The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]




The virtual pod opened and Wulfric got out. He just finished watching the 100th episode of [Blind Justice] through the VirtualNet. Because of Hildred, he found out that there was actually an option in the VirtualNet where one could watch TV shows, web dramas, and even movies. 

When he heard that the experience was like being there at the scene himself, Wulfric didn’t hesitate to watch using his virtual pod instead of just a simple monitor. And he was really glad that he did.

Watching via a VirtualNet, there were two options for him. A god’s perspective or a character’s perspective. If he chose the former, then he could have full view of everything. If he chose the latter, then what he would only see what the character he chose would see. 

Of course, he chose the god’s perspective. 

This was Aster’s debut show, he needed to watch everything clearly and properly. But the end result was quite unexpected. 

He already knew that Aster was talented. He just didn’t expect that he would be this talented. Aster’s every gesture, his enunciation, his body language, the way he carried himself, all of it changed. The moment he appeared, he was no longer Astrid Townsend. He was the character he was portraying. 

The teenager Noa who later on became a man – that was who Aster was throughout the whole episode. It’s like the he truly watched the other changed from the teenager who only cared about the master who saved him to man full of profoundness. 

Yes, the make-up probably helped. But it was mostly his temperament. He didn’t look like someone who was playing the role of an adult. It seemed that he really grew and matured. This was another testament to his talent.

But even though Wulfric felt that the person he’s watching was ‘Noa’ and not Aster, he was still uncomfortable seeing the other being beaten during that one scene. Not to mention seeing his ambiguous relationship with that person he called ‘young master’.

Although he knew that everything was just ‘acting’, he still couldn’t help but feel upset seeing that. And then, after feeling all upset, he immediately realized that things like this would often happen from now on. Maybe he would even watch Aster kiss another person in the near future. 

Just thinking of Aster acting intimate with another man or woman, Wulfric already felt congested. It’s like something was blocking his heart and he didn’t know how to vent it.

He almost wanted to contact Aster and tell him that he’s not allowed to do scenes like that. But he knew that he would be overstepping his bounds if he did that. He didn’t have any right to sanction such a thing. And if he so even tried, Aster would definitely hate him for it.

Maybe all the progress he had made with their relationship would be gone to zero at a blink of an eye. How could Wulfric let that happen? So, even if he was full of sour feelings in his heart, he could only swallow his dissatisfactions.

He probably should learn to accept this now. That way, he would probably not feel so uncomfortable in the future. Although he truly doubted if that method would even work. 

Leaving the virtual pod, he sat down on a nearby couch and opened his Terminal. To alleviate the discomfort in his heart, he decided to log into his [Cyberspace] account and expressed his opinion about this episode. Of course, this opinion only included his thoughts about Aster.

[White Wolf (@astridsnumber1fan): The performance of ‘Noa’ in [Blind Justice]’s 100th episode was truly commendable. As expected of Astrid. The way he acted was not like a newcomer. Although I’m not very familiar with a lot of shows, even a layman like me could tell that his acting ability was definitely not like that of a rookie actor. Astrid’s talent is undoubted. 

[In the future, if someone would say that Astrid only got a role because of his face or because of some backroom deal, all I could say is that you’re full of shit. This episode proved Astrid has talent. If he got a role you think he shouldn’t have because he’s just a newcomer, just know that it must be because he auditioned and he passed. Anyone who would think otherwise are simply jealous people who couldn’t bear someone so beautiful and talented to succeed.

[To Astrid, congratulations to your first show! You did a good job!]

After posting that, he posted a moving emoji. It was that of a small white wolf doing a heart gesture. In which a pink heart would appear after.

Because of the last incident where he defended Aster and even provided proof that the other was a victim, a lot of people started following his [Cyberspace] account. Right now, the number of his followers almost reached 50,000. That’s why the moment he posted, a lot of people liked it and consequently commented on his post.

[Brother! I’ve been waiting for your post! As expected, you’re still very poisonous. But I agree, Astrid really did a good job in this episode.]

[What you said is true, Astrid’s talent will definitely get him roles in the future. As long as he’s not block by some jealous people, he’d definitely be a star.]

[As expected, Brother White is still Astrid’s number one fan!]

[Brother, do you think Astrid and Jordan suit each other? Their chemistry is undeniable, right?]

[Upstairs, I think so too! Although they didn’t give us any sugar, it just made me want to see them together again.]

[Yea, they definitely need to us more sugar.]

[Brother, which ship name do you think is better? AstriAn or RemOa?]

Wulfric narrowed his eyes at the later comments. Although he didn’t know what ‘ship name’ meant, it must be nothing good. Especially since it was followed by comments about Aster and that co-star of his. 

He replied to that last comment.

@astridsnumber1fan: Neither one is good. Astrid doesn’t need a ship name or whatever that is. He’s fine on his own.

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