The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 435 - 435 MISSING YOU

Chapter 435 - 435 MISSING YOU


OF course, Astrid’s number one fan did not disappoint them. It took quite a while, but he finally commented under Astrid’s post.

@astridsnumber1fan: [First of all, congratulations to our dear Aster for getting this role. I’m sure you will kill it, as always. I will definitely watch the first episode! And to those who were doubting Aster’s skills and were talking nonsense, are you people not tired?

You always use the same old excuses to insult Aster. And every time, he always subverted your expectation and you ended up being slapped on the face. Are you people masochists or something? Or do you just enjoy being repeatedly slapped in the face? What I would give to see all your miserable expression once Aster showed just how right he was for this role.

But then again, even if he proved himself that way, you miserable louts would say the same thing again once he’s cast for another role or if he was given another job that you think he didn’t deserve. I wonder when will you people get tired of doing the same thing over and over again.

Anyway, Aster, please don’t mind those trolls. Just know that there are many more out there who support and love you. And of course, I’m number one on the list. I know you will give justice to this role, proving to everyone doubting you that they’re wrong. Like always. Congratulations again!


In just a matter of minutes, a lot of replies appeared below this comment.

[Wow. As expected of Brother White, you’re as eloquent as ever.]

[You really know how to spit facts.]

..... josei

[But he got a point though. These allegations against Aster now sounds like broken record. Like, it’s too obvious that they’re just showing hate for the sake of it and not because they truly think that what they’re saying was the truth.]

[Isn’t that natural? A promising rookie like Aster would obviously have haters who would wish for his downfall.]

[They’re just losers who couldn’t bear to see someone much younger and prettier than them be successful.]

[Aren’t all of you being too harsh? Is it a crime now to express an opinion? Are you the only ones who have the right to do that?]

[Opinion? Pfft! What you’re giving is not opinion. You’re simply nit-picking on an 18-year-old’s every move. Is it fun saying those mean stuff to someone probably very much younger than you are?]

[Hah! What are you all, the allies of justice? Do you think Astrid Townsend is such a saint to the point that he’s beyond reproach?]

[Right? Are you all brainwashed into thinking that it’s natural for someone new to the entertainment industry to get all this opportunities not even three months into his debut? Surely, there must be some shady things going around.]

[If you’re someone this pretty and talented, of course it’s only natural.]

The same argument continued on for a couple of hours more. But at the end, the negative comments were completely buried by positive ones. With this, one could say that there were more people who believed in Astrid than those who were not convinced by his achievements so far.

Astrid only managed to read Wulfric’s comment early morning the next day. He unknowingly smiled when he read it.

He actually wasn’t expecting that the other would have the time to check what was happening online. After all, he was in the middle of an important mission. But to think he would still post a long comment like this that not only showed his support for him but also defend him against his haters.

It seemed that the other was really taking his self-proclaimed title as his number one fan very seriously.

Astrid’s eyes particularly focussed on the words ‘love’ and ‘support’, as well as ‘number one on the list’.


He smiled and wondered what Wulfric was doing now.


Wulfric was currently looking at the vast space outside the window. He was at a small ship that had just entered the Tertius Galaxy. The mercenary group, where he and some other members of Fenris Squad were currently under cover, was now on their way to the planet where they would pick up the slaves which would be transported outside of the galaxy.

The mercenary group divided their crew into five small ships. Of course, this ‘small’ was not really that small. It’s just not as big as ordinary space craft. The reason for this and for the division was to make sure that they wouldn’t appear too suspicious in the eyes of soldiers patrolling around the border. And if one of the ships was arrested, there would still be remaining ships that could continue the operation.

This meant that even if there’s a possibility that Simon Lancaster was related to this slave trading shit, there were still officials and soldiers from the Rozen Army that weren’t associated with it. Or, there’s also that possibility that the bastard didn’t have anything to do with it.

Honestly, Wulfric was hoping it’s the former. That way, he could finally have a legal excuse to get rid of Simon Lancaster. With him gone, the power that the Lancasters could hold would diminish tremendously. Then, maybe, abolishing the whole Lancaster dukedom would no longer be an impossible feat.

He took a deep breath before his anger rose and he completely forgot that he was on a mission. Once they arrived at the planet Oria, the real operation of their squad would start.

He should focus on that so he would have a free schedule after. Maybe he could even visit the capital after he submitted his report for this mission.

Wulfric opened his Terminal and opened his photo gallery. There, he clicked Aster’s concept photo for his new role. Seeing the other, he finally managed to completely calm down.

But as he continued to stare at the picture, he was overcome by the need to see Aster. Not just in a moving picture like this, but in reality.

[Ah, I really miss Aster.]

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