The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 324


A week had gone by since they arrived here at FS05. There’s probably only a quarter left for Astrid to film before he finished with all his scene. They were very much ahead of schedule. They’d probably be done with his scenes in about two days. 

Because of this efficiency, Director Scott became very fond of him. After all, there’s no director out there who didn’t like actors/actresses who could make their job easier.  josei

Astrid always did his best in every filming and shoot. It’s the reason why he could minimize the number of NGs he received. Of course, that should be the same for any other artists serious in his craft. His only advantage would probably be the experience he had accumulated in his past life. 

Those experiences helped him to give a better performance. But since a lot had changed in this era when it came to filming, every job he took was like a fresh learning experience. He learned new things almost every time the camera pointed at him. It’s very fun – acting and performing. 

Astrid walked to the resting area after the director shouted ‘cut’. As soon as he sat down, Ellis gave him an iced bottled water. 

“Thanks, Sister Ellis,” he said to the other, taking the water. 

He opened the bottle and took a sip. Feeling the cold water, he instantly felt refreshed. As he drank the water, he thought of his conversation with Wulfric about Lance Reid.

“Sister Ellis, did you hear if there’s any change in the other casts’ schedules?” he thought of asking. “Like one of them delaying their schedules or something?”

“No, I haven’t heard of anything like that,” Ellis said. Then, as if realizing something, she added, “Have you?”

Astrid only smiled. 

Ellis raised her brow at that. “Do I have to be worried?”

Astrid thought of Wulfric and the other’s reassurance that Lance wouldn’t be a problem now. “No, there’s nothing to be worried about.”

“Well, I’ll take your word for it,” Ellis said. “Just remember that we’re on in this together. Trust is very important. Anything that could possibly affect your career, you should tell me.”

Astrid felt a bit guilty when he heard that. It’s probably better to come clean about Lance Reid. He should have probably mentioned it to the other the moment Wulfric confirmed that Lance really did have an ability. But since Wulfric had already assured him that the guy would no longer be a problem, he completely forgot to tell Ellis about it. It’s not that he didn’t trust her. It just didn’t cross his mind.

That was completely on him. “Ahm, I’ll tell Sister Ellis about it once we return at the hotel.”

Ellis stared at her artist, observing his expression. Although it was brief, she noticed an expression of guilt. So, she knew that there must be really something. But since Astrid said that there was nothing to worry about, then she would believe it. It’s not like this kid would lie about something that could potentially hurt him.

“Alright, let me hear about it later,” she finally said. “By the way, [The Sleeping God] will finally be released next week. The week after that will be a very busy week for you.”

Astrid was glad for the change of topic. Speaking of [The Sleeping God], its trailer had been released three days ago. The reaction from the public was very good. Which was probably just natural. After all, it’s a movie by a famous director. Not to mention the popular cast members. 

He was not just used to the fact that movie trailers in this era was actually being released two weeks prior to the movie premier. Or maybe this was just an isolated case because Director Trevane was very confident that his movie would sell otherwise. Even the main cast was only given about a week of promotion. And then another week of promotion after the premier. 

Either way, he was very excited for this premier. Although he wasn’t included in the trailer or the pre-premier promotion, it didn’t decrease his excitement for this movie. How could he not be excited when he knew how much influence it would have on his career?

“So, which one do I need to attend after the day of the premier? An interview or a variety show?” he asked. Ellis had already mentioned to him before about that. But so far, she hadn’t given to him any confirmation of anything.

“It’s a variety show – [Fieldtrip].”

Astrid was a bit familiar with it since it was quite a popular variety show. The idea of it was that the guests would be sent to a place. They would compete with each other by completing different missions. And then the winner would win a prize. 

It had a pretty simple premise. But what made it interesting was the different missions it gave to the guests. These missions gave the show its ‘flavor’. No two missions were the same. That’s why it’s interesting.

  “Are all the main cast going?” he asked.

“No, only you, Lauren, and Miria Lane.”

Oh? Astrid kind of get why it’s the three of them. Aside from being in the same cast, he and Lauren belonged to the same entertainment company while he and Miria had that MV.

It would definitely be fun.


Lance walked back and forth inside the training room. Yes, training room. He still couldn’t believe that he was inside the infamous battleship of the Butcher of Orus. It’s only been three days since he came here and yet it already felt like decades. He certainly felt like his career was starting to fall apart every day he’s here. 

He heard the door slide open. Lance turned around and saw his nightmare walking inside. Yes, nightmare. A man with blue-gray hair and dark green eyes. 

As soon as he saw him, a sweet smell filled the air. He now knew what it was – his pheromones. And he also knew the reason why his pheromones were floating like this.

Because he wanted this man.

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