly emphasizing her well-developed figure.

Most men in the room were having elation for the cutie behavior of their idol towards the headmaster.

Laura shook her head slightly, this niece of hers did not act like the princess she should be. Well, her being a princess was only known by few.

After saying her thanks to the Knight-Captain for accompanying her niece and her friends, she smiled at Ella and looked at the men in front. She was amazed to see a few handsome men near the counter. Laura raised a brow as she said, "Let's chat later, Merea sweetheart." Ella nodded at her, "Mhm!"

The others just remained silent so as not to distract the reunion of these two, especially Yman who came here only to order food. He didn't care what was happening around him, but it was good to take note of those people with an influential background like the headmaster.

After Ella nodded at her Aunt, Laura darted her eyes back to the men in front and asked, "I wonder what is it that made the atmosphere here to boil, hm, gentlemen?" Laura asked with a smug.

Yman glanced at the so-called Headmaster. This was his first time seeing her in person. When he applied to join the adventurers guild, he was only able to talk with the clerks and the headmaster's assistant.

Never did he expect that the headmaster was a woman with shoulder-length wavy red hair, wearing an eyepatch on her left eye. She was dressed in black fitted-pants that were paired with a long-sleeves Aegean blouse, adorned with a canary cardigan.

Out of sudden when the headmaster showed up, Yman noticed the emerald energy enveloping the young man suddenly dissipated.

"Goodmorning Headmaster Aunt Laura Agila, my name is Gilion from the Gustav family. I came here together with our friends and the knight captain to accompany your niece....." Gilion takes the initiative to greet the headmaster and introduce himself. Then he told her what happened after that. That Vince was being rude to Ella and the newly entered Yman belittled her family's technique so he wanted to propose a duel with him.

"Gyahaha, it just a little prank kid. No way, I will be rude towards the headmaster's niece!" Vince exclaimed while scratching the back of his head. Well, he didn't know that she was the headmaster's niece. Vince inwardly thought that this young man of Gustav family delegate like a bullied kid.

On the contrary, question marks floated on top of Yman and Sistela's head. <Partner, did you do that?> she whispered.

Yman squinted his eyes, "I don't even know him," he replied.

Sistela showed an understanding look. She and her partner were together all the time. And she didn't remember encountering this young Encan man before. <Then, is he an idiot who mistook you?>

Yman scratched his face from Sistela's heartless description for the guy, "P-Perhaps..." he replied while holding a chuckle from escaping on his mouth.

After hearing Gilion Gustav's words, Laura was in deep thought, 'Gustav, huh, one of the big-shot families in the empire. So this young man came together with my niece,' She glanced at her niece suspiciously.

Ella on the other hand had a puzzled face from her Aunt's malicious stare.

Upon seeing the innocent face of her niece, she sighed. She initially thought that there was some kind of intimate relationship between the two. But it looks like there was nothing like that as of now. It seemed her niece was gathering connections by befriending the big shot family.


She glanced at the person pointed by Gilion and saw a toy(Sistela) sitting on its shoulder. 'A human?' She thought.

However, she noticed his ears were pointed like the Encans. Her brows knitted, it was unusual to see an Encan playing with such a toy from humans on the Outerworld.

Encan people dislike using such toys. They have their own way of casting a spell. And for their body to get stronger together with their magical energy, they used artifacts and trained their body from their childhood. Actually, their researchers are able to make a status artifact that is able to measure their growth level like the System Deity of humans on the Outerworld.

The natives in this world solely believed the deities they believed-in — such as the goddess Htraerea. Whilst, the other Kingdom also had their own deities they believed in. That's why most of the natives in this world dislike the fact that the humans on the Outerworld named their toys as deities.

This was also the reason why Yman had to change his appearance after coming to this empire. Because most people here hated the Outerworld humans.

However, it doesn't mean that there was no native who uses System Deity. And it doesn't mean that there were no human natives in this world.

There were many human magicians who became adventurers after they failed to find a good job on the Outerworld. However, most of them were not well-received by the people here.

Yman noticed the headmaster's eyes on him, "Fufu, who might be this young man?" Headmaster Laura asked while facing Yman. If her memories served her right, this was the first time she saw him.

Since the headmaster asked him, it would be presumptuous of him if he disregarded her. "Good day, Headmaster, I am an adventurer who just joined recently," Yman slightly bowed, he greeted and introduced himself to the headmaster.

