The Nebula's Civilization

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: The Night of Betrayal

Chapter 129: The Night of Betrayal

Golden Eye’s duke and commander officer, Robey Sulla, stayed awake to review tomorrow's attack against Deimerit.

Even though Robey commanded a large army of 18,000 soldiers, it was still nerve-wracking to face enemies head-on. Moreover, Robey had never experienced war at such a great scale before.


‘The only battles I've fought were nothing more than dealing with small groups of rebellious species before they could unite, with a larger number of well-trained Nix soldiers backing me up.’

Such battles didn't require much strategy. The quality and quantity of the troops were overwhelmingly superior, and they had more information. By deploying troops at the best moment, the rebel forces would surrender. On the other hand, when it came to dealing with rebellions started by provincial lords, the troops would be criticized for being unskillful if the situation escalated to the point that actual combat broke out.

‘Red Fruit, Danyum, and Black Scale are the ones fighting with tactics.’

Although not at a large scale, Red Fruit and Danyum had been intermittently fighting the enemy they shared borders with, Black Scale.

In particular, Tobe Volco, the Renard leading Red Fruit’s army, was known for frequently clashing with Black Scale’s army. When the Red Fortress that Red Fruit had built to monitor the wilderness got captured by the Lizardmen of Black Scale, it was Tobe who reclaimed it.

‘I’m glad he’s on our side.’

When Robey heard that Danyum’s army of 30,000 soldiers had suffered a one-sided defeat, he couldn’t help but worry. General Yubaim Dolan had gone through many hardships; if he was so easily defeated by Black Scale, Robey worried that he might end up the same. And with Black Scale’s army, who often played tricks, being closeby, Robey had a hard time believing that Black Scale’s army would obediently wait within the fortress walls. No matter how thoroughly he had his people conduct reconnaissance, he couldn’t help but feel anxious.

‘But thanks to the revelation, General Tobe and I can rely on each other.’

There was an issue with the chain of command, so the two armies hadn’t completely combined with each other, but their tents were set up close to reduce the resources needed for reconnaissance, and by saving resources, they were able to conduct a more thorough search in the vulnerable areas. It was also a great benefit that the two commanders could exchange information with each other.

‘Is that why? Nothing has happened until today. At this rate, we could begin the siege as soon as Mangul’s army arrives.’

The walls of Deimerit were famous, but with the rebellion forces from Danyum joining their army, they were able to improve the strategies for attacking Deimerit’s walls. It was said that the waterways were poorly guarded, and that the western wall was very weathered, making it possible to easily break it down with cannon shots.

‘If that information is accurate, we might win more easily than we thought. Though I’m not sure those tenacious Lizards will easily give up… Still, we should at least be able to get Deimerit back from Black Scale and restore Danyum.’?

Robey’s heart was filled with anticipation at the thought of victory.

Then, a soldier came running to Robey’s tent.

“Commander! Are you there?”

“What is it?”

The soldier bowed while saying, “Red Fruit’s army is currently raising a ruckus, so I thought you should know…”

“What are you talking about? Explain in detail.”

“Red Fruit’s army…is preparing for battle.”

“Preparing for battle?” Robey was so surprised that he asked reflexively. “Is there any movement from Deimerit?”

“Oh, I’m not sure about that. I just came because Baron Pello sent me…”

“Then the baron will probably be checking. If not, tell them to confirm the situation first. Report back to me after you have something concrete.”

“Yes sir!”

Robey frowned. If there had been movement from Deimerit, and Red Fruit noticed while Golden Eye didn’t, that would indicate that Golden Eye was lacking in reconnaissance.

Then another soldier ran through the entrance of the tent.

“Commander, I have something to tell you.”


“Red Fruit’s General, Tobe Volco, is coming this way.”

As soon as the soldier finished the sentence, in came an old Renard general whose height only reached the chest of Nixes. It was Tobe Volco.

“What’s going on?”

“I’m sorry for the commotion. According to one of our spies, apparently there is movement in Deimerit.”


