The National Sweetheart Livestreamer Is A Pro!

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Chapter 210: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At the end of the match, though it wasn’t especially natural and smooth, everyone was very excited.

Mo Huaifeng gave a succinct summary. “Our country’s cream of the crop.”

Ji Zhiyao chuckled. “Really?”


His laughter was really demonic.

After Ji Zhiyao was done, he swapped with Xiao for a match, whereas Xiaofei took over Heng for two matches. They played four matches, whether it was because the opponents that they were matched with were too weak or what, everyone’s condition was unexpectedly good, they thrashed everyone... Yuan Wei revealed a gratifying smile after seeing that. “Finally being worthy of the high cost accommodation from the club, I did not become a mother in vain too.”

The stats analyzer chimed in. “And me, I distinctly felt that my hairline has been raised a few cm higher compared to the time before training began. You bunch of troublesome rascals, if the training still continues, I will have to buy hair-growing shampoo already.”

The two of them took turns to voice their complaints in a super loud voice. Initially it was to let those mutts behind them hear and reflect on their conversation. Yet the 7 people’s fighting will was surging and they were so loud and chaotic amongst themselves that no one bothered with these other two. Yuan Wei and the stats analyzer met eyes in despair.

They had booked a flight for the next morning, to fly directly to North America. Hence when they arrived back at the hotel, everyone who had to pack their belongings went ahead, as they prepared to leave.


A month later

Incheon International Airport, Seoul, Korea.

Two tall and slim boys wearing baseball caps and black masks walked out from the airport, dragging their suitcases. Their countenances were relaxed as they appeared to be talking about something.

Mo Huaifeng asked, “Are you happy?”


Mo Huaifeng lifted his eyes and looked towards Ji Zhiyao impassively. “I gave up my break time for you, I travel thousands of miles for love, you are the one and only in my eyes and my heart.”

Goosebumps sprouted all over Ji Zhiyao’s body from hearing his corny words, shaking his body he said in disdain, “Captain, who did you learn these cliché cheesy sayings from? Thoroughly disgusting.”

Mo Huaifeng’s expression instantly turned blank as he frowned in confusion. “You don’t like it?”

“Duh, I’m a man, why would I like this?”

“Then I shall not read it anymore.”

“You secretly read p*rn?”

“No. It’s called 1001 Sweet Sayings by the Heart-Stealing CEO, Nuo recommended it.”

Ji Zhiyao silently cursed at Nuo the mutt in his heart while warmly and kindly saying, “Please, don’t use these to insult my ears.”

If this went on, his sexual orientation might go from gay to straight, not to mention that he would probably feel traumatized once he saw Mo Huaifeng’s face.

Damn, fooled by Nuo again.

Mo Huaifeng’s gaze was cold, no one knew what he came to his mind as his lips suddenly curled up into a cold smile.

Ji Zhiyao reached out and flagged down a taxi, then dragged Mo Huaifeng on. As the taxi was streaking down the streets, heading to A.K’s place, Ji Zhiyao brought out his phone and sent A.K a text.

What he sent was Korean words that had been translated from Chinese in app beforehand, so A.K would certainly be able to understand.

After some time, his phone vibrated.

Ji Zhiyao lifted the screen, took a glance and suddenly became dumbfounded.

Mo Huaifeng questioned, “What’s wrong?”

“I suspect A.K’s phone has been stolen.”

“He sent me a string of English alphabet, that’s nothing, the most important part is that when these letters are put together, it becomes f*cking Chinese pinyin 1 ?”

“How’s that possible?”

He’d known A.K for four to five years, why had he never known that he had this hidden ability?

Mo Huaifeng drew Ji Zhiyao’s phone from his hand and looked at the screen.

Then he went silent.

It was indeed a string of pinyin, when put together it was “Got it rascal, I will come down in a while to fetch you.”

“What the hell?”

