The Nebula's Civilization

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: The First Meeting with the King

Chapter 83: The First Meeting with the King

“Once again, I congratulate you, Your Majesty.”

It was the first prince, Vasen, who was speaking to Kyle. The two brothers were sitting alone inside the detached study.

Embarrassed, Kyle said, “You don’t have to speak so formally when it’s just the two of us.”

“How can you say that? You’re now the king of the country. No. You’re the king of the best country on the continent. You’re in a position to oversee the people, so you should be treated accordingly.”

“I know that, but…”

Kyle knew there was no use protesting, so he didn’t insist any further. And Vasen smiled as if he was satisfied.

“So, tomorrow is your first official meeting.”

“Yes. I’m a little worried.”

“There are things you worry about too?”

Kyle scratched his nose.

“Of course there are things that worry me. I actually think I have more worries than everyone else.”

“Hm, even though I’ve known you for many years, there were times where I couldn’t figure out what you were thinking, but I think I know what one of your concerns is this time. And I think I might be able to help address that concern.”

Kyle replied, “What do you think my concern is?”

Vasen calmly said, “Tomorrow, one of the ministers will likely suggest you kick Vasen Lak Orazen out of the palace. Isn’t that one of your concerns?”

Kyle slowly nodded.

Vasen was right. If another prince was inside the palace, the royal authority could be shaken since those who were plotting a rebellion would want a prince for legitimacy. The second prince, Shune Lak Orazen, was already a priest of Night Sky, so he posed no threat, but that wasn’t the case for the first prince, Vasen Lak Orazen. The ministers would ask for Vasen to be driven out of the palace.

Kyle lightly tapped the platform with his finger.

‘But that’s only an excuse.’

All the ministers knew that Vasen had no intentions of plotting a rebellion, but the excuse that Vasen could be tricked by others’ schemes was enough to justify having him kicked out. Whether Vasen really planned for rebellion or not was not the important part. The ministers would insist on doing so to prove that the king could not do everything as he wished.

‘Currently, Black Scale is a country where the ministers hold great authority.’

Kyle didn’t think that was bad in itself. Because no matter how competent a king may be, he was but one Lizardman. Even Lakrak, the progenitor, used to listen to the opinions of his tribesmen to make the best decisions when he was a tribal chief.

And if a king got conceited about his position, it was inevitable that the country would fall.

‘However, the ministers are all too biased. Because most of them are Lizardmen.’

Since they were Lizardmen, it was obvious they would implement policies friendly to the Lizardmen, and because many Lizardmen were aristocrats, it was also obvious that they would implement policies friendly to the aristocrats. Those with vested interests had the tendency to hold onto their power. The late King of Serenity thought it was a matter that couldn’t be easily solved, so he simply moved on. However, Kyle believed differently.

‘Still, if I raise the issue in the first meeting, the noblemen will become wary when they should be able to freely approach me.’

Kyle was confident that he could solve many problems, but he couldn’t not be worried about this matter because his brother, Vasen, was involved.

Then Kyle said, “You have correctly guessed my concern, but you haven’t mentioned what to do about it. What do you think needs to be done?”

Vasen replied, “Tell them to send me out of the palace.”


“Do it if the ministers wish for it.”

“But you’re…”

“I’ll be fine.”

Vasen looked at the view outside Kyle’s study room.

“I’m rather afraid that my presence will hold Your Majesty back from achieving great work. I’m okay. I came here today to tell you this. It’s rather a good thing. Even if I am to hunt, the biggest thing in the mountains is the wild boar, isn’t it? Oh, excluding Manun that is.”

Kyle pensively looked down at the table as if he was thinking about something.

“Hunting, hunting you say…”


“Vasen, could you help me a bit more since you already have been?”

Vasen realized Kyle had come up with a good idea.

“Yes, of course.”

“I don’t think you’ll dislike it too much either.”

After listening to Kyle’s idea, Vasen realized Kyle was right.


The next day, at the official meeting.

With Kyle sitting on the throne, all the ministers attended the early morning meeting. It was the first meeting since Kyle became king, so everyone stood with a nervous expression. Kyle was a 15 year old boy. However, before he became king, he had already shown affinities in politics unbefitting of his age several times. So the ministers had no idea of how to treat this young king.

Kyle spoke up first. “We’re all familiar with each other, but it’s the first time we’ve gathered here like this. I’m aware there isn’t any urgent matter at the moment, so I want you all to tell me anything I may need to know right now.” josei

The young Lizardman’s high-pitched voice rang throughout the grand hall. And perhaps because of that, Salusin Oh, who had been the Administration Minister since the rule of the late King of Serenity, boldly spoke up.

“Your Majesty. Prince Vasen can not be left in the palace.”

The highest ranking official in Black Scale was the Administration Minister. And Salusin Oh had been Administration Minister for decades. Kyle was aware that he represented all the other ministers.

Salusin continued to say, “Prince Vasen used to be crown prince. I know Your Majesty is close to him, but if Prince Vasen remains in the palace, those who seek to plot a rebellion may try to sway him…”


“...and shake your royal authority—What?”

“I just agreed to what you said, didn’t I?”

Salusin and all the other ministers exchanged looks with each other as if they hadn’t expected Kyle to concede so easily.

Thinking that Kyle acknowledged the authority that the ministers had just like the king before him, Salusin continued to say, “Understood. Then I think Prince Vasen should be sent out of the capital city, Orazen, and…”

“I don’t like that.”

“...but if Prince Vasen remains in Orazen…”


Kyle lightly struck the armrest of the throne.

“How dare you assume what I’m thinking? I have pondered over the matter of my brother as much as you have.”

