The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]




HILDRED was just about to sleep when he received a video call request from Wulf. His brows furrowed, wondering if the other had another job lined up for him. It's not weird for him to think so since the other ordered him to interrogate those damn human traffickers just right after he got back from his vacation with Ed.

It was a good thing that he accumulated a lot of sweetness from this vacation or he might have really protested. Still, knowing Wulf, the other would have no qualms increasing his workload as long as he thought that he would be the best man for the job. In a way, he was much more of a slave driver than Lele in that regard.

But since the other was still his immediate superior, despite how close they were as friends, he should still answer this call. So, he reluctantly pressed the 'accept' button.

"Please tell me, this is not another mission," he said the moment he answered.

"I need your advice."

When Hildred heard that response, it felt like his drowsiness instantly disappeared. He took a good look at Wulf. The other's cheeks were slightly flushed and there were empty bottles of alcohol in front of him.

He suddenly remembered that the other quickly traveled to the capital the moment the human traffickers were caught. He almost forgot that it was one of the reasons why he got a bit annoyed. Because it seemed like Wulf just threw his job at him because he couldn't wait to meet Astrid Townsend.

Looking at Wulf now, something interesting must have happened. He resisted the urge to tease the other. He sat up straight and cleared his throat.

"What kind of advice?" he asked in a curious manner, as if he had no idea why Wulf was asking such a thing.

"Well, someone I know is having... some kind of problem, " Wulf started.

Sure enough. Using the universal excuse that it was another person's problem instead of his own, this definitely had something to do with Astrid. "What kind of problem?"

"Ahem, well, this person, for some reason, he's very invested in the life of another person he considered a friend. He wanted to always protect him, to make sure that he wouldn't get hurt emotionally or physically by anything or anyone, to always be with him, to see him smile," Wulf started explaining in some kind of roundabout manner.

Hildred didn't interrupt him and just let him continue.

"But the problem was, he's not this kind of person. He's usually short-tempered, but for him, he learned to be patient. His first reaction to everything that annoyed him was violence, but for him, he tried to be prudent. He was even doing stupid things that he would normally not do under normal circumstances because of him."

[You are still like that though.]—Hildred almost said.

Wulf was still that bad tempered guy with a penchant for violence. The only difference was that there was now an exception to the rule—Astrid Townsend. Well, at least that was what Hildred was getting from what Wulf just said. And that was huge. Because this just proved that the teenager was not just some passing fancy to their general.

"So, what exactly is the problem?" he asked.

Wulf suddenly became silent, as if contemplating how to answer him. At the end, he poured himself another glass of whatever alcohol he was drinking and downed it before saying;

"The problem is, he doesn't know why he's fucking doing all that. If it was just because he considered him a friend, then why doesn't he act the same way around his other friends? Why is it so different when it came to him? What makes him so special?"

Hildred raised his brow when he heard the pent-up frustration in Wulf's voice. Not to mention the other's expression. The statement 'I'm so frustrated, I could kill' probably fit the expression Wulf had right now to the tee.

This was truly surprising. Because this was the first time he had seen the other in this state. He truly looked like he was at his wit's end. That's why even if Hildred wanted to tease the other so much, he held back. There was a time and place for that. And right now, his teasing would probably just make Wulf hysterical.

This only showed how much Astrid had on him. If it was only a drop on a calm lake at first, now, it must be a freaking tsunami. And Wulf obviously had no idea what's happening to him or what kind of 'storm' he's facing.

As a good friend, he should give him enlightenment. Besides, there's plenty of time to tease the other. He just have to wait until he was certain that Wulf wouldn't pull a gun at him once he did. For now, he would be just a good friend.

"Isn't the answer already obvious?" Hildred started. "You, I mean, your friend already admitted that this person is already someone special to him. Special in a way that's not similar to how a friend or a family is special. So, what does that leave you, I mean, him?"

He didn't know if it's because of the effect of alcohol or the other was just too out of it because of his current emotional state, but Wulf didn't even notice any of his blunders. He just had this contemplative expression, as if he was pondering deeply about what Hildred just said.

"That he's a... super special friend?"

That response almost made Hildred slap his forehead. When he thought that the other was finally getting it, this was the conclusion he came up with? Should he really spoon-feed everything so this block of rock could understand what's he's feeling?

No, let's be patient.

He took a calming breath and said, "The feelings of that person are the same feelings I have for Ed."

Surely, this guy would finally understand it. josei

Contrary to his expectations, Wulf's brows furrowed even further. "You mean he has sadistic feelings for the other person?"

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