The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]




ASTRID blinked. He was so surprised that he didn't even know how to react. But when he felt the warmth that suddenly enveloped him, his heart did the most clichéd action—it skipped a beat. And then after that, it did the most predictable thing it could possibly do—it started to beast faster and faster, as if he would have a heart attack any minute.

So, his body just completely froze, not knowing what he should do next.

Subconsciously, he knew that this reaction he was having now was not just because he was surprised. And because he understood that, it felt even more awkward.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and slowly exhaled, trying his best to return to normal. Even though his heart and his brain were doing a lot of gymnastics right now, he still managed to calm himself. He was truly thankful for his past life experience, his acting skills, and his real mental age that he managed to do just that.

So he raised his arms and patted Wulfric's back. Just like how one would do after seeing their friend for the first time in a while.

Then, he suddenly felt Wulfric's whole body froze in place. After that, as if some kind of robot, he slowly let go of him and even took a step back, a couple of steps back, actually.

"I- I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just..."

Wulfric didn't know how to continue that. What would he say? That he was just too happy to see him, that his body just moved on its own and before he knew it, he was already hugging him? Even if that was the truth, it was still stupid of him to do it. Especially once he remembered how he acted when he and Aster first met.

He was arrogant and forceful. Doing things that Aster hated. It's no wonder that the other chose to act like some weakling just so he would lose interest in him. What if he reminded the other of that time because of his action just now?

If it was just a light hug, he could have made some plausible excuse. But no, it was a hug that lasted for almost a minute. If he hadn't come back to his senses because Aster patted his back, it might have been much longer than that.

But what could he do? Hugging Aster just felt so good that he literally forgot everything. All he could think of was the soft body in his arms and that particular jasmine scent under his nose. His body fit so snugly in his arms that everything just felt so natural.

As if Aster belonged naturally in his embrace.

Astrid stared at Wulfric. The other had a panicked expression on his face. As if he had only realized now what he had done. This guy probably didn't even realize that he hugged him and was moving according to his instinct.

Watching the other squirm in nervousness was amusing in a way, but Astrid really didn't have that kind of hobby. He only felt a bit helpless. Like how thousands of thoughts had already passed by inside his head and the other was probably just enjoying hugging him.

Ah, how wonderful must it be to be oblivious of one's own feelings.

So, at times like this, he could only smile and say in the most natural way possible, "It's nice to see you again, Wulf."

Wulfric could feel the tension in his body slowly leave the moment Aster greeted him like that. Thankfully, the other didn't think badly of him because of his sudden action. But at the same time, a small corner of his heart felt disappointed that Aster didn't have any reaction to his hug.

As if that hug was really nothing more but a friendly greeting.

When his thought veered off that way, he immediately wanted to punch himself. Was there really something wrong with his brain that he would feel this way instead of being grateful that Aster didn't get angry?

He cleared his throat and fixed his expression. "Yes, it's nice to see you too, Aster."

He wanted to add how much he missed the other, but he refrained from doing so. He just barely got out from an awkward situation. He didn't want to make it awkward for Aster again.

"But why are you back at the capital? Is your mission over already?" Astrid asked. "No, wait, before you answer that, let's go inside my apartment first."

Even if his neighbors were people who respected other's privacy, it would not hurt to be more careful. After all, if one of them happened to take a picture of him having a rendezvous with the prince of the Empire, it would only end badly for him. So, it's better to have their conversation inside his apartment.

He opened his apartment and walked inside. Wulfric quickly followed like a puppy. Or maybe a wolf pup would be more apt?

"Do you want coffee or tea?" he asked as he walked towards the kitchen.

"The team from your family's farm would be good," Wulfric said, sitting down on the small dining table.

He had already drank all the tea bags that Aster had given him. So, he had been really craving the taste of it.

As Astrid started brewing the tea, he suddenly thought of something that he probably should have first noticed the moment he saw Wulfric. He turned around and looked at the other.

"Wulf. How did you get inside the building?"

Wulfric froze for a moment when he heard the question. Then he looked from left to right,? avoiding Aster's gaze. When he felt the sting of Aster's stare as he narrowed his gaze at him, he scratched his cheek and finally answered;

"Well, I happen to be a new resident here." josei

There was a momentary silence. It became so quiet that one could probably hear a drop of a pin at that moment.

"And just when did this 'happen'?"

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