The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

WHEN Aster and Wulfric entered the spooky castle, an AI robot immediately welcomed them. “Good morning! Welcome to the Dark Queen’s Castle! Are you going to avail the regular tour or the special tour? But seeing as you came as a couple, I suggest that you take the couple challenge to have a more fun and exciting experience.”

Wulfric froze when he heard the word ‘couple’. He secretly glanced at Aster, wanting to see the other’s reaction. If he would correct what the AI robot had said. But Aster’s expression didn’t change much.

A question floated in Wulfric’s mind – ‘does Aster not mind?’. Or maybe he thought that it wasn’t that much of a big deal. After all, there’s no point in correcting the assumption of an AI robot.

Thinking of the possibility that it could be that reason, he couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. Because it meant that Aster wasn’t really thinking too deeply of the relationship between them.

Wulfric suddenly sighed. No, at this point, it’s probably better to do that than overthink every little thing. Just like what he’s doing right now. If he continued on like this, thinking at every turn, he would just end up not enjoying this day. And what a tragedy that would be.

He took a deep breath and cleared his mind of any negativity. He would simply enjoy this day. Play together with Aster to his heart’s content.

“Wulf, what do you think? Should we do the couple challenge?”

Aster’s question brought Wulfric’s attention back. He turned to the other and said without scruples, “Okay. Let’s do it.”

Astrid raised one of his brows. He didn’t expect the other to answer immediately. Based on his performance so far, he thought Wulfric would say ‘I’ll do whatever you decide’ or something along those lines. It’s almost as if something inside him loosened completely.

Well, that’s definitely better than Wulfric acting like he’s walking on egg shells around him. This way, they could have more fun and make this day much more memorable.

Astrid smiled and turned to the AI robot. “We’ll take the couple challenge.”josei

“Good choice. Now, let me explain how the challenge works,” the AI robot said. “The two of you will have to enter through two different entrances. This will separate the two of your upon entering. Then, you will both receive a role each – one is that of a princess and the other a knight. If you are chosen as the ‘princess’, you will be taken to the throne room. If you are chosen as the ‘knight’, you have to save the princess.”

So, like some kind of fairytale? – Astrid thought.

“We request the ‘princess’ to not resist and wait at the throne room for the ‘knight’. Don’t worry, we will provide snacks for the princess while he’s waiting. He can also watch his knight’s progress as he does. The ‘knight’, on the other hand, has to face obstacles in order to get to his princess and save him.

“The time limit is 30 minutes. If the princess is saved within that time limit, you will receive a prize. And if you set a record by saving the princess in the fastest time, a special prize will be waiting for you. Do you have any questions?”

“What’s the current record?” Astrid asked.

“It’s 16 minutes.”

Hmm, that’s certainly fast considering the size of this castle. – Astrid thought.

“Are there any more questions?” the AI robot asked.

Astrid turned to Wulfric. “How about you, Wulf, do you have any questions?”

Wulfric shook his head. Although he was a bit regretting agreeing to this couple challenge. Wasn’t the point of them going here to explore the castle together? But now, with this challenge, they had to separate right off the bat.

“If you don’t have any more questions, please follow me.” They followed the AI robot towards two doors. “Please, choose a door.”

“I’ll pick the left one,” Astrid said to Wulfric.

“Then, I’ll go to the right,” Wulfric said.

“Let’s do our best to have fun, okay?”

[I’d have more fun if we’re together.] – Wulfric said in his heart. But on the outside, he said, “Okay.”

The two of then entered the door the chose.

Astrid found himself inside a hallway. It didn’t take long before a virtual screen appeared in front of him.

[You’re chosen as the knight. Please, do your best to save your princess.]

Oh? So, he’s chosen as the knight? Was it because he looked weaker and frailer than Wulfric? This way, they could lower the chance of them succeeding. Astrid smiled at this operation. Well, let’s see if their strategy would work.


On the other side, Wulfric was looking at the virtual notification in front of him with black lines on his face.

[You’re chosen as the princess. Please, wait for your knight at the throne room.]

What the heck was he chosen as the ‘princess’?

Before he could think more, an AI robot walked towards him. “Princess, please, follow me.”

Wulfric’s expression became even darker. He really wanted to punch this robot. Who dared to call him princess in this Empire? No sane person would even think that. Because they knew what their end would be.

He took a deep breath – inhale, exhale. He didn’t stop until he calmed down. No, he shouldn’t ruin this day because of his temper.

“Lead the way,” he finally said to the AI robot at the end.


Astrid started to walk along the dimly lit corridor. The silence was certainly eerie. If someone with an overactive imagination, walked here, they would definitely feel scared. But he hardly felt anything.

He had never really been the type to be afraid of things that wasn’t there. For him, something like starving was much scarier.

There were paintings lined up on the wall. All of the theme was dark and creepy. Astrid even saw something moving inside it. But he just ignored it since he knew that it was simply some kind of special effects.

The moment he turned on the corner, a mummy like figure suddenly emerged from the wall. Screaming at him.

Astrid only stopped for a second before smiling at the mummy. “Well, hello there.”

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