Ji Zhiyao’s right hand reached out beneath Mo Huaifeng’s jaw. “Due to the sudden occurrence of an incident, please allow me to inquire from Fi-god on behalf of the masses: As a child prodigy, may I know how long you took to learn the Chinese pinyin?”

Mo Huaifeng was silent for a while, before he replied uncertainly, “It’s been too long. I learned it in primary school, about three weeks?”

“Alright, then here comes the question. As a locally born and bred Chinese who grew up with the language from a young age, even after learning the pinyin in two weeks you might not be able to match the pinyin with the correct words and meanings within two years. Then as a Korean close to 30 years of age who doesn’t know anything about the language, in about less than two months since we left, A.K could actually use pinyin to proficiently express his own thoughts.”

“What do you want to say?”

“It’s either he’s been possessed by the Megrez star [1. One of the seven stars in the Big Dipper constellation. In Chinese belief, each star represents a disposition of the Lord of Big Dipper. The Megrez star rules in writing, examinations etc.], or you’re an idiot.”

When they arrived at A.K’s little apartment, Mo Huaifeng alighted first and successfully conversed with A.K before Ji Zhiyao managed to.

“You’ve been learning Chinese for the past two months?”


Mo Huaifeng’s countenance remained unchanged and his heartbeat steady, yet in actual fact his entire heart filled with troubles on top of marveling over A.K’s unbelievable ability. A.K learned the Chinese language in two months and could even type pinyin... Could it be that he was really a fool?

Yet A.K appeared to be even more troubled then he was, a big heap of Korean came tumbling out once he opened his mouth... The longer Mo Huaifeng listened on, the calmer his face became. Towards the end, he even gave a cold sneer.

Ji Zhiyao was curious. “Captain, what did Master say?”

“You want to know?”

Ji Zhiyao nodded fervently. “If I learn the secrets of success from Master, who knows I might be able to enhance my gift and have easy wins anytime.”

“He’d actually only learned several expressions for daily use, the others are all revolving around Heroes, for example how to banter and curse at people. His reason seems to be because each time he scolds you, you don’t seem to be affected much after I translate it for you, or I totally leave it out. He finds it less satisfying so he wants to scold you personally.”

“He’s been studying diligently and practicing hard for two months and has been rather fruitful, for example, things like “you are trash, ”bastard jungler why are you not going to the lanes have you been planted in the jungle”, he already has a collection.”

“Then here comes the question, right now, who do you think is the fool?”

What the hell was all this?

Yet Mo Huaifeng might have felt very happy due to the fact that he had been indirectly proven to not be a fool. As they were walking towards the attic where they used to stay in, he still kept asking, “Trash do you need me to carry your case for you?”

Ji Zhiyao really wanted to swing his own suitcase into Mo Huaifeng’s face.

They settled in, then went downstairs. Who knew what Mo Huaifeng said to A.K, but he finally stopped showing off his inept Chinese. Instead he told Mo Huaifeng to help him ask, “We begin the next leg of training tomorrow?”

Ji Zhiyao nodded. “If it’s convenient for Master, the sooner the better.”

A.K continued to question, “After these two months of training with your team, are there any thoughts that you have?”

“Many gains, many ideas too, trying to carry them up step by step now. But I keep feeling that there’s something amiss in some aspects.” Ji Zhiyao scratched his head. “Master, I’ve quite a lot of parts that I want to ask for your guidance.”

A.K stood up directly, Mo Huaifeng also followed and said to Ji Zhiyao, “He said to go to the training room for a detailed talk.”

Ji Zhiyao naturally had no objections.

They walked into the training room and sat down, Ji Zhiyao gave A.K a rundown of everything regarding his situation that he could think about, A.K was in deep thought for a while, then he smiled.

“He has met such problems too, but he has always figured out the answer by himself.” Mo Huaifeng said, “Some solutions somehow needs to be tested out yourself, genuine knowledge comes from practice, things that others tell you, will not be as good as something figured out by yourself.”

“So what does Master mean by this?”

“Can’t tell? ‘Do whatever you like, it’s none of my business, stay away from me’.”

