The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



Before he could think properly, his hand was already moving until their fingers were clasped together tightly. With their palms touching like this, he could feel Aster’s skin more freely. It was soft like cotton and smooth like silk. He actually wouldn’t mind holding this hand for all eternity.

Yes, that wouldn’t be bad at all.

Astrid was startled because of Wulfric’s sudden move. He was just trying to disturb the other’s thoughts because of the sudden atmosphere that surrounded Wulfric. It’s like his bloodlust suddenly took shape and was slowly covering this small space. It was quite suffocating. 

So, he thought of interrupting Wulfric’s thoughts by touching his hand. He was just planning to shake the other’s hand a little. He didn’t expect that Wulfric would actually link their hands together like this. 

When he raised his head to look at the other, he could see a very soft smile on Wulfric’s lips. Astrid was stunned for a second. This was probably the first time he had seen such a soft expression on the other’s face. Without the usual arrogance, stubbornness, and the mocking smirk, all that’s left was his handsome face.

Staring at such a beauty, Astrid felt a fluttering in his stomach. As if butterflies were dancing there, spinning and doing pirouettes. 

Astrid stopped and instinctively pulled back his hand. 

Both of them were startled by this. 

Wulfric, who realized what he had just done, suddenly turned bright red. Thinking of the thoughts he had while holding Aster’s hand, he felt his cheeks heating up even more. Just where did those ideas come from? Comparing Aster’s skin to silk and cotton, thinking about eternity, they’re things that could put goosebumps on his skin. And yet, just then, they didn’t. In fact, he even welcomed it.

He really didn’t need to ask himself the reason why. Of course, he knew. It’s not even that hard to accept. He was simply confused. Heck, he couldn’t even name the emotions he’s feeling. How could it not confuse him? 

The only thing he was certain about was the fact that Aster was special to him. 

While Wulfric was having his bout of confusion, Astrid was also having a fight of his own. Well, sort of. He was just completely taken by surprise. He didn’t expect that just by seeing the soft smile on Wulfric’s face, he would be all aflutter. 

That was certainly a new feeling. That’s why he became a bit panicked. Thankfully, it seemed like Wulfric was also out of sorts because of his own actions. This way, Astrid had time to calm himself down and return to normal.

He cleared his throat before saying, “You don’t have to worry about those people. I doubt they could do anything to me again. Don’t waste your anger on them. They’re not worth it.”

He said not only to change the subject but also to stop the other from potentially trying to murder people. Although Wulfric probably wouldn’t really go that far, it didn’t hurt to be careful. After all, this guy was very unpredictable. But what he said just now was truly what he felt. 

He didn’t want Wulfric to get his hands dirty just for those people. Because, as he said, those people were not worthy of the effort.

”Promise me, Wulf,” he added when he saw that Wulfric hadn’t responded to what he said.

Wulfric, who had now return back to his senses and had his faculties back to normal, felt reluctant. He didn’t want to let those people go that easily. Not after what they did to Aster. But the side of him that still knew reasons understood Aster’s point.  More importantly, if he always acted like this every time Aster was put in such situations, there would be a bunch of corpses lining around the capital soon enough.

Still. Not doing anything was a bit hard to swallow. 

He took a deep breath and said, “I promise I won’t go out of my way to hurt them.”

But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t do anything to make them suffer in some other way.

Astrid stared at the other, observing his expression. Seeing the reluctance on Wulfric’s face but still forced himself to agree with him, Astrid felt a bit amused. It’s like convincing a puppy to behave despite it wanting to just go wild. 

”Sit down first. I’ll go and serve tea,” he said, walking to the kitchen.

Wulfric had no choice but to sit down on the couch. As he did, he now only realized that the two of them were actually alone together. He suddenly felt nervous and then frowned at his own foolhardy thoughts. What was he getting so nervous about?

The two of them were merely in the same space. Feeling like this because of that, it’s as if he was planning something untoward. 

Astrid walked to the living room with a tray of teapot and cups. He poured a cup of tea before giving it to Wulfric and sitting down opposite the other.

”So, is the reason you came here because of that article in [Cyberspace]?” he asked, drinking a sip of tea.

”Yes. The moment I read it, I didn’t think much and just rushed here,” Wulfric responded very honestly.

”Don’t you think that’s… a bit careless? I mean, you’re a prince and a general to boot. Rushing here just because of an article, well, you know what I mean.”josei

”I didn’t care for any of that. All I thought about was to check on you and see if you’re alright,” Wulfric said. “You’re my friend. I think friends should protect and care for each other. Don’t you think?”

Astrid stopped for a bit and then smiled wholeheartedly. “Of course.” He took another sip of his tea. “By the way, Wulf, do you have a [Cyberspace] account?”

Wulfric glanced away the moment he heard the question. “I- No, I don’t.”

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