The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 1985

Chapter 1985

Chapter 1985

Chapter 1985

After James briefly explained his intentions to Delainey, he left Mt. Thunder Pass.

His destination was Mount Bane because his mother said a divine object would appear on Mount Bane in a week, and it would be the most precious one to appear on Earth. As for what it was, he did not know yet

Even his mother was not sure what would appear this time. All she knew was that an extraordinary divine object would appear on Mount Bane in a week.

After leaving Mt. Thunder Pass, he went to Wyrmstead and boarded the private plane Henry had arranged.

Half a day later, he appeared on Sol’s Mount Bane.

Mount Bane had become a gathering place for the Overworld Outsiders.

All of the Overworld’s martial artists would gather on Mount Bane in the past three years. Previously, Earth’s martial artists also had access to the area.

However, Earth’s martial artists were forbidden from the area after more powerful.Overworld Outsiders appeared. Any martial artists that came within the range of Mount Bane would be ruthless killed.

In the past few years, countless martial artists from Earth had died in the Overworld Outsiders’ hands.

James got off the plane in a flat area outside Mount Bane’s range. Then, he looked at the mountains in the distance.

A white mist surrounded the distant mountains.

Colorful light rays could be seen shooting out into the sky through the mist, giving Mount Bane a touch of mystery.

Several more unknown mountains had appeared around Mount Bane in the past three years.

However, these mountains were sealed and could not be entered.

The seal would have to be opened to enter these mountains.

James scanned the area for a while. Just as he was about to enter Mount Bane, some people appeared in the distance

They wore ancient clothing and had long swords on their waists.

James stopped in his tracks.

“Who’re you?”

The group of people approached and immediately surrounded James

James observed the group. They wore blue robes with the word “Sacerdotal” on it

At a glance, James immediately knew they were the Sacerdotal Sect’s disciples.

The Sacerdotal Sect was established on Earth by Xain.

An intense murderous intent rose in James’ heart when he thought about how Matias had gone to Japura and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people.

Since Xain had such virtues, James concluded the people from the Sacerdotal Sect could not be any better

They would be a scourge if they continued roaming the earth.

However, James did not act out immediately.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at the Sacerdotal Sect disciples surrounding him, saying. I’m James Caden, a human from Earth. Go report to Xain that James is here.”

“James, who?”

A Sacerdotal Sect disciple sald disdainfully. “Who do you think you are to see our Sect Leader as you please?

Another disciple added, “Since you’re here, don’t think you’ll be able to leave.”

“Tsk, tsk. I didn’t expect martial artists from Earth to still dare to appear on Mount Bane after everything.

It seems the earthlings have already forgotten the past lessons we’ve taught them.

” I’ll break his legs first.”

The Sacerdotal Sect disciples started joking around.

One of them walked over, pulled out his long sword, and looked at James mockingly. Then, he said with smile, “Breaking his legs is going too easy on him. I’ll severe his legs and make him crawl out of Mount Bane.”

After the disciple spoke, he brandished his sword and thrust it at James.

James felt a chill down his spine.

He knew the person attacking was powerful and had entered the ninth rank.

If he were another martial artist from Earth today, his legs would definitely be cut off. Swoosh!

A Sword Light charged at him.

James slightly backed away.


The Sword Light slashed into the ground, and the rocks nearby shattered instantly.

“How dare you dodge, bastard.”

The Sacerdotal Sect’s disciple had a grim expression.

The others looked at James mockingly. To them, James was already fated to die. James looked at the Sacerdotal Sect’s disciples solemnly.

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