“Captain, that line was obviously something you added by yourself.”

“Tsk, with my character, would I do such a thing?”

Ji Zhiyao hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Ji Zhiyao still looked to be slightly lost, Mo Huaifeng reached out and put an arm around his shoulder. “A.K is right in doing so. Since you’ve chosen to integrate speed class, instead of practicing the pure speed class style, then it might not be suitable if he gives you his method in totality.”

Ji Zhiyao nodded.

Captain was right.

“You’ve already made progress and subsequently, you’ve got to rely on yourself too.”

Ji Zhiyao bowed his head, lost in thought for a moment, before he smiled at Ji Zhiyao. “Captain, I would like to think about some things alone.”

Mo Huaifeng agreed and dragged A.K who had his head in the clouds as he watched them out with him.

Ji Zhiyao’s fingers rested on the edge of the table, tapping irregularly on the surface, evidently in deep thought about something.

In a little while, he smiled.

In his eyes was a light that had never been.

From an amateur rookie to number 32 on the international jungler rankings, from a temporary reserve to a starter shouldering the main responsibility because of Xiao’s hand injury... He’d successfully lived through everything, what else did he have to fear now?


3 September.

Mix base was bustling with activity early in the morning.

The living room on the 1st level was piled with suitcases, Yuan Wei was like a mother, counting them while putting anti-lost collars on each one of them. The few others yawned leisurely with their bed hair as they ate the breakfast that Yuan Wei had brought.

Ji Zhiyao took a bite of his sandwich as he stared fixedly at his phone’s screen. He saw something that made him comment incoherently, “Damn, is today the day where the confirmed participating battleteams for the international league are announced? I just saw Tall Boots battleteam’s publicity stills on Weibo.”

“Let me have a look.” K was right behind Ji Zhiyao and poked his head out from behind for a glance, then said very sourly, “What the hell, is this set of photos half as good-looking as ours for the national qualifiers? Also why do all of them look so dark? Did they go to India for training?”

Ji Zhiyao almost spat his sandwich out, coughing, he said, “Are you having a morning temper coupled with not being totally awake? Why are you so mean?”

K interrupted indignantly, “Well, they took our spot and even posted on Weibo to celebrate it when we were setting off for Korea. They’re going too far.”

At the thought of it, Ji Zhiyao realized that K made sense too. Hence he bowed his head to glance at his screen, then nodded. “How ugly.”

The others were speechless.

Yuan Wei stood up from his squatting position while rolling his eyes. “When can you bunch of idiots graduate from kindergarten? I’ll just ask his question, if you were given a spot to participate in the international league without doing anything would you take it?”

Ji Zhiyao and K spoke in one voice, “Of course, why not?”

“Then what are you guys b*tching about, quickly finish your breakfast and come help me tidy things up here! Am I not f*cking tired squatting here alone?”

Yet Ji Zhiyao did not want to move and sat there grinning without a word. Just then Mo Huaifeng walked past, Ji Zhiyao stretched his leg out to kick his leg, intending to get him to go help on his behalf, yet Mo Huaifeng held his back and turned back to look at him. “Honey, you’re so wicked.”

“I did not go to your room last night because of work, hence do not be jealous.”


After hearing those lines, Nuo buried his face deeply in his arms.

Yet pretending to be frightened was of no use, Mo Huaifeng reached out and tapped Nuo very quickly. “He was the one who showed it to me, this time it was what... Pampered Queen in The Cold Palace.”

“What the f*ck? Why is it you again?”

He grabbed a cushion and pounced onto Nuo’s side to beat him, Nuo dodged as he ran, at the same time complaining while almost in tears, “You can’t blame me, who knew Captain would copy the lead’s way of speaking once he reads novels? What kind of trashy shortcoming is that!”

With the exception of Ji Zhiyao who looked like he was wishing for death, the entire house was bursting with laughter.

