The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 228 - GREENHOUSE

Chapter 228 - GREENHOUSE

ASTRID was finally able to walk to the teaching building with ease. He looked at the time in his Terminal and saw that if he stayed for more than a minute more, he would definitely be late for the class.

            It was the reason why he decided to use his mental strength when he saw one of those three trying to slap him. Because if he let him continue, then, the 'drama' they're trying to shoot would just become more annoying.

He induced the other with a strong migraine. The kind that would make one immediately vomit. He had tried to do that a couple of times before and he had already become very efficient with it. 

As he walked, the people around that witnessed what happened started to give him encouraging words. Remembering how earlier, these people only had the attitude of watching a good show, he could only shake his head in secret. As expected, acting like a naïve silly white sweet could easily gain the pity and goodwill of anyone.

He had never tried doing that in his past life. Mainly because his looks just wasn't made for that kind of acting. If he did it, the only thing it could invoke was annoyance. But he had seen a couple of actors and actresses doing it. So, he knew how effective it was. Of course, the degree of effectiveness depended on the opponents' IQ.

Thankfully, the ones Astrid met just now was too blinded by envy and jealousy that their brains seemed to not be working properly. He also had to thank the fact that the aesthetic of humans in this era when it came to looks was different in some area compared to his past life. If not, then his above average face wouldn't be labeled as 'beautiful'.

The people in this era considered anyone who had a rare feature as extremely beautiful. Probably because most of them were all pretty and handsome. So, it simply became very common. So, the rarer one's feature was, the more they were pushed at the top of the appearance scale. 

Astrid shrugged. Not like he was complaining. Although it's troublesome in some ways, it's still very convenient for him in some other. 

He finally walked into the teaching building and got to class on time.


After class, Astrid walked out of the lecture hall. He walked fast but he made sure that his stride wouldn't make him look like he was hurrying to get out of there. When in fact, he really was. 

He didn't want another incident like what happened earlier. It's lunch time now. He seriously wanted to just go back home but he still had classes in the afternoon. He brought his own lunch. He didn't want to go to the cafeteria and engaged in fake conversation. 

That sounded a bit arrogant and high-handed but he really didn't want to fake his smile even during lunch. Because he knew that the people who would try to approach him wouldn't be genuine. Yes, that's a bit judgmental.  But his past life experience had long taught him not easily trust people in this industry. Especially those who couldn't hide their greed and jealousy. Those were the type who could do anything for their ambition. 

Astrid wanted to eat lunch in peace. Thankfully, he had already found a good place the other day. He had been eating there during lunch. At first, he was worried that he would encounter another problem again. Like during when he registered and during the freshmen orientation. Luckily enough, none of that happened. 

He walked out of the teaching building and stealthily moved to the direction of the school's greenhouse. The greenhouse was a bit far from the teaching buildings and other faculty buildings. 

When he was searching for a quiet place to eat, he saw this place on the map. The distance was just right. He also found out from a few posts in the school forum that it's not very popular among students. Mainly because the plants inside were not exactly pleasing to look at. 

When he first got there and saw those plants, he couldn't help but angry. They were a bit on the ugly side. But he didn't mind since they weren't toxic. His appetite wouldn't decrease just because of a few ugly plants.

After more than 10 minutes of walking, he finally arrived at his destination. 

The greenhouse was open to all students and faculties alike. But because of the chairman's eccentric taste in plants, not many would spend their time here. Which was just perfect for Astrid.

He walked inside and his eyes were assaulted by those plants. They looked like combinations of different plants – like the leaves of a palm tree on top of something that looked like a cactus. There was also a big flower that almost looked similar to rafflesia.  josei

But despite how the plants and flowers here looked, none of them gave off a bad smell. In fact, their appearance was inversely proportional to their scent. If one were to close their eyes, they would imagine that they were in a flower paradise.

He walked into the inner part of the greenhouse and sat down on one of the few benches inside. He then took out his food container from the space stone of the necklace he's wearing. But before he could even open it, he heard a voice.

"Those bastards! Why can't they just leave me alone? What did I ever do to them? Are the rich the only ones allowed to be talented?"

The voice was full of grievance and anger. Its volume was getting closer and closer. A sign that its owner was walking to where Astrid was. Then, he heard a sob. A very quiet sob that contained a lot of frustration.

"Th-this… hic… this is so unfair! I swear! Someday, I'm gonna beat all their jealous ass!"

Astrid raised one of his brows in interest.. Then, he glanced back at the owner of this voice. 

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