Robey was relieved because it fortunately wasn’t an issue with their reconnaissance capability. It was only natural that Golden Eye would fall behind Red Fruit in espionage. Golden Eye was far from this place, and Red Fruit had spies in Deimerit as well as Orazen. In matters such as this, Golden Eye had no choice but to rely on Red Fruit.

However, Robey was nervous about a different matter. The fact that Red Fruit’s entire army was on the move meant that Black Scale’s army in Deimerit was also moving.

“What kind of movement?”

“Fortunately, it seems we’ve gotten lucky.”

“Lucky? How so?”

Robey’s ears wiggled in anticipation.

Tobe Volco answered, “It’s said that there’s an army of Danyum rebels inside Deimerit.”

“Other than the 2000 that came to join us? But they said that there was no longer any rebellion forces inside Deimerit.”

“Of course they would have no way of knowing. They’re a rebel force of aristocrats. While they aren’t a big group, the fact that they’re aristocrats means that they can mobilize soldiers.”

“I see.”

Tobe Volco continued to say, “Anyway, including the soldiers, the rebellion force amounts to about 500 men, and although that’s not many, there’s still quite a bit a group that size can achieve.”

“Hm, what could they do, for example?”

“Something like occupying one of Deimerit’s gates.”

Robey replied, “Is that really possible?”

“It wouldn’t be easy. Especially since Mangul’s army would arrive when the sun rises, and when it gets to that point, Black Scale would strengthen their defenses by the gates in preparation for any attacks.”


Tobe Volco smiled and said, “So we must move before that.”

Only then did Robey understand what Red Fruit being on the move meant.

“Then should we also…?”

“No, no. We’re planning on targeting the east gate. The rebellion army said that there are less soldiers there, and that their defense was weak. Probably because it’s the opposite side of where we are. We’re going to quickly move and cross the ridge before the sun rises and go to Deimerit’s east gate.”

“Ah, then once Mangul’s army arrives, we should attack from the opposite side, which would be the nearby west gates.”

Tobe slapped his hands together.

“Exactly. It’s going to be a two-sided attack.”

Robey nodded.

“Do you think it’s best to set out when the sun rises?”

“Wouldn’t Mangul’s army have arrived by then?”

“Yes, very well.”

Tobe said goodbye and was about to leave the tent when he turned around.

“Oh, I forgot. I actually came here to tell you something else.”

“What is it?”

“In order to cross the ridge to get to the east gate, I think it would be more efficient for us to go through Golden Eye’s tents. And that would make it easier to trick the enemy too.”

“Oh, feel free to do so.”

“Thank you.”

Tobe Volco exited the tent with a big smile on his face.

Once he returned to his own tent, he stood in front of the other generals. A few of them seemed to have already made up their minds, while others had not.

A Renard general carefully raised their arm.

“General Tobe, do we move as planned?”

“Yes. The conversation has concluded. I’ve also confirmed that the aristocrat’s tent and the commander’s tent had not changed locations.”

Another general then said, “Is this…really the right thing to do?”

Tobe snorted.

“Did you just ask that?”


“What did you do with the fruit of the Ever Changing Flower?”

The general took out the fruit from their pocket.

“Why haven’t you eaten it?”

“...Because I haven’t made up my mind.”

“Hmph, it’s not that you haven’t made up your mind. Eat it first.”

“Well…” josei


At Tobe’s urging, the general put the fruit into their mouth. They blinked as if they were surprised by the taste.

“How is it?”

“I don’t think…I’ve ever eaten something this sweet and delicious.”

“Yes, exactly. Remember that taste,” Tobe said. “It doesn’t seem right? It shouldn’t matter. That’s not your will. It’s the will of our god. Mangyul had already decided. Everything is already planned out, and we will only understand the meaning later… We cannot make a decision because it’s God’s will, and we await his answer; that’s why it seems like we’re struggling to find our way in the darkness at the crossroad of choice.”

As Tobe left the commander’s tent, the generals followed.


Led by General Tobe Volco, Red Fruit’s army passed through Golden Eye’s tents. The soldiers on guard had already received the order, so they let Red Fruit’s army pass through. Soldiers who woke up in the middle of their sleep to take care of business were either very surprised, or blankly stared at Red Fruit’s army in confusion.