Yuan Wei put on the final few tags, “Alright, boys, calm down. We still have to fight a battle of wits and courage with the bunch of reporters later, save some strength please.”

The atmosphere instantly quietened down.

Ji Zhiyao’s smile turned weak and he met Mo Huaifeng’s eyes.

Heng leaned back with a wail and grumbled unhappily, “What’s up with that bunch of people? How long has it been since Captain and NoHomo’s incident and they still biting onto it, each of them are behaving like entertainment reporters, is there something wrong with their brains?”

After their training ended, everyone else with the exception of Mo Huaifeng and Ji Zhiyao had secretly returned home ahead of them. They stayed at the base for a few days, but because Mix’s van started to be put to use to head out to purchase goods, a bunch of eSports reporters sensed the movement and more began to stay outside their base.

Everyone forwarded this information to Mo Huaifeng and Ji Zhiyao. Yet on the day that they had mentally prepared themselves to return, the door of the villa was almost pushed open by the eSports reporter.

While they’d already mentally prepared themselves, they still did not expect there to be so many people.

Though due to the Mix members living in seclusion for the past few days, the amount of reporters outside had lessened. Yet because the following day was the start of the international league qualifiers, the reporters outside started to grow in numbers again, everyone wanted to be right at the front to get exclusive news.

Mo Huaifeng and Ji Zhiyao, these two professional players, were shocking in the eyes of the public.

Nothing else needed to be mentioned, just the two days where they came out publicly and then deactivated their Weibo accounts to give up their fans after professing their love for each other was enough to attract attention.

Literally enough to kill.

At the thought of Mix base’s predicament in the past few days, Ji Zhiyao was terribly troubled, leaning on the back of the sofa, he said unhappily, “Shall we dig a tunnel for the base?”

Yuan Wei gave him a knock on his head. As Ji Zhiyao wailed out loud, Yuan Wei said, “What are you going to use to dig? A shovel?”

Mo Huaifeng looked down and glanced at his watch. “It’s almost time, let’s go.”

Everyone stood up in succession, Yuan Wei gave the driver a call and exchanged some words, then hung up and said, “Okay, the van is about to be driven in, we can head out now.”

They dragged their luggage to the doorway, then changed their shoes one by one, before pulling the door open.

All at once a huge crowd of figures rushed forward, mingled with questions like “Are Fi-god and Yao-god planning to get married?” or “Because of the two professional players Fi and Yao who did not adhere to the rules, Mix lost the qualification to compete, may I know if anyone has any resentment?” It was so noisy that it was scary.

Yuan Wei made a prompt decision. “You guys leave with the van first, I will call and get someone to come transport the luggage.”

Everyone had no objections and hurriedly boarded the van safely with the help of the bodyguards that the club had hired beforehand.

Once the door was shut, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Xiaofei wiped the cold sweat that had broken out on his forehead. “That was way too horrible.”

If it wasn’t for the fact there were a few bodyguards blocking the way, they probably would have been forced to lose an arm or a leg to those mad reporters.

A few minutes later, Yuan Wei sent a text in the group chat, and announced that he and the luggage had successfully boarded another van. Everyone was finally relieved.

There was still another two and a half hours to their takeoff time, they were totally in time.

An hour later.

The van arrived at the airport.

As there was Mix’s exclusive red and white team logo on both sides of the van, it was especially eye-catching. Almost as soon as the van came to a stop, there were already several onlookers passing by who recognized this logo and stopped to pull out their phones to film.

But fortunately this crowd was merely filming and taking photos and were not so wild as to come forward and block their way. Although everyone wasn’t in too good a mood, this was still tolerable.

When they got their boarding passes and entered the VIP lounge, they then recovered and collapsed onto the chairs one after another.

Nuo grumbled, “This is way too tiring. From here we can see that it’s really not easy being a celebrity. I prefer being an unknown eSports player, and not being virtually like Xuanzang meat, everyone who sees it covets it.”

K rebutted, “Do you have no idea, haven’t you always been an unknown player? What celebrity Xuanzang meat? Has anyone looked at you throughout the whole way?”

