The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



THERE were three people walking towards the stage.  But the reason of sudden silence was the person walking at the front.  The man was tall with bronze skin and a muscular build.  The epaulette on the shoulders of his white military uniform showed everyone of his rank – a general. 

Although that was the case, his military uniform was not even properly worn.  The jacket was carelessly put over his shoulders, showing the fitted black shirt underneath.  He looked like he didn't want to wear it but was forced to do so, so he just tossed it on his shoulders. 

He walked to the center of the podium and pushed back his white hair before looking at the students in front of him with his golden gaze.  Yes, this person was none other than Wulfric de Lunaris.  The only prince of the Empire and one of the five generals. 

Every freshman in that assembly hall recognized him.  How could they not?  With that symbolic white hair and golden-colored eyes.  Who else would have those memorable features other than him?  Not to mention, the uniform he was wearing.  For those who wanted to be a soldier like them, how could they not recognize the infamous 'Butcher of Orus'?

That's why everyone quieted down the moment he appeared.  Aside from shock from seeing the prince, they also felt a bit unbelieving.  All they could think of was 'how could this person be here?'.

Reas was no different.  No, in fact, his reaction was even more exaggerated.  What was this guy doing here?  Didn't he say that he would be here during the opening ceremony?  So, why was he appearing here when it was only the start of the training? 

Since he heard that one of the five armies would be in charge of their training, he had been worrying that the Fenris Squad would be the one assigned to them.  That's the reason he almost couldn't sleep last night.  And now, it seemed that that was truly the case. 

He suddenly felt like the whole universe was conspiring against him.  He didn't really want to see or deal with this guy.

The best scenario for this situation was for the other to constantly target him during training because of his disrespectful attitude.  The worst case would be if he favored him because of his brother.  Just thinking about it was already giving him goosebumps.  josei

That happening was not really too farfetched.  If one carefully observed the prince's action towards Astrid, anyone could see that he was interested in the other.

Reas was even much more sensitive about it because it had something to do with his twin brother.  That's why he could see it much clearly.  The prince's interest on Astrid.  And he didn't like it.  Not only because of all the complications it would entail, but mostly because, in his opinion, that blasted prince didn't deserve his brother at all.

"Whoa!  It's really the general of the Fenris Squad!  It means that their army would be responsible for our training, right?  This is so exciting.  I wonder how strong we would be if we were trained by the general himself?"

Those remarks from Ash temporarily stopped Reas from further thinking of more complicated stuff.  Hearing those words, he realized something.  That he could get stronger.

No matter how much he didn't like the prince, the other's strength was genuine.  Just like what Ash had said, if someone of the prince's caliber trained them, there was no way one wouldn't get stronger.  Unless that person had a problem.  Either they're arrogant and thought that they were already strong or someone who simply didn't have any potential. 

Reas didn't want to belong to either of the two.  Even if he had a problem with the prince, he wouldn't be prideful enough to think that being trained by him would be a waste of time.  He wouldn't be immature and bring his personal problem with the other in this situation.  Instead, he would devour whatever it was the other taught.  And he would get stronger than he was now.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  When he opened them once again, those teal-gray depths were already filled with determination.

Wulfric who was standing on the stage was scanning the room and he just happened to meet the brat's gaze.  He smirked.  That kid was really here.  Surprisingly enough, instead of hostility that he had already somehow expected, he was met with a determined gaze.

That's good.  At least, this brat wasn't really that stupid.  He would enjoy 'training' him.

Then, he noticed the other brat sitting beside Reas.  Wasn't that Leland's brother?  What was his name again?  Ah, Assil.  He did hear from his lieutenant that his younger brother would be entering the military academy this school year. 

Was it just a coincidence that the two were sitting together?  Well, not that he really cared. 

Speaking of that lieutenant of his, he would probably make a fuss once he found out that he personally went here himself rather than leaving this job to one of the captains.  The idea of training the freshmen this school year came from the Aegis Army.  They wanted to be strict in trimming down the student applicants this year. 

After all, this year was the 3rd millennia anniversary of the Imperial Military Academy.  This year's batch should only be crème of the crop. 

Leland took the initiative to make sure that their army would get the Mecha Department.  Probably because he knew that Wulfric wouldn't even show a speck of interest if it was any other department.  Which was right, of course.

They planned was to let the other captains to handle the training and just let him appear at the last day.  He would have agreed if he didn't find out that that brat was actually in this department.

How could he not 'take care' of Aster's brother? 

Wulfric smiled at the students before him.  But to the others, it just looked like a wolf baring his fangs.  "Good morning everyone..  Starting from today, I will be your training instructor."

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