The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 233 - 233

Chapter 233 - 233: Blood Moon, Strange Skeleton Creatures (2)

Chapter 233: Blood Moon, Strange Skeleton Creatures (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

But within this realm entirely ruled by the Skeleton Clan, how could there be a sudden downfall without any warning?

Glancing at his silent subordinates, the Skeleton King spoke slowly, “Just yesterday, the portal that I was about to forcibly open to the outside world was disrupted. This means that the human from the outside world might have become aware of our plans.

lie very likely activated the portal on his own and has entered this realm.

So, it’s possible that this human is the one responsible for defeating these two low-level Skeleton Camps.”

“How dare that human? This is our sacred land!” The Mage Skeleton Commander flared up in anger.

“Your Majesty, 1 am willing to lead an elite force to exterminate him and bring him before you for punishment! I’ll let him know of your greatness and inviolability!”

After pondering for a moment, the Skeleton King nodded. “Very well, I permit it. Yaska, you must bring that human back, either dead or alive, before me.

Since this human managed to swiftly defeat two Skeleton Camps, his strength should not be underestimated. Moreover, he previously killed Malevolent Wind. This time, let’s turn this human into our comrade to fill the gap left by Malevolent Wind.”

“Your Majesty is wise!”


Upon hearing this, Yaska stood up and saluted, then slowly left the hall.

Soon, beneath the towering castle, a legion of elite skeletons with an average tier approaching the fourth tier surged forth. Under Yaska’s leadership, they headed towards the direction of the red desert.

“Lord, this is the low-level bone forge of this Skeleton Camp, along with a white Heroic Soul Essence.”

“Only one?” Ji Chen took it, somewhat disapprovingly.

This was the fifth Skeleton Camp they had breached, and like the previous four, it was also a low-level one. However, within it, there was only a single white Skeleton Commander.

Up to this point, the five Skeleton Camps had produced five low-level bone forges and ten white Heroic Soul Essences.

However, there hadn’t been any sightings of the more advanced green Skeleton Commanders or intermediate bone forges.

He speculated that only larger-scale Skeleton Camps might have them.

Thinking about this, Ji Chen looked around at the still vast red desert and couldn’t help but sigh.

Despite their considerable gains, they had already devoted three full days to their journey and were still within the confines of the red desert.

Could it be that this realm was entirely comprised of red desert terrain?

A bigger issue was, where should he find the Skeleton King?

Advancing aimlessly in the red desert without a clear direction was proving to be inefficient for searching.

It would be great if the Skeleton King could come to him…

With such thoughts in mind, Ji Chen led his army away from this devastated Skeleton Camp, searching for a suitable camping spot.

Just three hours after they left, Yaska arrived with the Skeleton Legion.

Seeing the already ruined Skeleton Camp and no sign of enemies, it couldn’t help but angrily roar.

“Damn it!! How did we arrive late again!? If I catch that human, I will definitely torture them before escorting them to the King!”

Following the King’s orders, it led the army to set out overnight for the two Skeleton Camps and then tracked the enemy’s traces all the way here.

However, whether due to luck or some other reason, they always narrowly missed encountering the enemy.

Every time, they arrived a bit too late.

Before they could see the enemy, they ended up losing three Skeleton Camps.

Looking at the chaotic camp, Yaska felt like the fire of its soul was about to cease burning due to frustration.

After venting its anger in curses, as if not feeling relieved enough, it raised its staff and launched dozens of Soul Fireballs towards the camp. Only after blowing up the remaining few bone structures into pieces did it stop.

At this point, one of its trembling subordinates dared to speak, “Your Excellency, it’s almost evening, and the Blood Moon is about to rise. We need to set up camp quickly.”

Upon hearing this, Yaska finally looked up and saw the Blood Moon gradually emerging from behind the dark clouds, sending a shiver down its spine.

Even though it was confident, it didn’t dare to march during the night in this red desert.

After all, in this red desert, there were many taboos, especially for their undead race. Lightly violating these taboos could lead to losing consciousness and vitality, while more severe violations could result in the dissolution of the soul, completely disappearing into the desert.

Legend had it that this was related to a powerful undead being from beyond the world…

Despite lingering reluctance, it had to command the establishment of a camp here and await the next day to resume the pursuit.

Behind a sand dune several dozen miles away from the Skeleton Camp, Ji Chen and his group set up camp, but they didn’t rest immediately.

The army was neatly arranged as if waiting for something.

Soon, in the dim desert in the distance, burning red flames appeared, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of bones grinding against each other. A large number of skeleton creatures came into view, surging from far to near, replacing the pitch-black desert with a white tide.

Seeing this, without a moment’s hesitation, Ji Chen ordered the attack to begin.

Tridents, water arrows, bone spikes all shot out, and Naga Berserkers and other melee units swung their weapons to fend off the tide of skeleton creatures.

The sounds of battle echoed throughout the night.

By the time the battle was over, it was already midnight.

Ji Chen looked at the disappearing skeleton creatures behind the sand dune and then glanced at the Blood Moon slowly disappearing behind the thick clouds. His brows furrowed slightly.

Tonight was their third night here and the third time they encountered a large-scale attack by skeleton creatures at night.

Initially, he thought it was the Skeleton King discovering their presence and sending out numerous skeleton creatures to besiege them.

But later, Ji Chen quickly dismissed this idea.

The reason was simple: the enemy wouldn’t appear when the Blood Moon was present and then disappear immediately when it vanished.

What’s the point of that?

They would depart as soon as evening began?

As soon as night fell, the Blood Moon in the sky would appear on schedule, without fail.

Not long after its appearance, a large number of skeleton creatures with eye sockets burning the same color as the Blood Moon’s flames would inexplicably emerge from the depths of the desert. josei

These skeleton creatures were different from those within the Skeleton Camp, displaying extreme aggression and madness.

What was even more incredible was that such a massive number of skeleton creatures didn’t have any commanding Skeleton Leaders. This in itself was a perplexing situation.

Ji Chen had deliberately left a few of them behind, quietly following them after the Blood Moon ended to try and figure out where they came from.

But miraculously, when they followed and climbed a sand dune, they suddenly found that these strange skeleton creatures had disappeared right before their eyes, leaving no trace.

If this scene were on Earth, it would be considered at least one of the top ten unsolved mysteries.

Shaking his head, Ji Chen snapped out of his thoughts.

Anyway, it didn’t matter. These numerous skeleton creatures actually brought them a lot of benefits.

Having exterminated the skeleton camps during the day and defended against the skeleton tide at night, their experience points soared, causing their levels to skyrocket.

Ji Chen’s level had now reached a high of 31, a level that would typically take at least thirty days to achieve outside this realm, given the rate of leveling up.

However, with the breakthrough past level 30, not only did the experience required for leveling up increase exponentially, but the experience gained from killing these low-tier skeletons was also severely reduced.

The difficulty of leveling up had increased by more than just a little bit.

Fortunately, there were plenty of skeleton creatures. As long as the experience gained from killing one was not zero, the accumulation of these small gains would eventually yield a decent amount of experience.

Looking at the sky, Ji Chen stretched and yawned, then went into his tent to rest.

The next day, the well-rested heroes and their army set off again.

However, they hadn’t traveled far before they saw a vigorously advancing skeleton army chasing after them from behind.

At the forefront was none other than Yaska, who had been pursuing them for days.

When it saw Ji Chen and his group in the distance, its soul fire flickered intensely, and a wild delight surged within its heart.

Damn it!

They had finally caught up with the enemy!

It was determined to unleash all of its power, to make that human understand the consequences of angering the great king, and the consequences of angering Yaska!!

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