The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



WHILE Reas was soaking in the medical cabin, albeit very reluctantly, Astrid was alone with the three military men inside their aircraft.  The coordinates of his apartment had already been inputted at the aircraft's GPS system.  The aircraft was currently flying on auto-pilot towards that direction.

"We accidentally saw you filming something earlier," Hildred started with a friendly smile. 

Astrid wasn't sure about the 'accidental' part.  Considering their elaborate plan just so Wulfric could talk and apologize to him, these three probably watched the whole filming process on purpose.  If not, then how could Wulfric so accurately appear before him just right after the filming ended? 

He didn't care much about that.  After all, he had already decided to forgive the other.  It would be nonsensical if he became angry because of that.  The filming was already over and they didn't really affect his work, so, what's the use of getting angry?  It's the same reason why he did not hesitate to agree when they offered to give him and his brother a ride back home.

Reas probably thought that he had already let his guard down just because Wulfric apologized.  Of course, he wouldn't do that.  He wasn't that naïve.  Even now, he was ready to defend himself just in case these three did something they shouldn't. 

But despite him thinking that, he had a feeling that he wouldn't really need to defend himself against these three.  This subconscious thought probably originated from Wulfric himself.  Mostly on the way he acted towards him since he opened the door to that room and saw him standing there.

His first impression of him was so extremely negative that his opinion of him was probably on the same level as his opinion of the lowest criminals out there.  He was overbearing.  Someone who would not consider the opinion of others.  And would blatantly act on his action regardless of the consequence or the people who might be affected. 

Wulfric was the type of person that Astrid simply disliked.  And yet, this same person bowed down to him, admitted his mistakes, and sincerely apologized.  The effect of that was simply overwhelming to say the least.  Especially if one added the other's background as the only prince of this Empire. 

But because of that, Astrid could clearly see that this arrogant prince truly wanted to get his forgiveness.  Whatever his reason might be for that, either he suddenly had enlightenment and realized his wrongdoings or that he just wanted to eat his homecooked meals, Astrid was still moved by his sincerity. 

Because of that, he felt that the other would not do anything that would destroy the forgiveness that he worked so hard to get.  That's why he could rest assured that they wouldn't just suddenly kidnapped him and Reas and would honestly bring them to his apartment.  josei

Besides, they were indeed at fault for his brother's injury.  They should at least do something to make sure that whatever they did would not bring negative side-effects to Reas.

"You are quite the talented actor," Hildred added, his tone, although friendly, seemed to be alluding to something.

Astrid glanced at Hildred when he heard that comment.  He didn't need to be a genius to see what this guy truly wanted to say.  Of course, he wouldn't be flustered because of that.  Why would he?  He didn't regret that he did that little act just so he could get Wulfric off his back.  He was well within his rights to do that.  If this Hildred expected him to be embarrassed, then he thought wrong.

He smiled at the other.  "Thank you.  I think so too myself."

Hildred was a bit taken aback.  He did say what he said because he wanted to see the other show a flustered expression.  He just didn't expect that he would just brush off what he said and even admitting that he was a good actor without even batting an eye. 

How interesting.  Now, he understood a bit of Wulf's fascination with this teenager. 

He also smiled and said, "It's good to have such confidence in one's skill."

"I agree as well," Astrid said, still smiling.  "It seemed like Captain Harlow and I shared some common beliefs.  Maybe it's a sign that we could get along well."

Hildred also smiled gently.  "Yes, I think so too as well."

Edmund looked at the two back and forth.  Seeing their smiles that was so similar to one another, he suddenly felt chills for no reason.  Why did he suddenly think that these two were quite similar? 

Wulfric, who was also watching this scene, was not thinking of the similarity of the two.  He was currently feeling annoyed seeing how the two seemed to be getting along quite well.  How could Hildred get along so well with Aster when he couldn't even talk to the other without making himself appeared stupid?

His first reaction was to scoffed and say something derisive just to get Aster's attention.  But he stopped himself in time.  He almost sweated coldly just thinking of the disastrous outcome if he really did act that way. 

He cleared his throat.  When he saw that three turned to him, he thought that he should have cleared his throat much earlier.  Anyway, there was something he wanted to know since earlier.  So, it's better to ask Aster about that now.

"Are you planning to enter the entertainment industry?"

"Yes," Astrid answered honestly.  "Don't Your Highness think that it's such a waste if I don't properly utilize my talent?"

Wulfric honestly wanted to say, 'no, it's not a waste at all' or that there must be some other place he could use his acting skills besides the entertainment industry.  But he had a feeling that if he really answered that way, his newly-fixed relationship with Aster would turn to sub-zero again. 

So, at the end, he could only say, "The entertainment industry is not so simple as one might think.  It can be very dangerous to someone as outstanding and beautiful as you."

Astrid didn't expect that Wulfric would say something like that.  But he could somehow understand why he would.  Although he could only really focus on one part of what Wulfric said.  He suddenly had the urge to tease the other for some reason.

"So, Your Highness thinks that I'm outstanding and beautiful?" he asked, tilting his head and looking all innocent.

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