The ministers knew that Kyle’s agreement to send Vasen out of the palace was a big concession. And in return, the ministers would have to give up something.

Salusin nodded.

“What are your thoughts, Your Majesty?”

“Before I tell you, there’s something I want you all to know. Do you know there is an unexplored part of our country that no one has ventured into yet?”


Salusin bowed.

“You're talking about the eastern mountains, right?”

“Yes. Many kings have sent people to explore it, but they quit because the terrains are too rough and steep.”

“But why do you suddenly mention it?”

The mountain range stood east of Black Scale’s wilderness. Attempts to explore the land stopped when a few ships got lucky enough to travel between the northern coast and Maganen, the end of the peninsula, and discovered that the land beyond the mountain wasn’t very large. Although it was located within Black Scale’s territory, it was difficult to cross the mountain range. Since there wasn’t much beyond it, the kings of the past believed the trouble far outweighed what little benefits it would bring and easily gave up on overcoming the terrains.

Kyle got to his point and said, “Until now, the eastern mountain range had not been considered very important, but the five countries to our west, Danyum, Red Fruit, Golden Eye, Mangul, and Asbestos, are all threatening Black Scale. We cannot miss the opportunity to strengthen our country. Therefore, shouldn’t we develop the eastern mountain range?”

Salusin slightly raised his head.

“Are you saying that we should send Prince Vasen to the eastern mountain range?”

“Yes. The big brother I know is a very talented hunter and a great warrior. He’s also someone who even had the courage to look for Manun by himself.”

Salusin secretly made eye contact with the other ministers. To the ministers, the eastern mountain range didn’t have much value. Sending someone there would be the same as making them suffer.

‘But His Majesty is young. Apparently he still likes Owen’s Travel Journal. Does he think he’s doing his brother good because of Vasen’s willingness to always go on an adventure?’

They would only know once they heard Vasen out, but in Salusin’s perspective, the only type of hunting that Vasen enjoyed was catching the prey in forest well-maintained by the hunting department. And since Vasen grew up in the royal family, rough work didn’t suit him.

Given the other ministers didn’t seem to oppose the idea of sending Vasen to a land of rough terrains, Salusin nodded.

“Your Majesty’s proposal seems like a good idea.”

“So can we proceed with that?”


“Then we should set up a convoy.”


A convoy, meaning a group of ships. All those who had attempted to explore the eastern mountain range until now had been moving on land, so Salusin did not expect a convoy to be brought up. Besides, one ship did not make a convoy.

Kyle meant that he would give Vasen several ships, which would take a great number of people to man. Given the ships were the country’s properties, they would have to be guarded by soldiers as well.

The idea was far from what Salusin and the other ministers had in mind. In response to Salusin’s question, Kyle reprimanded, “Why are you so surprised? Isn’t the failure of exploring the eastern mountain range until now attributed to people trying to go over the mountain on land? Then it’s obvious that we should go to the other side of the mountain on ships, is it not?”

“B…but Your Majesty. I’m aware that there’s no sea route beyond the eastern mountain. It would be better to go on land…”

“Then my brother is going to find a route, isn’t he? For how long is Black Scale going to keep a plot of land untouched?”

“With so many troops deployed, the danger of a rebellion will also…”

“Stop. We can just have someone keep my brother in check. You’re acting like it’s such a difficult matter.”


“Why are you going against what we agreed on after only the time for a cup of tea to be finished? Let’s see… When exploring the land, they’ll run into all sorts of animals, beasts, and monsters. Right, the Hunting Minister will be in charge.”

Deyanin replied as if he had been waiting for the order, “Understood.”

Salusin glared at Deyanin and thought that he couldn’t just back off like this, but Kyle was no easy opponent.

“I get what you’re trying to say, Finance Minister, so let’s have this conversation later. There is someone waiting in front of the grand hall.”

Salusin already felt exhausted.

Salusin and the other ministers had thought that Kyle had nothing prepared, and that they could just pressure him somewhat. Kyle had been mild-mannered until now, so they assumed that he would react gently. But that was not the case.

Kyle had made up his mind from day one.

“What do you mean?”

“Come in.”

The doors of the grand hall opened, and in walked someone shorter but burlier than the average Lizardmen. In addition to hair, the newcomer also had a beard, which the Lizardmen called decorational hair. Underneath his smooth skin were muscles that couldn’t be hidden by thick fat.

Someone yelled, “It’s a Dwarf!”

The ministers murmured among themselves.

“What can a thing like that do?”

“What is the guard doing? Why aren’t you driving that shorty away?”

Regardless of the words being thrown at him, the Dwarf walked up to Kyle, bowed, and got on one knee.

“I have come as you ordered.”

Salusin held in his sigh and looked back at Kyle.

“Your Majesty, what is this?”

“He is Rumf from the technology department. It’s only natural that none of you recognize him, since he was a slave until recently.”

“What? This Dwarf was a slave? No, Your Majesty. I wasn’t asking about his name or status. I was asking why he’s here.”

Kyle shrugged.

“Isn’t the seat of Technology Minister empty right now? So I plan to have him assume the role.”

Outside of a few ministers, everyone else opened their mouths to talk to Kyle while splattering spit.

“What do you mean you’re going to bring a Dwarf into this sacred grand hall? Never.”

“Your Majesty, I beg your kindness!”

“Why a Dwarf of all species? Dwarves are the fools that resisted until the end against the Thunder Dragon King when he was expanding Black Scale!”

Each of them talked over the other so much that Kyle’s ears were starting to hurt, but a smile appeared on his face.

‘As expected, none of them says another word about Vasen.’

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