The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 186 - ARTIST'S PROFILE

Chapter 186 - ARTIST'S PROFILE

POLARIS Official v: We at Polaris are happy to welcome another member to our growing family.  Please, give a lot of love to our new artist – Astrid Townsend! @astridtownsend

Below it was a link to the artist's profile on Polaris official Starnet site.  And attached to the post was three photos – one full body shot, one half-body shot, and a beauty shot. 

The full body one had the artist wearing a black suit, pulling at his necktie in a sexy manner.  In the half-body one, he was wearing a white shirt with suspenders on top, looking softly at the camera while smiling brightly.  And finally, the beauty shot was truly a beauty shot in every sense of the word.

The artist's black hair was not styled, some strands were falling softly on his forehead.  One could see that he was only wearing a very light make-up, just so he wouldn't look pale in front of the camera.  But that's why it was even more amazing.  Because even without make-up, his beauty was still in full bloom. 

It could be his smooth white skin like jade with no visible pores..  Or his red lips that were curved in a half-smile.  But most would probably agree that it was because of his black eyes.  Like the endless night sky filled with bright stars.  This pair of eyes were so expressive that it felt like he was conversing with all of them. 

Polaris had a lot of followers in [Cyberspace] despite being only a small company.  Mostly because a lot of their artists were at least at the top 200 of the Star List.  And they were very acting in promoting their artists, as well as interacting with fans. 

As long as you're their artist, even if you're still a newcomer and didn't have a fan base, they would still post news about you.  Just like now.  They're probably the only entertainment company who would bother to post something like this.  Introducing a newcomer in such a fashion.

This was how Polaris had always been.  So, when the people who followed their [Cyberspace] account saw such a post, they weren't too surprised.  But when they saw the pictures attached to the post, they couldn't help but stare more.  How could they not?  This newcomer was too eye-catching! 

Someone with both black hair and black eyes was very rare.  Even in the industry, there were not many with black hair or black eyes.  Not to mention both.  But that's not all.  Many had noticed that this newcomer's features leaned more on the Asian side.  Which was another rare thing. 

Most people of today's era had European or Western features.  That's why when they saw someone with a different look than their own, especially if that person's face was aesthetically pleasing, they couldn't help but focus their attention on them. 

And this newcomer was more than 'aesthetically pleasing' to the eye.  As proven by the three photos attached to the post.

So, after the initial shock, most of the people who saw this post quickly clicked on the link to see this artist's profile.

On the upper part of the page, the name, age, and birth date of the artist were listed.  Below that was a short interview in a cute chat format.  Astrid's avatar was a cute chibi drawing that has black hair and black eyes, while Polaris' was a chubby star.

[Polaris]: As a start, let me begin with something simple.  What's your favorite food?

[Astrid]: Any homecooked meals.josei

[Polaris]: May I ask why?

[Astrid]: Because for me, they represent home.

[Polaris]: Have you always wanted to be an actor?

[Astrid]: Yes, it had always been my dream. ?

[Polaris]: Are you happy to be part of Polaris?

[Astrid]: Yes, definitely.  Polaris is one of the best entertainment companies in the Empire.  I felt very honored to even be noticed and offered a contract.  So, I could only promise not to betray the trust that Polaris has given me.

[Polaris]: My dear, don't worry, Polaris is also happy to have you.

[Astrid]: *shy emoji*

[Polaris]: Then, to end this interview, can you give a message to everyone who might be reading this right now?

[Astrid]: Sure.  Ahm, hello everyone.  My name is Astrid Townsend, the newest artist of Polaris.  I'm still a newcomer and may lack in a lot of places.  But I promise that I will work my hardest to give all of you the best performance I could give.  I will continue to strive to better myself, so that I could meet all of your expectations.  And lastly, thank you for visiting my artist's profile.  I hope you could support me from now on.  *bowing emoji*

That was the end of the short interview.  Below that section were six photos lined up in a horizontal manner.  People could click on any photo to enlarge it. 

Most of the people who visited the artist's page were attracted by the photos on Polaris' [Cyberspace] account.  They didn't really care about the interview and was just there to see more photos of this attractive teenager.  And they were not disappointed.  The six photos definitely exceeded their expectations.

One set was sexy and mature while the other was cute and bubbly.  It was two totally different image.  It was almost as if looking at two different people.  And yet, there was only one teenager who portrayed them.  It spoke volumes about the other's ability to portray the role given to him.

Polaris were known in the industry for only signing people with talent.  At least, with these photos, it could be seen that they didn't sign this newcomer just because of his face value. 

Because of that, the people who were not really that interested at first, scrolled up and seriously read the information about this newcomer.  As well as that short interview.  And somehow, it made them remember the name Astrid Townsend.

Polaris' post caused a stir in [Cyberspace] trending topic of the day, slowly climbing up the ranks with the hashtag - #polarisbeautifulnewbie.

And when the person in question reposted this post, the hotness of this topic increased even more.

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