Ji Zhiyao agreed, “Exactly, they were obviously looking at Captain and me. You’re at most a second senior that the little demons accidentally captured. Captain what do you think?”

“Very logical.”

The others aptly expressed their desire to puke.

They sat around for some time, before a dispirited Yuan Wei walked in hurriedly through the entrance.

Ji Zhiyao saw that he wasn’t looking too good and even specially cleared out the seat between Captain and himself for Yuan Wei.

Yuan Wei sat down and panted heavily before saying, “Damn it, I’m dead tired. Dealing with entertainment reporters isn’t even as terrible as dealing with this bunch of reporters. Why aren’t they concerned about the big things in China eSports, or Tall Boots who’s about to represent China in the league, why are they crowding around us every day?”

Mo Huaifeng asked, “You went to deal with them?”

“Where would I have the leisure to? After you guys left, I went in right away and shut the front door, only coming out when the car that I called for arrived.”

Mo Huaifeng nodded. “It’s been tough on you.”

Ji Zhiyao patted his back. “Brother Yuan Wei drink some water and cool down. Think about it, it would be more frightening if they didn’t surround us, by then, wouldn’t we really have become has-beens?”

Yuan Wei’s mood instantly went from cloudy to clear. “That’s the logic, you’re very right.”

Mo Huaifeng consoled them. “When the international league ends, everything will be fine.”

In another two months’ time, the dust will be settling.

As long as they placed in the top few positions...

A gleam of a dim light flashed through Mo Huaifeng’s eyes.

At the mention of the international league, everyone could not help but sigh, especially K, Nuo and Heng, the few who had already participated once in the previous league. Heng played with his fingers as he said, “In this case, I’m 23 this year, seems like I’m about to retire.”

Nuo rebuked him, “Captain is a year older than you and he’s still healthy and strong, an elder with great aspirations, what are you anxious about?”

Ji Zhiyao was doubled with laughter over Nuo’s use of the two idioms, Mo Huaifeng frowned and made direct eye contact with Nuo. “You’re very displeased with me recently?”

Nuo instantly cowered. “Captain what are you thinking about? Of course not.”

Yet Nuo wasn’t wrong.

24 years of age, to eSports professionals was considered slightly older. Everyone in the scene knew that the peak of eSports players was between 19 to 22 years old. Mo Huaifeng was 24 this year and his skills were still at his peak standards, it was already a very superb condition.

But no matter skilled Mo Huaifeng was, in a few years’ time, his condition would definitely decline. According to his personality, when he was no longer able to carry the battleteam, he would definitely choose to retire.

By then, they would no longer have the days where they trembled under the dominance of Mo Huaifeng, but everyone is together, leading incomparably carefree lives.

The atmosphere suddenly turned depressed.

In the twinkling of an eye, Ji Zhiyao said with due seriousness, “What are all of you think about? My Captain, when alive, would be a member of Mix, when dead, would be a corpse of Mix, after he retires, he will probably remain as a big Boss in the club or become a coach, are all of you still afraid of not being able to see him then?”

Mo Huaifeng darted a glance at Ji Zhiyao, Ji Zhiyao glared back confidently, then Mo Huaifeng nodded his head.

With the exception of his words sounding slightly unpleasant, he was right in all other senses.

The stats analyzer spoke up, “Hey, that’s too much. We haven’t even played the international league and each one of you is talking about retiring here, have you ever considered my feelings? Why not tell me first, which position are we planning to place in for the league?”

K very naturally guided the flames onto Ji Zhiyao. “This should but of course be declared by our generally acknowledged king of crosstalk, Yao-god.”

“If we don’t willfully bring out any frivolous sh*tty handling, and Nuo doesn’t steal the red buff, we ought to end up in the top three.”

Nuo jolted upright. ” NoHomo, I’m right here watching on and you still cued me, are you still human?”

Mo Huaifeng instantly looked towards him darkly, “What’s your guess?”


