The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



Since their target right now was only Kit Brooks, it’s better and much safer to only focus on him. Of course, there’s a chance that the criminal organization might meddle with this and worst case, they might take revenge against them for what they did to one of their members. 

That’s why they made sure that the plan they came up with would only affect Kit Brooks. And that by the end of it, he would end up in a situation so embarrassing, the criminal organization would disown him on their own.

They would convince him to invest into something non-existent, let him pour all his money into it, and making him believe that the return would be a hundred times more than he invested. Then, on the day that he announced this investment to everyone, that would also the day he would be the biggest joke in this planet.

The plan at first was for Remi to lure Kit Brooks and then let Callie to pull him further. But because of what Remi did or almost did at the bar last night, the role of ‘luring’ fell on Callie. Now that their role was suddenly reversed, it’s hard to say if their plan would go on the same trajectory as they had planned. Especially with how Remi acted last night.

But surprisingly, the next day, Remi was back to normal. It’s like what happened the night before didn’t happen at all. 

And so, the three proceeded on with their plans. 

Remi was still Remi though. Despite the changed in the plan, he still managed to act his role to perfection. But the audience could still see him being listless once or twice. Most likely because of Noa. 

But this Noa or Noel as he introduced himself didn’t show up again after that bar scene. The audience was almost at their feet wanting to see when he would appear again. If they were on Remi’s shoes, they probably wouldn’t have managed to retain their calmness.

And so, with this intense atmosphere, the stage for Kit Brooks punishment finally entered the last arc.


Remi was standing on the second floor of the ballroom. He was looking down at the lively party below. All the attendees were the crème of the crop of this planet. Kit Brooks really went all out with his invitations.  josei

Well, this was supposed to be an event that would catapult his position to the very top of this planet’s social ladder. If that were to happen, then his position in the organization would definitely be solidified. Sadly for him, the only thing that would be waiting for him at the end of this party was his downfall.

But he wasn’t at all interested in that. Frankly, he was just being perfunctory. Just doing things to make sure that this job wouldn’t be a failure. He was simply going through the motions. Because all he could think of was Noa. 

The moment he saw him in that club, he was all he could think of. But he also knew that he had responsibilities. He couldn’t disappoint their client because of his own personal issues. So, he held back. Even though all he really wanted was to go to Noa and ask him what happened to him in the past 15 years. 

Yes, that’s right. They hadn’t seen each other in 15 years. He didn’t believe that the other would forget him in the years that they hadn’t seen each other. Either he was pretending not to know him or he had amnesia. It could only be one of those two.

Remi tried to search for any data about the ‘Noel’ persona that the other was now apparently using. Surprisingly enough, all the data about him looked very legit. But what that data entailed was the complete opposite of the life Noa had led. 

This Noel was from a wealthy family and studied in the best schools. Now, he was even the president of an upstart company. He led an almost perfect life. 

If Remi wasn’t Remi, he would have been tricked by this personal data. But being a hacker that could hardly be rivaled by anyone in this Empire, he could immediately tell that the data was fake. But he also knew that the one who made it was as good as those people from the intelligence division of the military.

But why would someone from the military make such a profile for Noa? That was the real question here. Or maybe it was just done by a really good hacker unaffiliated with the military. Aside from that, there was also the question of why he was ingratiating himself with the criminal organization Kit Brooks was part of.

There were so many questions but the person he wanted to ask them to was suddenly nowhere to be found. As if he’s like a breeze of wind that just came and went.

As if on cue, he suddenly saw a familiar figure at the corner of his eyes. He turned sharply towards that direction and saw that familiar back disappearing into the balcony.

Remi didn’t really think much and started walking towards that direction. Once he stepped into the balcony, it didn’t even take him two steps for his own step to falter. Because the moment he walked into the balcony, the other turned around at the same time. 

Their gazes collided. And when Noa smiled at him, he felt like he just ascended to heaven. 


”Hi, you’re the president of the company Kit was trying to invest to, right?”

And just like that, Remi quickly fell down to hell.

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