The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



EMMY walked towards the castle-like mansion in an unhurried manner. Her personal maid was walking behind her and was carrying her luggage. She just finished her vacation. A tour of the whole Artemian Galaxy. The galaxy where the Emperor Star was a part of. It was her gift to herself after graduating from secondary education.

She actually wanted to go to Palioxis Galaxy, but her father didn't give her permission. In fact, he was thoroughly against the idea of her 'scampering about', as he said, around the galaxy. That it not something a young lady of her status should be doing. She almost scoffed when she heard that. Really, did that staid father of hers think that they're still living at the ancient earth. Heck, she bet even people at that time wasn't as strict as him.

So, she persisted and continued on convincing the other. This was a tour that she had planned for a long time. There's no way she would back down. At the end, her father compromised. Allowing her 15 days of vacation with a lot of bodyguards following her around in secret. 

She agreed. Because what else could he do? That's better than not going at all. She just pretended that they didn't exist. Which helped a lot. Because if she didn't do that, she would definitely not enjoy her vacation.josei

After entering the mansion, a middle-aged looking man with an amiable countenance and obvious laugh lines on his face moved forward to meet her. "Welcome home, my lady," he said, bowing elegantly.

"Thank you, Uncle Jeffries," she said, greeting back their family's long-time butler.

"I hope my lady had a great vacation."

"Well, I did my best so I could enjoy my vacation." 

It would be better though if those bodyguards were not following her all the time. The only alone time she probably had was whenever she was in her hotel room.

"That's good," Jeffries said nodding his head. "My lady, Your Grace is waiting for you in his study."

"Father is home?"

Usually, during this time of the day, he would be at the parliamentary office, doing his ducal duties. 

"Yes, my lady," Jeffries answered. "Lunch will be served in about an hour. Does my lady want to request any dishes?"

Emmy shook her head. "No. You can just serve whatever. I'm going to see, Father."

"Miss," called her personal maid from behind. "I'll bring your luggage to your room."

She looked back at Rose – her personal maid, and nodded.

After that, she climbed up the long and winding stairs. She stopped at the third floor where her father's study was. She continued walking towards the study. When she was in front of the said room, she was about to knock when the door opened from inside. Then a boy of 12 years old came running out. 

The boy had curly silver hair and a pair of sapphire blue eyes – the typical features of a Grimaldi. His name was Cassius Grimaldi, the third child of the duke and Emmy's younger brother.

Unlike their father and older brother, Casey – as she loved to call him – had a playful look on his face. His eyes always filled with mischief. When he saw her older sister, those eyes were immediately filled with brilliance. 

"Sister!" he called, quickly hugging Emmy.

Despite being younger, Casey was already as tall as her. So, him throwing himself at her almost made her lost her balance.

"This brat, don't suddenly attack me like that!" she scolded but still hugged him back.

"It's because I miss my sister too much," Casey said with a pouting tone. 

"Cassius, release your sister and do the classwork your tutors gave you," said by a commanding voice from inside the room.

Casey released her sister but made a face along the way. Emmy almost burst out laughing when she saw that. She rubbed her brother's hair and mouthed, 'Go'.

Her brother nodded and continued running out. Emmy then entered the study.

Inside, sitting behind a mahogany desk and reading documents from his Terminal, was a man with silver hair cleanly swept back and a pair of sapphire blue eyes that seemed to be filled with ice. He raised his head from whatever it was he was reading and that cold gaze landed on Emmy.

She bowed. "Father."

Anthony Grimaldi was the current head of the Grimaldi family. He was 60 years old this year but his face still remained handsome and flawless. He had a high seat at the parliament. He did everything perfectly and according to the rules. His eldest son, Thomas Grimaldi, followed in his footsteps. He was like the perfect copy of the duke. In both looks and character.

Everyone was saying that the duke was the perfect example of a noble. That the people under his territory were blessed to have him. That he was righteous and benevolent. 

He was probably all that. But only because he thought that it was part of his duty as a duke. Even marrying and having children were all for the ducal seat. Deep inside, he was just a cold man. Someone who wouldn't even shed a tear at his wife's funeral and would demand his children to act as if their mother had never existed the morning after.

That's the kind of man he was.

He didn't say any kind of welcome to her nor did he ask how her vacation was. He just simply gave her an order.

"I will be taking you to a party tonight. Try not to do anything to embarrass me."

Emmy lowered her gaze, her eyes dimming. "Yes, Father."

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