Ji Zhiyao said triumphantly, “Trashy Nuo, could you please take my backer into consideration before you speak next time.”

Nuo felt very aggrieved.

They chatted for some time in the lounge before Yuan Wei checked the time and announced that it was time for boarding. Hence everyone took their belongings and left the VIP lounge.

Boarding came very quickly.

On his third time aboard a flight to Korea, Ji Zhiyao’s mood as compared to before, now shared a subtle difference.

Nervousness, anticipation and excitement.

When Ji Zhiyao’s two months of individual training in Korea ended and he was about to leave for home, A.K specially said some words to him, that he remembered till this moment.

“I’m very glad to have such a disciple like you who loves eSports wholeheartedly. I believe Mix Battleteam will turn the tables, and go even further. Don’t worry, don’t be nervous, when the actual competition begins, I will go to the venue to cheer for you.”

This paragraph was something that A.K drilled into himself diligently and said to him in not very proficient Chinese with a Korean accent.

To be able to meet a Master like A.K who gave him everything he knew, was his honor.

Ji Zhiyao shut his eyes lightly, then reached out and grabbed Mo Huaifeng’s hand on his left side.

Mo Huaifeng was slightly surprised, but returned the hold very quickly.

Ji Zhiyao lifted the corner of his lips.

There’s Captain, K, Nuo, Heng, Xiao, Xiaofei, Yuan Wei, the stats analyzer and coach with him... They were all working hard together, what was unachievable?

Ji Zhiyao, fight on.


A few hours passed, the whole group got off the plane, then found the vehicle that they had booked beforehand outside the airport and headed straight to their hotel.

The qualifiers were set to begin the day after tomorrow at the large hall, they had plenty of time, so after arriving at the hotel, everyone leisurely unpacked their belongings, seeming rather relaxed and at ease.

Ji Zhiyao and Mo Huaifeng were sharing a room.

The qualifiers for the international league was to be held at the nearby hall in the coming few days, the amount of audience here to spectate surged, so there wasn’t enough rooms in the hotel. By the time they made their booking, it was already too late, there were only six double rooms left, exactly enough for them, they couldn’t be luxurious even if they wanted to.

When they were allocating rooms, Mo Huaifeng said with an unperturbed face, “I’ll share with NoHomo.”

Everyone else teased.

Hence with everyone’s mentality of teasing and fulfilling his request, Ji Zhiyao and Mo Huaifeng were allocated the same room.

Ji Zhiyao was working as a porter, he brought all the clothes in the suitcase then placed them into the closet. Mo Huaifeng was princely in comparison, after casually placing his suitcase in the corner, he brought out his laptop and plugged in his headphones to watch videos.

Although no one spoke, or helped, the atmosphere wasn’t awkward at all, but unspeakably cozy.

When Ji Zhiyao was done unpacking, he settled beside Mo Huaifeng. “Captain, what are you looking at?”

“The international league has its confirmed list of participating battleteams.” Mo Huaifeng casually pushed his laptop towards Ji Zhiyao’s side. “A total of 20 battleteams, 8 from Korea, 6 from North America, 6 from all the other countries. And other 6 spots unconfirmed.”

Ji Zhiyao was struck mute. “So many from Korea?”

Mo Huaifeng nodded.

“So about this set quota for spots, how is it decided?”

“The combined strength of the country’s eSports and number of players with international rankings.”

Ji Zhiyao wore a confused look.

This means, for the spots that China held, he and Captain had partly contributed?

Then China eSports Association was truly too much!

Mo Huaifeng knew what Ji Zhiyao was thinking with one look at his expression, patting his shoulder in consolation, he said, “We ought to, don’t mind that.”

No matter what, they were all Chinese.

Ji Zhiyao nodded.

Mo Huaifeng then added, “Looking at it from another point of view, if Tall Boots holds a spot and we earn another, there’s a greater chance of China placing.”

Ji Zhiyao pursed his lips and nodded again.

