The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



THE arrow shot, its speed producing a wheezing sound across the field.  With a final whoosh, it landed on its target.  The white-haired man who released the arrow looked at the wooden target which was approximately 3000 yards from where he was.  His golden gaze could perfectly see that the arrow had hit the bullseye. 

Wulfric didn't feel happy or excited seeing that.  Because for him, what he did was only natural.  He would probably be surprised if he actually missed.  He stopped the horse and threw the long bow he was holding on the ground.

Not even a few hours in this place and he was getting bored again.

He was planning to do some mecha training all day today but Hildred suddenly told him that he found a place that could definitely relieve his boredom.  It was a newly built recreational club that offered activities that were very common during the middle-age period of ancient Earth.

Wulfric was curious so he went along with Hildred.  The other also pulled Edmund with them.  The moment they arrived at the place, Hildred pulled Edmund somewhere and he was left on his own devices.  He suddenly had an illusion that Hildred just used him as an excuse so he could play with Edmund here.  Knowing that guy, that was probably most likely the case.

He didn't really care.  He much preferred to be alone anyway.  He was given a map showing the locations of the different kinds of activities he could try.  But first, he was taken to a stable where he could have his pick of horse.  He picked a black stallion with a thick mane of hair and an arrogant sneer on its face.

Hildred told him that he knew the owner of the place and that he needn't worry if he broke a thing or two because the owner wouldn't mind.  He only scoffed at that.  Why would he worry if he destroyed something here?  It's not as if the owner of this place could do anything about it anyway.  And besides, was he some kind of bulldozer that he would just randomly destroy things?

The thrown long bow suddenly appeared in his line of sight as if saying, 'yes, you are'.  He grunted, reluctantly jumped off the horse and put the thrown long bow behind his back.  He got on the horse again and slightly kicked its side to move.  And the horse rushed forward like the wind.

Wulfric didn't have any particular place in mind to go to next.  He just let his horse to lead him wherever. 

Even though he was no longer as excited as when he first came here, he must admit that this place was indeed pretty good.  The landscape was all natural, none of it was artificially made.  Everywhere was just a real piece of nature.  And the kind of activities they were offering were also quite interesting and novel.

Take for example what he was just doing earlier.  It was an activity where one could shoot wooden targets using a long bow – a very ancient weapon.  This was the first time he had tried using one.  But even so, it only took him two-three times to be able to use it perfectly. 

It was fun at first but he soon lost his interest.  It would probably be better if he was pointing at a moving target instead of a stationary one.josei

As the horse continued to move, Wulfric suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves.  There were two sets, meaning that there were two horses galloping at some distance from where he was.   

Hildred told him that this place wasn't opened to the public yet.  So, he just assumed that those two horses were probably the ones Hildred and Edmund were riding.  He then didn't hesitate to let his own horse gallop towards that direction.


Astrid laughed in delight as he rode the white horse faster.  Feeling the wind on his face, he just realized how much he missed riding a horse.  He was even thinking that maybe he should buy a membership in this club so he could ride a horse from time to time.

"Aster, slow down!" Reas shouted from behind.

He turned around and shouted back, "Come on, Reas, let's race!"

And he let the horse he was riding to go even faster.

Reas frowned in disapproval, but there was still worry in his teal-gray eyes.  He no longer tried to stop his brother and just keep up.  So, if the other was thrown off or something, he could immediately move and save him.

He was already getting the hang of riding this horse.  He could already maneuver it as he wanted.  But when he first tried earlier, he almost fell on his back.  If not for his SS level physique, that definitely would have happened.

Surprisingly enough, his brother was the total opposite.  The moment he got on his horse, it appeared as if he had been riding one for years.  He didn't think it was weird.  He just thought that Astrid had better balance than him.

It's kind of embarrassing seeing his brother being more comfortable and confident riding the horse.  So, he had to step up.  After all, he couldn't let Astrid leave him behind.  What if the other got into an accident?  He needed to be there closely behind him so he could save him quickly if ever he was thrown off or something.

But seeing how proficient Astrid was in horse riding, that kind of accident would probably be almost impossible to happen.

Astrid held the reign with one hand and opened the map with the other.  The marked location was where they were supposed to go to right now.  It was where the staff involved in shooting the music video.  According to this map, it was near the sea area. 

He wondered what kind of music video the director in charge would shoot.  He wasn't really given a script or anything.  Not that it mattered.  He was confident that he could do a good job no matter what the director threw at him.

He was about to close the map when a black horse suddenly jumped in front of him.  It came from the side.  Astrid had to quickly stop just so the two of them wouldn't collide. 

When he raised his head, his gaze happened to collide with a pair of golden eyes.

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