The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



ASTRID felt like his whole body froze when he heard the kid's name.  It's like a huge bob just detonated in front of him.  And he was even the one hugging that bomb.

Grimaldi.  Nicol Grimaldi.  No way, could it be?

This was just their first day at the capital.  They hadn't even gone to his apartment yet!  They not only encounter some crazy hostage taker, they actually even inadvertently met a child with the surname 'Grimaldi'.  The family in which their mother was originally from. 

Could fate really be so cruel as to throw such a curve ball at them right now? 

Well, he was someone who died from choking on a grape.  If he considered that, then it wouldn't be really surprising to encounter this kind of bad luck right now.  Because it seemed like this shitty fate had always enjoyed tormenting him in some kind of form.

His only hope right now was that this kid was from the branch family of the Grimaldis and not from the main one.  But to be on the safe side, he and Reas should probably get the hell out of here as soon as the authorities appeared.

"Brother?" called by the milky voice in his arms. 

Astrid unconsciously gazed down.  This child – Nicol – was indeed a beautiful kid.  Well, it's hard not to be good-looking with a flock of silver hair and a pair of watery sapphire blue eyes.  He must admit, the Grimaldi genes were really top-notch. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, unknowingly making his voice much gentler.josei

"Ahm… can you also tell me your name?"

Astrid felt a bit complicated.  He wasn't sure if he should tell this kid his name.  But before he could contemplate on whether to answer truthfully or not, the metal shutters enclosing the food section suddenly opened.  Following that, several uniformed soldiers quickly entered.

The people who had been trapped in the food section for almost an hour immediately rejoiced. 

The first thing the soldiers saw was a young man with ice-blue hair suppressing a man who had been shouting crazily.  Near them were a gun and a dismantled homemade bomb.

Captain Moore who was leading the soldiers quickly understood the situation.  Especially since before they went in, the section leader of the food section had already told them that a young man managed to subdue the criminal.  And that the other even managed to dismantle the bomb.  But most of all, the Grimaldi kid was not hurt during the process.

"Inject the criminal with a tranquilizer and take him out of here.  Then talk to the people around to make sure that everyone is alright.  And get the medic here," he told his soldiers. 

The soldiers around him quickly followed his orders.  Two went to the young man and injected the criminal with tranquilizer.  The moment they did, the man finally stopped struggling.  The young man finally stood up.  And the two soldiers took the criminal away. 

The others went to check the people present.  A medical team also entered inside. 

Reas cracked his neck from left to right and also stretched his limbs a bit.  Finally, that was over.  He was glad that he didn't have to use his ability in full force.  But he still had to use a small portion of it just to make sure that this simple plan of theirs wouldn't go down the drain.  But because of that, his limbs, particularly his legs felt all sore.

Well, that's probably better than being bedridden for a couple of weeks.  He had his brother to thank for that.  Because of Astrid's accurate control over his mental power, the other easily made the crazy guy unable to move for a few seconds.  If they were not worried that someone might discover the level of his mental strength, Astrid could definitely take down that crazy guy.

But since his medical record said that he had S level mental strength, if Astrid showed that his mental power was beyond that, they would definitely be in trouble.  Of course, they couldn't let that happen.

The only good thing Reas could think that came out of this incident was that he was once again proven that his brother could take care of himself.  With the calm and courage Astrid had shown, he was now no longer that worried to leave his brother alone in his new school.

Reas was about to walk towards Astrid when saw the soldier who seemed to be in-charge walked towards him. 

"Young man, what you did was very reckless.  Things could have ended up in much larger mess if you made just one wrong move," Captain Moore chastised in a stern manner.

Reas stared at the man in front of him, he could tell from the epaulets on his shoulders that he was a captain rank soldier.  Which meant that he couldn't be as willful, unless he wanted to offend the other.

"I apologize.  But with all due respect, Sir, I wasn't just being reckless.  I moved with the knowledge that I will succeed," he said.  And yes, this was him not being willful.

Captain Moore scrunched up his brows when he heard that.  Although he appreciated what the young man did, he didn't like how arrogant the other sounded. 

"And you know this how?" he asked, his voice much harsher than before.

"One, I recognized the bomb that was on him and I know how to dismantle it.  Two, he was not in his best state of mind.  So, even if I sneak up on him, he wouldn't be able to tell.  And three, I'm stronger than him."

Captain Moore felt a bit speechless hearing the young man's explanation.  Then he realized that the other wasn't being arrogant, he was simply stating facts.  At the end, he could help but let out a hearty laugh.

"I like you, kid.  You have guts," he said, clapping down on the kid's shoulder.

Astrid was watching this scene from afar.  He let out a sigh of relief seeing how that soldier must be happy with his brother's deed.  He was really worried that Reas might be reprimanded.

"Brother…" called the kid who's still clinging on his neck.

Before he could respond to the kid, a call from the front startled him a bit.


Astrid raised his head and saw a tall and slender man with curly silver hair running towards them.  His sapphire blue eyes filled with overwhelming worry.

And then Nicol suddenly called back, "Uncle!"

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