The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 76 - WHAT THEY SAW

Chapter 76 - WHAT THEY SAW

THE space port of the Emperor Star was completely different from the space port of planet Delryria. For one, it's much bigger. It had a lot of terminals, showing just how many transport vessels it received from all over the four galaxies under the rule of the Empire.

Astrid and Reas just left the arrival area amidst the crowd of people who also just arrived at the capital. Because of that, the hat that Astrid was wearing became skewed and almost fall off.

Reas quickly fixed it. "Should I just put my hand on top of your head so your hat wouldn't fall off?"

Astrid glanced sideways at his brother. "Are you showing off your height?"

"Well, it's not my fault your short," Reas said, grinning at him.

Astrid only rolled his eyes. Only in this era could someone call his 180 cm height short. "My height is very normal, thank you."

Reas only looked at him as if saying 'if you say so'. "Are you sure you don't want to dye your hair? It would be much easier that way."

"No. Why would I do that? I plan to be a star. My hair and eye color is a huge advantage for me."

Because it could definitely attract the attention of people. Having something that could attract the attention of people was an important characteristic that every actor should have. Attracting the attention of people was the first step on capturing their hearts. And if one back it up with talent, then that's the perfect recipe for success. Of course, one also needed to match that with a good attitude. 

Even if they're good-looking and talented, if they had a bad attitude, then sooner or later, their career would simply be on a standstill. And that's not what Astrid was aiming for. He wanted to be at the top. To be the number one. With the overly long life-span of the humans in this era, he believed that he could achieve that.

Reas brows furrowed when he heard Astrid's answer. "Even if it meant that you'll be receiving unwanted attention from others?"

Not to mention unwanted attention, there's also the jealousy of others. Even if he's not familiar with the entertainment industry, he knew how important a person's appearance was. With his brother's looks, many would definitely be jealous and try to scheme against him. His mind could already conjure scenes where people were trying to bully his brother. It was especially worrying since he wouldn't be with Astrid in that new school of his. 

Seeing his brother's expression, Astrid could already imagine what was going through the other's mind. "Reas, don't worry too much. Your brother is not that weak."josei

Reas could only nod.


After taking a taxi, the twins were now on their way towards the nearest department store. They planned to buy groceries first before going to Astrid's apartment. That way, once they were in the apartment, they could just spend the remainder of the day cleaning the place. Then after that, Astrid could simply cook dinner for them. That last part was actually what Reas was looking forward to.

The flying taxi they were in didn't have a human driver but a robot one instead. Astrid suddenly truly felt like he was now in the Interstellar Era. Maybe because the planet they grew up in was an agricultural planet. Instead of overly tall buildings, it was filled with trees, mountains, forests, and lakes and rivers. It was almost the same with scenes found at the countryside during his last life.

Now, looking outside the window of the taxi, Astrid could see those overly tall buildings along with cars flying everywhere. There were even floating virtual billboards floating around. Some of them looked three-dimensional. As if the things inside the billboard would come alive.

This was definitely the dream of many sci-fi film makers. 

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

It was what people from ancient earth would call a 'shopping mall'. But unlike the shopping malls from ancient earth, this building they were in probably had more than 20 floors. Astrid wondered what kind of things were being sold in this place that it had this many floors.

"Aster, the food section is on the ground floor," Reas said after looking at the floating map near the entrance. "Let's go."

"You seem to be really excited," Astrid commented.

"Of course, I am. After a week, I could finally eat your cooking again. How could I not be?"

Astrid could only shake his head with a helpless smile. 

They walked towards the direction indicated at the map. 

The food section of the mall was literally filled with all kinds of food. There was a vegetable section, a fruit section, a meat section, and a seafood section. There were also a dry goods section where different condiments could be found. Dairy products also had their own section.

Surprisingly, there weren't many people around. There's probably only about 30 people around. Considering how big this food section was, this number was truly too little. 

But Astrid shouldn't really be that surprised. People now could just open their Terminal and have these things delivered to them. But since this was the first time he and Reas were here, it never even crossed their minds to have their food delivered.

Reas took a big pushcart and was planning to push it towards the meat section. Astrid quickly stopped him. 

"Let's go and buy some condiments first," he said, pulling him towards the section where the condiments were located. 

Reas reluctantly followed along. 

And the shopping started. 

Astrid was very thorough when it came to shopping food ingredients. After all, they would consume this food. It's only right to be thorough on picking them. Thirty minutes later and they were still at the vegetable section.

Reas felt like he was already wilting. All the enthusiasm he had felt earlier already disappeared. 

"Aster, are you not finished yet?" he asked, almost just like a kid asking 'are we there yet?'.

Astrid chuckled. "Look at you, it hasn't even been 30 minutes yet and you're already bored."

"You mean, it's already 30 minutes, right?"

He was about to answer when they suddenly heard some commotion from the entrance of the food section. The twins looked at the direction where the commotion was coming from and both their eyes widened at what they saw.

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