The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]




"WOW, isn't this more food that usual?" Kiran commented while looking at all the food Astrid took out.

Snow also nodded in agreement.

The three of them were in their usual lunch hangout. The moment they sat down, Astrid just took out all these dishes.

"Well, I made a little more than I used to this morning," Astrid said with a smile.

The truth was, he made breakfast for two people and since he planned to pack the leftovers to eat for lunch; he made a lot. Why did he make breakfast for two people? It's because he thought Wulfric would come barging in and asked to have breakfast with him. Knowing the other, it was definitely possible. Especially since Wulfric was just a few floors above.

But surprisingly, he didn't see the shadow of the other until he left the apartment building to go to school. This surprised him slightly. Because it was unlike Wulfric at all. On the other hand, he wasn't sure if he should be disappointed or relieved by the other's 'no-show'.

Disappointed because Wulfric wasn't able to eat the food he cooked and relieved because he didn't have to deal with the outcome of the conversation they had last night. It would give him more time to sort out his thoughts and feelings. It would also be better for the other to come to terms with his own feelings.

It would be good if their conversation could actually give Wulfric some enlightenment. Astrid was not just sure what that would entail for their relationship.

Would it move to another level, or would it stagnate and then slowly fizzle out?

At this point in time, of course, he hoped that it would be the former. Since he had already admitted honestly to himself that Wulfric had become an important existence for him, it's only natural to want to see where it would lead him. Well, at least for him, that was the case.

It was not something that he feared. It's something that he welcomed, actually.

Astrid had never experienced being in a romantic relationship before in his past life. Not that he didn't want to, his situation just didn't allow him. He was an actor in an almost non-inclusive society. Just a whiff of him being gay could end his career.

At that point in his life, his career was much more important that anything else. Because it was all he had. Even when he became interested in someone, he would stop himself before it could even become deeper. He became instinctively too strict with himself, especially when it came to having a relationship.

To the point that he died a pure virgin.

But this era was different. Being in a relationship with the same sex was no longer frowned upon, it was just the norm. Even if he had a relationship with someone, it wouldn't affect his career to the point that he had to retire from acting.

He was free to fall in love here. That's why he more than welcomed these emotions he's feeling. If what he felt for Wulfric was 'love', then it's not something to be afraid of. It should be celebrated. After all, falling in love with someone was a wonderful thing and not everyone could just experience it.

But first, before that, he should make sure first if he was indeed in love with a certain white Wulf. And this 'in love' was not just the kind when one felt tingly all over, it was the kind when one felt that they wanted to be with the other person for the rest of their lives.

Of course, one might say that nothing was truly permanent. You might feel like that one moment, and then not the next. But in Astrid's opinion, if the feeling of 'love' could easily be changed like that, could that still be called 'love'?

"Can we finish all this?"

Snow's voice brought Astrid's thoughts back to the present.

"If we can't, can I take some back to my apartment?" Kiran asked.

Astrid nodded and smiled. "Sure."

The three then started eating.

"By the way, I'm already done composing the songs Polaris commissioned me," Kiran stared. "I also just received my full payment. Can I take the two of you out for lunch this weekend?"

"Of course. Who would refuse free lunch?" Astrid quickly agreed.

"Same," Snow seconded.

Kiran grinned, clearly happy that he could treat his two friends. josei

"I also have a good news," Snow said after clearing his throat. "Polaris offered me a contract."

There was silence for a few seconds before both Astrid and Kiran showed excitement and happiness for the news that Snow gave.

"Congratulations!" both said almost at the same time.

"That's great, Snow!" Kiran said, clearly very happy for the other. "Polaris is definitely a good agency."

"I knew it's only a matter of time before you would get an offer," Astrid said with certainty. "You're too good not to receive one."

"Thank you," Snow said with a shy smile. "They must have liked my performance in [Youth Avenue]."

"Have you decided to sign with them?" Astrid asked.

"My father said to have a lawyer check the contract first before I make any decision. But I'm already thinking of signing regardless," Snow answered.

"Then we'll be in the same agency," Astrid said with a bright smile, truly happy at that fact.

"Now I'm starting to feel tempted to have an exclusive contract with Polaris," Kiran grumbled, looking at them with envy.

"Don't. Just think of all the money you'll make if you can freely work with all the entertainment agencies out there," Astrid reminded the other.

"It would also showcase your talent more," Snow seconded.

Kiran chuckled, delighted by their comments. "True enough."


After his classes in the afternoon ended, he went straight back home since he didn't have any schedule. Ellis wanted to pick him up, but he refused since he could just call an AI driven taxi. It didn't take long before he arrived at his apartment building.

He was walking to his apartment room when he saw a familiar figure standing by his door. It's like a replay of what happened last night.

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