The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 1629

Chapter 1629

Chapter 1629

Chapter 1629

The moment Sky made contact with Dragonslayer, however, the sword suddenly emanated a powerful aura that made him stagger backward.

Even though he had reached the peak of the Sixth Stair and was close to ascending the Seventh Stair, he could not suppress the sword.

Dragonslayer simply returned to James’ hand.

James caressed the sword as he murmured gently, “What a fine sword...” Below, a grin crept up on Thomas’ face when he saw this, and he said, “Looks like the time has come for us to slay a dragon.” Everything was within his calculations.

He never thought that James would seize control of Dragonslayer.

Based on his initial plans, he intended to give the sword to the Blood Race.

However, since James now controlled the sword, he would certainly be slaying a dragon in the near future.

Thomas did not linger for long and turned to leave.

Upon seeing Dragonslayer fall into James’ hands and how even Sky could not wield it effectively, the others reluctantly gave up.

Even if they coveted the sword, they would only barely stand a chance against the combined might of James and Thea even if they worked together.

Risking their lives for a single sword would be an act of folly.

“Congratulations, James.” “Congratulations on obtaining a divine sword, Mr. Caden.” Many congratulated James.

James simply smiled.

Only Sky’s expression was dark.

He was fully assured of his strength.

Now, however, he could not even hold a sword properly.

Frustrated, he muttered under his breath, “Am I destined to part ways with this sword?” “James, let me try one more time.

If I still can’t control it, the sword is yours,” Sky said.

“Catch.” James did not hesitate in the slightest and simply tossed Dragonslayer to Sky.

This time, Sky exerted his full strength and grabbed the sword.

Then, he catalyzed terrifying True Energy to forcefully override the sword’s consciousness.

Though he managed to grab it firmly in his hands, veins started popping out in his neck.

After some time...

Boom! He was sent flying and vomited a mouthful of blood.

James, on the other hand, smiled faintly as he held Dragonslayer in his hand once more.

He headed toward Thea and raised the sword in his hand, saying with a smile, “It’s back.” Thea sheathed the Malevolent Sword and returned the smile, “ Congratulations.” At that moment, Callan was


Although he was wounded, his injuries were not fatal.

He too said smilingly, “Congratulations on obtaining a divine weapon, James.

From today onward, you call the shots in the martial community of Sol.” James looked at Dragonslayer.

This was a sword meant to slaya dragon.

Now that he had obtained the sword, he had to slay a dragon to obtain its blood to save Thea’s life.

Sky looked at the sword in James’ hand as he approached him once more.

Though he tried twice, he failed to command the sword.

Disheartened, he looked at James and said, “Don’t forget about the promise you made to me, James.

I'l] return for you in three years.” James said, “I’m a man of my word.

As long as you keep to yourself for the next three years, I'll hold up my end of the bargain.” “Farewell.” Sky did not linger for long and turned to leave.

The other martial artists also hurriedly left.

Soon, only Divine Sword Villa’s disciples and James and the rest remained.

At that moment, a blacksmith naked from the waist up walked over to them with a sheath and handed it to Waylon.

Waylon, in turn, handed the sheath to James and said, “This isa sheath prepared by Divine Sword Villa.

Since something unexpected happened to Dragonslayer, you should test and see if the sword fits.

If not, we will make a new one.” “Thanks.” James took the sheath and sheathed Dragonslayer.

It was a perfect match.

Upon seeing this, Waylon said smilingly, “Looks like its size remained the same despite merging with your sword.

What a shame though that the Primordial Sword forged by King Quavon is no more.”

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