The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 113 - NEW OFFER

Chapter 113 - NEW OFFER


ASTRID was sure that he didn't just imagine it.  Miria's smile really did become a little less genuine when she turned to him.  He was good at reading a person's expression.  And this girl was not really that good in covering up the emotions on her face.  So, he immediately saw through the change of her expression.

But the question was, why?  The two of them had never interacted as far as he could remember.  He was sure of that.  They didn't have any scene together.  He also didn't meet her during the three days that he filmed his scenes.  Then, what's this slightly antagonistic attitude?

Yes, slightly.  Because the feeling he got from her was not what he got when people were jealous of him or if they dislike him immensely.  It's like someone who just readily assumed that they wouldn't get along with him.

He wondered why that was.

But he still smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lane.  Your song, 'Cerulean Blue', was often played at my home planet.  Your voice is very beautiful."

Miria was taken aback when she heard that.  It was such an unexpected compliment that she wasn't able to react immediately.  "T-thank you," she managed to say at the end.

"Astrid is right.  You really have a beautiful voice.  Very clean and soothing," Sienna followed. 

"Yes.  Whenever I heard your song 'Cerulean Blue', it always felt like I was by the sea," Astrid said.  He turned to Miria and smiled.  "You are a very talented singer."

And he was not just saying this because he wanted the other to like him.  Certainly not.  What used did he have for her 'like'?  He was simply stating facts.  Because the other was indeed a good singer. 

Miria's face suddenly turned hot and she knew she must be blushing right now.  Not because she was captivated by that face and that smile, but simply because she felt ashamed. 

She could see that Astrid was being very sincere in his compliments.  She could at least feel the sincerity.  Even if the other had a god-send talent in acting, surely, he couldn't fake this.  And that's why she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. 

Because she didn't have any good impression of him.  And not because of any fault of his.  She was probably envious and maybe even a bit intimidated by the other's talent in acting.  It didn't help that before he did that amazing audition, she was being scolded by Director Trevane for her poor performance. 

The comparison was just too big that it affected her impression of him.  To the point that he almost felt an instant dislike for him.  She didn't even want to be in the same space with him.  Because she would feel how inadequate she was compared to the other.  It was very immature and prejudiced of her.

And now, that very same guy was being so friendly and civil to her.  Showing that it was only her who was affected by the whole thing.  Well, if she thought about it carefully, there was literally no reason for the other to think badly of her.  And yet, here she was, having a grudge all on her own.

If that was not the height of stupidity and immaturity, then she didn't know what else it could be.

Miria sighed.  She should probably let go of this 'grudge' that only she was aware of.  It would definitely be of help to her peace of mind.

"Oh, right, I heard you're going to sing the theme song of the movie.  Have you finished recording it?" Sienna asked.

"Yes, just last week actually.  There's only the shooting of the music video left."  After Miria said that, she stopped.  Because she just thought of an idea.  "I still need someone to star with me in the music video.  Do you want to give it a try?"

She asked that last question while looking at Astrid. 

This was probably not the best of idea. First, Astrid would definitely overshadow her if they were in a scene together.  And two, she wasn't even sure if her company would agree.  But once the idea was in her head, she couldn't push it away. 

There's probably a part of that that had something to do with the guilt she felt.  But mostly, it was because she knew that the video would be a big hit if Astrid was to star in it.  And since both of them were in the same movie, it would be a great publicity.

Kaleido would probably want another artist for the role.  Preferably from the same company.  But she had a feeling that she could convince them.  No, she would convince them. 

"That's a great idea!" Sienna said, clapping her hand.  She turned to Astrid.  "Astrid, this is a good opportunity.  Surely, you must agree."

Astrid was a bit dumbfounded.  He didn't expect that events would turn in this direction.  He was sure that Miria didn't like him in the least.  Then, why offer him this gig? 

Just like what Sienna said.  It was indeed a good opportunity.  There was also no reason for him to refuse.  But what if it was all just a trap?  What if he agreed and he would just be shamed at the end of it all?

He turned to Miria and was a bit surprised when he saw the expression on her face.  It was worried and apprehensive.  Showing that she was anxious to hear his answer.  Being a 'bad actress', just as how Lauren often mentioned, she couldn't easily fake that.  Which meant that what she was showing right now was what she was feeling.  There was no trap or scheme.  She truly wanted him to be part of that music video.

"Are you fine with me though?  After all, I'm still just a newcomer to this industry," he said, looking all worried and uncertain.

He couldn't just directly agree.  It would make him appear too… eager.  He wanted to at least appear modest and not some overly confident, arrogant guy.

"I wouldn't tell you about this if I'm not," Miria said.

"Astrid, there's really no reason for you not to accept it," Sienna said, trying to convince him.

Astrid acted like he was still deliberating the answer.  But at the end, he smiled at Miria and said, "If you're okay with me, then I will be more than glad to accept it."

Miria also smiled back.  And this time, it was very genuine.

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