The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



The other was looking at the four men as if they were dirt under his shoes. No, it was even worse than that. But considering what these four was most likely trying to do, then such a cold reaction was very understandable.josei

Earlier, when Snow was on his way to class, he accidentally saw this teenager being dragged into this utility room. It was a very tricky spot that it would be hard for anyone to notice such a thing unless they were particularly looking at that direction. And the moment that the teenager was grabbed, Snow just happened to glance at that direction.

He wasn’t planning to get involved. But then he remembered what happened to him last week. He was almost kidnapped, maybe even murdered. But some kind-hearted fellow saved him. Since it happened in the academy’s grounds, it’s most likely a student. 

Snow wanted to know the identity of the person. But it was to no avail. Even with the help of his father, there were still no results. His father said that there was someone preventing the further investigation of the person who saved him. 

When his father told him that, he remembered that red-haired soldier from Fenris Squad. At that time when he woke up in the military base and found out that he was with the Fenris Squad, so many thoughts entered his mind all at the same time. It almost made his brain shut down. 

That’s why he couldn’t really think properly at that moment. He only wanted to get out of there as fast as he could. But most of all, he strongly wished that he wouldn’t meet a certain someone while he was there. 

That’s what all he could think about that he couldn’t really be bothered by anything else. It was not until his father came and got him out of the military base that his brain started to function. 

He just then wondered how he ended up at the military base. He knew that that red-haired soldier probably told him the whys and the hows. But, as you already know, the moment he knew that the other was a member of Fenris Squad, his brain just shut down.

His father stayed silent throughout the whole way. He couldn’t ask what happened because of the dark expression on the other’s face. Potent anger was emanating from him that Snow just couldn’t ask him anything.

It wasn’t until they arrived at the villa where the both of them lived that Snow finally learned of the truth. It turned out that his half-brother hired someone to kidnap him while he was at Redwood. It wasn’t just that, the other also hired those people to kill him. 

Snow was shocked. He knew that his half-brothers hated him. Not only them, but also his father’s wife. It’s like his presence was a big thorn to them. He understood where their hate was coming from. If he was in their position, he would also have a natural averseness towards himself. But he knew that he wouldn’t go as far as murder.

Knowing that one of his half-brothers wanted him dead, there was no sadness or disappointment. Since he understood what kind of family situation he had, he never had an illusion that he would be loved by his father’s other family. He didn’t even expect any kindness. But to think that they would really outright want him dead. 

So, all he really felt after knowing that was fear. It’s his life on the line, after all. He’s still so young and hadn’t achieved anything yet. Most of all, he still hadn’t shown himself, his real self, to that person. He disappeared on him without saying anything. All for one goal. A very childish one, yes. But it’s something important to him. And he wouldn’t be able to achieve that if he was dead. 

After telling Snow about that, his father assured him that such a thing would not happen again. His father might have his faults, but when it came to Snow’s safety, he would never take it for granted. 

He didn’t know what his father did next after that.  If he exiled his half-brother or if he warned the viscountess. And frankly, he didn’t really care. As long as they weren’t constantly hovering over him like a knife wanting to cut his neck, then they could go do whatever. 

Sadly, the thing they wanted to do most right now was probably to off him. But he very much preferred his head to be attached to his neck, so, whatever punishment his father would give to his stepbrother and to the viscountess, he wouldn’t do anything to stop it. No matter how harsh. 

With that over, he and his father discussed the person who saved him. The only information that red-haired soldier gave his father was that the other was a student. Nothing more, nothing less. After a week, that’s still all they knew.

And now back to this current situation. 

When Snow saw such a thing happening, he immediately thought of what happened to him last week. If someone hadn’t come to save him, then, he would probably be dead by now. What if something like that also happened to the teenager who was grabbed?

And so, he called the bodyguards assigned to him by his father who were currently hiding somewhere near him for sure, their presence was approved by the academy by the way. And he told him to come here quickly and save someone. 

But then, before they could arrive, he heard a scream. He didn’t think much and just rushed forward. And thus, seeing this exact scene. 

”Well, this is a bit awkward,” the black-haired teenager said with a helpless grin.

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