Yet, Yman was puzzled at the beautiful girl beside the headmaster. She was staring at him with a curious look. He then smiled at her.

"Eh?" Ella was taken aback and thought he was handsome but also suspicious. What happened a while ago about the Lightning Emerald Dragon, still puzzled her.

After hearing the handsome young man's reply, the headmaster's eyes slightly widened, "Are you the newbie they called the Crimson Canceler?"

Yman was surprised by the headmaster's question. Actually, it was those guys who he had beaten up that started calling him that name. And now some people in the guild started calling him that name too. Well, it was better than bothering himself to think of a nickname for himself.

He nodded at her. Then he saw the headmaster's mouth curled upward with a suspicious smug face.

"Crimson Canceler...?" Ella muttered. 'This nickname was suspicious,' she thought.

Yman glanced at her and smiled again. Ella blinks her eyes. Wondering why he kept on smiling at her.

On the contrary, In Yman's mind. 'Why she kept on staring at me with a suspicious look?'

Gilion noticed their little exchange of staring and smiling. A wave of anger burst towards his head. He wanted to beat this insolent guy.

A moment later,

Yman noticed her sighed in relief, then opened her mouth saying, "What a nice timing. Good thing that you are here, I was about to ask the receptionist below for your contact. Actually, I have something I needed to ask you personally,"

Yman did not able to reply directly. He wondered why the headmaster looking for him. A second later, he said while narrowing his eyes, "Uh, r-really?" It was very unexpected for him that the headmaster herself would be looking for him.

Not only Yman was wondering, even Ella and the others.

"Uhm, may I know the reason, headmaster?" He added.

"Sorry, I can't openly tell you the details here. Please follow us upstairs." 

After hearing her Aunt's words, "Auntie wait, how about my—" Ella was not able to finish her words when a finger of the headmaster landed on her lips.

Then she smiled saying, "It was also about that, Merea, so you too will come with us."

"Eh?" Ella was puzzled.historical

Yman on the other hand had become more suspicious, but at this moment, a smirk appeared on his mouth. Since the headmaster couldn't tell it in the presence of others. It must be a secret mission!

Since it was a secret mission. It could also be said that it was a high tier quest! And since it was a high tier quest! It also means a huge reward!

But he was wondering at the headmaster's last line, that also involved her niece.

Not only Yman and Ella were surprised with the headmaster's words, even Ella's friend, Vince, and the other's were also surprised at her.

Vince narrowed his eyes. He could smell a high tier mission from the tone of the headmaster.

Second later, "Sorry gentlemen, but I have to talk these two in private," the headmaster excuses herself together with Ella and Yman.

Most people in the bar were envious that a newbie was able to have a private talk with the headmaster and more on that, together with Miss Ella!

"Holy cow!" They exclaimed in their minds. They suddenly had the urge to curse this newbie.

"Wow, even though he was a newbie like me, he was already going to have a private talk with the headmaster!" The innocent-looking newbie exclaimed in admiration.


"Wait, headmaster," Vince called out.

She glanced at him, and immediately recognized him, because he was a gold rank adventurers and already made a name inside the guild. "Oh, Vince, do you need something?"

"Ahaha, nothing really... (Vince rubbed his hands against each other while having a toothy smile.) actually headmaster, it was almost a week since I was out of high tier mission. And isn't it a waste of time for a golden rank adventurer like me to have such a long vacation?!"

The headmaster seemed to understand what he meant.

"Tomorrow there are tons of new high tier missions that will be posted," She said.

But she noticed that Vince wasn't happy with this news. The headmaster was about to open her mouth again when another person interrupted her.

"Wait! Headmaster, I can't just let that guy go without a duel!" Gilion shouted.

Ella frowned. She wondered why Gilion was still insisting on a duel with this person. Even her friend Hannah knitted her brows at Gilion's incessant remarks for issuing a duel.

The knight captain just sighed and Gilion's friend showed a can't be helped expression.

The other people started cheering for Gilion. Well, out of envy towards the newbie.

Vince grinned. For some reason, he started to like this Gustav kid.

The headmaster knitted her brows, "Sorry Gilion—"

"Oh, a duel with me? Kuku, I won't mind."

Everyone fell silent when the newbie suddenly agreed.

They wondered if this newbie didn't know about the Gustav family.

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