Tobe walked into Golden Eye’s commander tent. Robey and the other generals greeted him with smiling faces.

“Are you on your way now? I should pray for God’s blessing.”

“Thank you.”

Tobe returned the smile. Then he took out a dagger from his inner pocket and stabbed Robey in the heart. As Robey doubled over, the other commanders of Golden Eye gaped at the two, wondering what was going on.

Tobe then yelled, “Attack!”

Red Fruit’s army began to attack the army of rebels from Danyum that was with Golden Eye.


Three gods held an urgent meeting.

The last to arrive was Jang-Wan.

Jang-Wan asked Crampus, “Have you contacted Lunda?”

“She’s not answering.”

“Do you not know where she is?”

“I don’t know. But she won’t be far away.”

“Why do you think so?”

AR1026 kept trying to perform Miracles through her soldiers while they were under attack, but the Miracles kept getting offset.

Lunda had been hiding somewhere and responding to AR1026’s attempts at conjuring Miracles.

AR1026 muttered, “Yeah, she got me.”

Crampus and Jang-Wan didn’t say anything. They were very displeased.

Crampus called Wisdom. Once Crampus explained the situation, Wisdom seemed calm, but Jang-Wan soon realized that was a false assumption. Wisdom didn’t even have a face for them to judge his reaction.

“Damn it!” Jang-Wan said. “As a god, I should intervene. I’m going to send my creations and…”


Jang-Wan paused at Wisdom’s shout.

“Why not?”

“Didn’t you say so yourself that Red Fruit’s army succeeded in a raid? Also, I just checked, and Deimerit’s gates have opened. Black Scale’s army is flooding out.”

“That’s why I’m making my army charge at full speed. If they face each other…”

“You would lose!”

Jang-Wan bit down the retort that was about to escape her mouth. It was hard to argue against Wisdom's prediction. Golden Eye’s army had already suffered a crushing defeat with the ambush coming from the inside. Some soldiers had run away without looking back, and it would be fortunate if even half of them survived. The reality was that they were an expeditionary force in enemy territory that couldn’t get supplies, and they had lost their commander; those who survived would surely suffer more loss.

And above all, Jang-Wan’s current Divinity level was the lowest out of everyone present. Therefore, even if she tried to intervene, she didn’t think she could defeat Nebula.

“Then what should we do?”

“Did we make a mistake? Yes. How could we have known that there really was a traitor? But if you ask me if we’ve lost, I’d say no.”


“Jang-Wan. This isn’t the end. We still have the second wave of expeditionary forces. We have one more chance. And perhaps we might get another one after that. As time passes, it’s becoming clear that Nebula wants a short-term showdown. That’s obvious because if all the countries enter an all-out war, it would be difficult for Black Scale to see any commercial gains. Black Scale would only become more disadvantageous as time goes by. So turn your troops around. We’re going to chase after Black Scale’s cavalry. Tell them to run all the way to Golden Eye’s borders.”

From next to him, AR1026 shook her head.

“Then what about us? Do you want us to give up on our troops?”

“...Yes. Aren’t you retreating anyway? Although I’m not sure if I can even call that a retreat.”

“No. I need to intervene if I want to save as many soldiers as possible.”

AR1026’s eyes shone with determination.

Jang-Wan understood her. Getting betrayed by someone one trusted was painful. It was impossible for a victim who got toyed with to just accept reality and wait for another chance.

When Wisdom was about to say something, Crampus interrupted.

“Sorry, but I must intervene as well.”


“All I have right now is 2000 soldiers. I need to do everything I can.”

“But Deimerit isn’t all Danyum is.”

Crampus shook his head.

“It’s not all Danyum is, but it’s the majority of it. If I just hand Deimerit over, Satyrs would no longer rule, and they are my main species.”

“It’s possible to keep things going.”

“But I would fall behind. And I would also have to give up on all the areas neighboring Red Fruit.”


“Alright, let’s talk later.”

Crampus one-sidedly cut Wisdom off.

He then said to Jang-Wan, “What are you going to do? You’re gonna help me, aren’t you?”

Jang-Wan nervously watched the battle—or massacre—and then looked up.


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