Mo Huaifeng could see that he was still quite unhappy, hence he stopped talking, only rubbing his head.

Ji Zhiyao forcefully cheered himself up. “What time do start competing the day after tomorrow?”

“It starts at 9 AM. We’ve got to be there at 8:30 AM to draw lots.”

“The timing is still fine. Oh yes, did you calculate how many matches we have to play?”

“I have not played in the qualifiers so I’m not too sure, there should be new rules.” Mo Huaifeng said, “But I know there are a total of 30 battleteams who registered to participate.”

Ji Zhiyao touched his chin. “Picking six battleteams out of 30, that’s such a huge probability, if our battleteam does not qualify, even heaven will not tolerate it.”

“We definitely will.”

“I hope my Captain is lucky enough to draw several best lots and thrash till the opponents call us daddy.”

Mo Huaifeng lifted a corner of his lips. “No matter what, I’m waiting to be carried, Yao-god is responsible for carrying.”

Ji Zhiyao squinted at him through the corner of his eye, and lowered his voice, “Trying to order me about with mere words of mouth?”

Mo Huaifeng lifted a brow. “If not?”

“I only accept seduction.”

Mo Huaifeng immediately reached out and lifted the bottom of his long t-shirt. Ji Zhiyao cowered backwards at once and sat up directly. “Don’t! Captain I was joking. You’re so good-looking, it’s up to what you say.”


Finally managed to escape.

Ji Zhiyao inwardly wiped out his own perspiration, his Captain totally could not reject such provocation!

He furtively observed Mo Huaifeng’s expression while saying nonchalantly, “Captain, I’m a little hungry, let’s find a place for food?”

“What do you want?” Mo Huaifeng brought out his phone very quickly, to search for food places nearby. “Barbecue?”

Ji Zhiyao nodded. “Sure, we’ll have that. You continue to search, I’ll go gather the rest.” josei

With that, he dashed out of the room, his figure gone within a blink of an eye. Mo Huaifeng looked up, a fleeting smile on his lips.

The moment they heard that Mo Huaifeng was giving a treat, everyone came out from their rooms delightfully and stood in a neat row. Ji Zhiyao was right at the front, as the whole bunch of them stared eagerly at the door belonging to Mo Huaifeng and Ji Zhiyao’s room.

The moment Mo Huaifeng walked out, he was startled.

Frowning, he asked, “What are you doing?”

Ji Zhiyao replied confidently, “Waiting for Captain to treat us to a meal.”

He was very speechless, but still nodded. “Where to?”

K suggested, “The one that we went to after training ended the previous time, it was not bad.”

Everyone looked very keen but Mo Huaifeng sneered coldly and rejected without hesitation, “It’s too far, no, change.”

K was dejected. “Boohoo!”

Mo Huaifeng lifted his phone. “This one.”

The others were speechless.

What was wrong with their Captain, since he’d decided why did he still ask for their opinion?

Yet they were still very glad to be having a meal, everyone animatedly swarmed around Mo Huaifeng as they headed towards the barbecue place, then finished a meal in liveliness.

During their meal, Ji Zhiyao incidentally glanced elsewhere and saw a person who looked especially like Hyun Woo from Vita battleteam. Hence he pushed Mo Huaifeng. “Captain look, that person is Hyun Woo right?”

Mo Huaifeng took a good look in that direction, then nodded. “You’re right.”

Ji Zhiyao was slightly excited, his tone full of eagerness as he said, “Seeing a friend in foreign land, I want to go say hello.”

Mo Huaifeng suddenly thought back to Hyun Woo being all sorts of an eyesore back when they were living together, hence he glared at Ji Zhiyao, “You’re not close to him.”

“How are we not? Though it can’t be compared to the brotherhood within our team, but compared to other Korean players, we’re already very close. It’s not too polite to just be staring from here.”

“Not allowed. If you dare to go I’ll break your legs.”

When did his Captain become so unfriendly?

Was this a fake one?

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