The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 389

Chapter 389


ASTRID opened the door to his apartment as he checked the comments of the post he posted on [Cyberspace] during lunch. Ellis told him to post something to show his fans that the ordeal last night didn’t affect him at all. So, he posted his lunch. He only now had the time to check people’s response to it.

It’s because as soon as his afternoon class ended, his parents called him. Just as he expected, the two found out about that Nadia Beck issue and immediately checked on him.

Funny thing was, because the issue had already passed when they woke up, the didn’t find about it until later when he posted that picture on [Cyberspace] and read the comments of his fans encouraging him and asking him if he’s alright. They probably waited until he finished his afternoon class before calling him.

After assuring them that everything had been solved and settled, Astrid went back to his apartment peacefully. He read the comments under his post and was glad that most of it were positive. And due to that issue, the number of his followers on [Cyberspace] had increased again. It was now nearing six million.

It’s like he received the clout that Nadia Beck wanted and thus also receiving all the benefits. He didn’t mind though.

As soon as he entered the apartment, Xiao Lan greeted him. He lifted the other and scratched its chin. He put Xiao Lan down when he reached the kitchen, then he started brewing tea.

It was then that his Terminal rang. It was a video call request from Ellis. He quickly accepted the call.


“Your back at your apartment?” Ellis asked after seeing where he was.

Astrid nodded. “Do you have news, Sister Ellis?”

“Yes, quite a lot actually,” Ellis said. “First, Nadia Beck posted an apology on her [Cyberspace] account. It didn’t really do anything good though. People just flocked on her account and filled it with hate comments. Her agency tried to save her by putting all the blame to her agent, saying that it was all the latter’s idea. Too bad for them, the agent was no soft persimmon. He denied it vehemently, even providing some evidence himself. Now, not only Nadia is in trouble but also her agency.”

Astrid couldn’t say that that was unexpected. He had already thought that something like that would happen to some extent. He didn’t feel pity for Nadia. Why would he when she literally had it coming?

“But we don’t have to care about that anymore since it’s no longer our business,” Ellis added. “Now, for the second news, this one definitely much better than the first, I received an email from EMMA. You passed the screen test!”

Even though Astrid was confident that he would pass it, this news still thrilled him tremendously. Because with this news, he now had the confirmation that he would truly be EMMA’s ambassador for this new perfume line.

This ambassadorship would not only help him in his career, it would also elevate his image. The ads that would be offered to him after that would surely not have a reputation any less than EMMA.

“The contract signing would be tomorrow,” Ellis continued. “The schedule for the photoshoot and other details will also be explained to us there. Can you leave class early tomorrow?”

“Yes. Since I have a perfectly good reason to skip class, I think they would give me permission,” Astrid said.

They talked a bit more before they ended the conversation and closed their respective Terminals.

Astrid poured himself a cup of tea, drank and savored it. He felt so elated and happy. His first ad and it was already such a big brand. When he thought of how different it was from his past life, he couldn’t help but feel that how incredibly lucky he was.

Well, the fact that he remembered his past life definitely added to that luck. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t probably know what he would do during that screen test. No, being an actor wouldn’t probably even cross his mind.

So, once again, he was glad he managed to dodge Meng Po and her soup.

Astrid’s Terminal rang once again. When he saw who was calling, he subconsciously smiled. He pressed the ‘accept’ button and a handsome man appeared on the screen.

“Hello, Wulf,” he greeted first. josei

“Hi,” Wulfric greeted back.

Astrid noticed that the other’s expression was particularly gloomy. “Is something the matter? You look like you’re in a bad mood.”

Wulfric only seemed to have noticed then that his expression wasn’t that good. He tried to smile but it only made him look constipated. “No, it’s nothing. How about you, I read about what happened last nigh, are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine. It didn’t really bother me. It’s just a bit annoying, that’s all,” Astrid said. Remembering how Wulfric secretly helped him, he couldn’t help but want to tease the other. “Thankfully, I have a very dedicated fan who didn’t waste time to prove to defend me.”

He thought Wulfric would show a shy expression after he said that. But no, he didn’t even smile. Instead, a frown appeared on his face.

“Yes, I read about that. Do you trust... this person?” Wulfric asked.

Astrid didn’t understand why Wulfric was showing this kind of expression. So, he decided to just answer honestly. “Yes.”

Wulfric’s brows furrowed even further. “He’s a complete stranger. Who knows what his purpose was for doing that. You shouldn’t give him your trust that easily.”

Astrid raised his brow. If he didn’t know that Wulfric was actually ‘White Wolf’, he might have questioned whether his suspicion was correct or not. But since he knew, he couldn’t help but wonder why the other was casting suspicion on himself. It’s like he was annoyed at his stan alter ago.

But why would he? Wulfric probably wouldn’t even think of acting like that just to prevent Astrid from suspecting anything. Wulfric would just find that troublesome.

Then, as if a light bulb lit up inside his mind, he came to a sudden conclusion.

No way. Could it be that Wulfric was jealous of himself?

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