The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]




ASTRID smiled helplessly. "So, you waited until we leave the restaurant? What if I decided to go back with my friends?"

Wulfric shrugged as he started the car. "It didn't matter. At least if I saw you leave with your friends, I know that you would safely go back home."

With one of Aster's friends being the favorite son of Viscount Campbell, there's no way their security would be lacking. But he still stayed outside and waited just in case Aster didn't go back with them. And it seemed that his decision was correct.

But what our sometimes clueless prince didn't know was Astrid purposely didn't leave with Snow and Kiran because he had a feeling that he might be waiting for him. And Astrid was indeed correct.

So, in a way, it's just two people having a silent agreement to meet each other without the other knowing. It's amazing, in a sense. Because it seemed like their minds were perfectly in synced. Or perhaps it just showed how they were both thinking of one another.

Of course, at this point in time, none of the two had realized it yet.

Astrid chuckled at that response, feeling a sweet warmth in his heart. In the end, he could only say, "Thank you for waiting."

"If it's for you, then I don't mind waiting," Wulfric said in a nonchalant manner, as if it was something very natural.

Astrid was amused by that. So, he asked, "Why?"

Wulfric turned to him and looked straight into his eyes. "Because it will always be worth it."

Astrid blinked, his heart skipping a beat. When the other gazed so deeply into his eyes while saying those things, it's only natural for his heart to make a loud thump. It's like he was being pulled by those golden eyes, trapping him, making him unable to move. The only thing he could do was to stare back and let his heart beat faster and faster by the second.

Those simple words he said were like telling him that whatever might happen in the future, he would always be worth it. That was more than just a simple boost in his self-esteem. It made him feel... loved.

Astrid lowered his gaze as he felt his face heating up. Really, Wulfric had a way with his words that could make one's heart flutter. He bet no one would think the other was capable of even saying half of the things he had said to him.

"Wulf is really natural at this," he couldn't help but say.

Wulfric tilted his head, not understanding what he meant. This made Astrid chuckle.

Sure that he was no longer blushing, he turned to the other and said in a teasing voice, "I'm saying that Wulf is a natural flirt."

Wulfric seemed shocked by that. "I- I'm not a flirt!"

Astrid raised a brow and continued to tease the other. "Just think back to all the things you said to me since you confessed. I believe even the most skilled Casanova would pale in comparison to you."

Wulfric blushed. "But I only said those things because it's you! No way would I say it to another person. And it's not like I rehearsed them. It came from the heart! And although many would say that this heart is black, when it came to love, it's very pure."

Astrid laughed, not only from amusement but also from the absolute joy those words brought him. He raised his hand and pinched Wulfric's cheek. "I know. And for giving me that pure love, I'm more than thankful."

Wulfric pouted. "Then I'd rather you give me a kiss on the cheek, rather than a pinch."

"Don't count your luck too much," Astrid said, further pinching the other's cheek. "We're not on that stage yet. Although, a hug would probably not be an issue."

Wulfric's ears practically perked up like a puppy when he heard that. "Can we hug now?"

Astrid had to stop himself from laughing at that. "Here? But isn't it uncomfortable? Don't you want to hug while we're both standing?"

As if he liked the idea of that, Wulfric quickly agreed. "No taking that back now, okay?"

"Okay," Astrid said before the other could even ask him to cross their little fingers together.

Wulfric radiated with visible happiness after that. Astrid could only shake his head. Who would have thought that the prince of the Empire would react like this just for the promise of one hug? He's like a kid giddily awaiting a treat.

As he stared at the other, he couldn't help but think back to the things Snow had told him and Kiran earlier at the restaurant. About that whole thing with Ash.

Since Ash's older brother was Wulfric's lieutenant, the other could probably do something about that situation if he asked. But Astrid wouldn't do that. Aside from the fact that it's something Snow didn't want, the situation might just get worse if they meddled unceremoniously.

But thinking about that whole situation, Astrid couldn't help but wonder about something.

"Wulf, can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me anything."

"If my appearance and my voice change, will you still be able to recognize me?"

Wulfric seemed to be puzzled why he was asking this question, but he answered without hesitation, "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"The question is, why are you so certain you would?"

"On our first date— no, I mean when we first went out to have lunch and things, when you disguised yourself in that fluffy brown hair, I immediately knew it was you. Even your disguise now. If I hadn't met you today and suddenly saw you walking on the street, I will immediately know it's you.

"It's not just your appearance that's attractive. You have this kind of unique atmosphere around you. Besides, would I even have the right to say that I love you if I couldn't even recognize you in disguised? Heck, I could even recognize you by your back alone."

Astrid's heart suddenly felt full when he heard that. Now, he could understand a bit why Snow wanted Ash to recognize him without him telling the other who he was.

 At least he could, right at this moment.


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