The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 334

Chapter 334

AS expected, the three didn’t have any positive reaction to what Eleanor said. Especially Keith. He signed up for this subjugation because he wanted to kill demons. He’s not here to wake up some god.

“This is bullshit. Wake up god? Hah! How can god even exist in this rotten world? If you’re done with your jokes, then I’ll leave,” Keith said turning around and walking to the door.

“I have to say, princess, I have to agree with Mr. Gloom and Doom over there. I only participated in this subjugation because I wanted to earn some pocket money. I didn’t really come here to do some noble deed or something. Good luck to your endeavors though,” the magician – Owen said.

He also turned around and followed Keith.


Eleanor called to stop the two. But before she could finish what she’s about to say, Clyde had already blocked the door. Preventing Keith and Owen to leave.

Keith frowned. “Move.”

“My friend, I suggest you don’t get in the way. I really don’t want to turn you into burnt meat,” Owen said almost at the same time as Keith. The only difference was, he said it in a jolly tone as if he was telling the other he’d give him snacks or something. josei

Clyde didn’t mind though. He’d never been the type to get angry at such provocations anyway. “Please, at least listen to what her highness had to say.”

Eleanor took that chance to appeal her case to the two. “It would only take five minutes. Please.”

Keith stopped and turned to Eleanor. He didn’t know if it was because he just wanted to get this done and over with or if it was because he was affected by the sincerity in those blue eyes, but at the end, he still nodded.

Owen only shrugged and leaned on the wall with a welcome gesture. As if telling Eleanor that he would listen but only for five minutes.

She looked at the two. If she couldn’t appeal to them using some noble reason, then she should use something that would interest them.

“If you go with me in this quest, you will be compensated more than what you should have received if you joined the subjugation,” Eleanor said that while looking at Owen. Then she turned to Keith. “And with us being only four, you would be able to kill more demons. Not just more demons but more powerful demons. What do you think?”

The air was filled with silence for a few seconds. It was only broken by Owen’s laugh.

“You really do know your way to a man’s heart, princess,” he said. After he finished laughing, he added, “Count me in then.”

“No need to ask me,” Clyde followed. “If it’s to end the reign of demons, then I’d go with your highness even to the end of this continent.”

Eleanor’s expression brightened when he heard what the two said. Then, she turned to Keith. Not only her, but the other two also turned to the other.

Keith, who received the gazed of the three people, felt annoyed. But somehow, there’s a part of him that was actually amused with the situation. So, at the end, he just found himself agreeing to the whole thing.


Eleanor then proceeded on explaining how this kind of quest came about.

Apparently, the church found an information about the possible whereabouts of the god, Aether. From the document that they had recovered, it was said that the place was somewhere in the Apyrus Kingdom. It just so happened that their saintess was a princess of the said kingdom. And so, it was only natural for her to be the one leading it.

According to the research that the church’s scholars had compiled, four people were at least needed to wake up Lord Aether. Not because of any special reason. Just because four people were needed to release the seal that was keeping Lord Aether from his slumber.

That’s why Eleanor chose the three people that were not only strong but would also make a balanced party with her. Hence her choice. Keith would be their main damage dealer, Clyde would act as a tank and lessen the damage their party might receive, Owen who could deal area-wide damage, and her as a healer.

While they were doing this quest, the subjugation that was happening all around the continent would continue. It would be a smokescreen to what the church were really planning. To make sure that none of it would leak to the demons’ side, the people of the church made sure that only a handful of people would know about it.

And so, the real journey of the four finally started.

It was a bit rough at the start because they lacked team work and trust towards each other. But after every battle they experienced, the team work and the trust also increased. During this process, the four also slowly got closer. In particular, the love line between Keith and Eleanor also slowly unfurled.

While the four were doing the quest, scenes of the subjugation were also shown. Aside from that, there were also scenes of the demon king – the character Lauren Watts was playing. He was shown looking at the scenes of fighting between humans and demons.

Through those scenes, the audience could see that the demons didn’t really have any order within their ranks. They were simply attacking and killing to their heart’s content. Even the so-called demon king was not making any orders and was just simply watching everything.

As the journey of the four continued, they finally arrived at their destination.

It was a cave filled with beautiful crystals. Inside it was a lake surrounded by crystal flowers. At the very center of it was a rectangular crystal slab. And on top of it lay a teenager.

He was wearing a simple white shirt, as well as black trousers. He had black hair as dark as ebony and skin as translucent as pearl. Even with his eyes closed, his otherworldly beauty wasn’t diminished at all.

Almost all the people watching in the theater took a breath when they saw the teenager.

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