The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 111 - THIS IS FUN

Chapter 111 - THIS IS FUN

"FOR the past three months, we had all been working hard for this movie.  Many of you might have been stressed out.  Probably mostly because of me.  I know how infuriating I could be during filming," Director Trevane said with a joking tone.  Everyone around responded with a laugh.  "But you all pulled through and did your best to make this movie the best that it could be.  So, for everyone in the cast and crew, as well as every staff who we'd worked with, this toast is for you!"

The director raised the goblet of wine he was holding and then drank it.  The cast and crew also raised their goblets and rank whatever alcohol was in there. 

"So, for tonight, let's all drink and eat to our heart's content!" Director Trevane once again raised the glass of wine and drank it.

The crowd then applauded.

They were there to celebrate the end of the filming of the movie [The Sleeping God] with the rest of the cast and crew.  The venue was the ballroom of one of the highest rated hotels of FS01. 

There were waiters walking around carrying trays with food and drinks.  Most of the food were appetizers, those that could be eaten in one bite.  There were different kinds of liquors going around – light and hard ones.  There were also tables around, tall ones where people could stand beside and put their drinks on. 

It was more similar to a cocktail party than banquet in which Astrid was more familiar with.  Because that's how it usually was in his former life.  Every time filming ended, there would be a banquet to celebrate. 

Astrid was holding a glass of blue cocktail. He drank a sip and it tasted like blueberry juice.  He hardly even tasted any alcohol.  Even so, after that one sip, he didn't drink anymore.  His alcohol tolerance was pretty low.  And cocktails like these that didn't have any alcoholic taste could easily bite back.  One moment, you didn't feel anything, the next, you're drunk as a skunk.

He didn't want to risk it.  Especially in this occasion.  It's a good thing that this was not like he's former life where a newcomer like him would be forced to drink any alcohol offered to him.  Not doing so would only offend the others. 

He had to learn of ways to make it seem like he drank even though he didn't.  That way, he wouldn't appear disrespectful and he also wouldn't offend anyone.  But he didn't need to do any of that now.  Which was truly a great relief.

"Astrid, you haven't drunk your cocktail.  Do you not like it?  I can ask a waiter to bring another one," Lauren said.

He and his brother were standing with Lauren and Sienna sharing the same table.  When he and Reas entered the ballroom, the two immediately pulled them towards the same table and they'd been together since.  No, actually, it's more accurate to say that Lauren and Sienna pulled him and Reas just followed.

"My brother doesn't like alcohol," Reas said coldly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know," Lauren said apologetically.  No wonder Astrid hadn't finished his drink. 

But even so, he glanced at Andreas, did this guy really had to say that so coldly?  He knew he doesn't like him.  But was there a need to treat him like an enemy?  Was it because he was getting close to his brother?  But he was hardly being clingy.  In fact, this was the most behaved he'd become.  And yet this guy still continued to glare and scowl at him. 

Annoying guy.  He took a glass of wine from a passing waiter and drank it to alleviate some of irritation.

"It's okay.  I have low alcohol tolerance, you see?  So, as much as possible, I try my best to avoid it," Astrid said with an apologetic smile.

"Good decision.  There's nothing good that ever comes from alcohol," Sienna said.  Then she hugged Astrid's arm.  "Since we both don't like to drink, let's go around the room and meet people."

Before Astrid could react, he was already pulled away by Sienna.  He glanced back and signaled Reas that he would be fine.  So that his brother would not have to follow.

And so, Reas and Lauren were left alone.

"You know you acting like a guard dog will soon irritate the heck out of Astrid," Lauren said drinking another glass of wine.  "I seriously couldn't wait for that to happen."

Reas turned to Lauren.  Then he saw that there was already a pile of empty glasses in front of him.  He couldn't help but frown.  Just when did this guy drink this much?

"There you go again, frowning like there's no tomorrow.  Am I really so objectionable that you always frown whenever you see me?" Lauren said and then drinking the content of the glass he was holding.

"Are you already drunk?" Reas asked, ignoring what the other just said.

He actually wasn't sure how a drunk person should look like because he had never been a drunk before.  Not that he had been into drinking.  It's only been a few months since he and Reas had turned 18.  So, he couldn't exactly be going around drinking alcohol.  Besides, because of his high physique level, it would be hard for him to get drunk. 

But since the other wasn't slurring his words, he probably wasn't that drunk.  Then again, those rose-tinted cheeks tell a different story.

"Who's drunk?  Do I look like someone who's drunk?  Or do you think that I could only say those things because I'm drunk?  Well, for the record, even if I'm not drinking now, I could still say those things.  In fact, I'll say it now.  You're an annoying cold boy who has an eternal frown and a huge brother complex," Lauren said taking another glass of wine from a passing waiter.josei

The corner of Reas' mouth twitched.  He was actually more annoyed being called a 'boy' rather than someone with a brother complex.  He stretched out his hand and grabbed the glass of wine Lauren was holding before the other could drink it.

"Hey, that's mine!"

Lauren tried to grab it back but he quickly raised it.  Because Reas was taller, the other couldn't reach it.  So, he jumped around him to reach the glass.  Looking at Lauren with his red cheeks and misty brown eyes, this guy was certainly drunk.

Now, the corner of Reas' mouth slowly turned into an arc. 

"No.  This is mine now," he said before drinking the wine.

He stared down at the surprised expression on Lauren's face that was now slowly turning into anger.

[This is actually quite fun.]

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