The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 2263

Chapter 2263

Chapter 2263

Chapter 2263

Marquis floated above the Ancient Clan’s Mount Trinvard, and Demonic Energy surrounded his body.

Black Demonic Energy covered the entire sky and formed strange ancient characters, each containing strange but extraordinary power.

At that moment, a bloodied Farley climbed out of the ruins.

Earlier he acted a bit carelessly. His strength had not fully returned, so he should have hidden for a while and waited until his strength returned to its optimum state before revealing himself.

His current state was still unable to resist the Curse Magic, and he was no match for Marquis,

All the powerhouses gathered in the Ancient Clan could not resist the Curse Magic’s overwhelming burden on their bodies. Only one person was unaffected by it, and that was James.

James knew the situation had taken a turn for the worse.

After Farley was defeated, he quietly snuck away.

Not even Marquis noticed someone had fled because his Curse Magic had already spread throughout the Ancient Clan’s territory. From his perspective, nobody could escape.

James quietly made his way out of the mountain range where the Ancient Clan was located.

He was safe and could leave unscathed.

James looked at the broken formation from outside the Ancient Clan’s perimeter.

He could see the situation in the Ancient Clan through the cracks in the formation and noticed the black Demonic Energy hovering over the entire area.

James said in resignation, “I’m sorry, Sir Yoan. I don’t want to die needlessly I still have a lot more things I need to do My wife and daughter are waiting for me on Earth. I have to return to them alive. Please forgive me for leaving without a goodbye.”

James knew that even if he had trained for another 100 years, he would still not be able to defeat Marquis

He could only escape untouched because he had a Demonic Body, which was not affected by Demonic Energy or Curse Magic

Sophie’s voice came from the Celestial Abode “Are you going to just watch them die, Jattes

“All of the Ancient Realm’s powerhouses are gathered there If you leave, they’re all going to wiped out. Then, the entire Ancient Realm will fall into Marquis’ hands ‘

Lattes replied helplessly, “What else can I do? I’m weak and stand no chance of winning «gaitist someone of such a high rank. He can kill with just the stap of a finger

Sophie’s vou’e chinued in again. “You can still try to do something. Marquis n of the Demon Race. You happerti to have a body crafted by a sugitetne Dertunk Lotus Moreover your

Supernallural Power is also Demons Lotus Your an use it to try to repel Marquis

James said, “I don’t want to take any risks. If this plan fails, I’ll die like a dog.”

Sophie replied, “If you fail, I’ll find a way to help you escape. You’ll regret leaving for the rest of your life. It might even haunt you in the future. It’ll be very detrimental to your cultivation.”

Hearing this, James fell into deep thought.

At that moment, Marquis’ subordinates had already reached Mount Trinvard’s peak.

All the powerhouses on the mountain resisted the Curse Magic but could not break free from it. Their cultivation bases were sealed, and they were trapped.

Marquis descended from the sky, looked at the incapacitated powerhouses, and a smirk formed under his mask.

“My god, Farley. You’re pretty impressive to have actually dispelled the Demonic Energy from a Curse Magic. I underestimated you. You had your little scheme against me, but it’s a pity your strength hasn’t fully recovered. If you were at your full strength and we had a fair fight, I might have lost to you.”

Marquis’ hoarse voice grated in everyone’s ears.

Farley’s cultivation base had been sealed, and he could only sit in a lotus position on the ground.

Despite the circumstances, Farley remained calm. He replied, “If you want to kill me, go ahead. What’s with the unnecessary chatter? Do you really think you can conquer the Ancient Realm? Keep dreaming. After you destroy the Ancient Clan, our clan’s hidden powerhouses will rise against you. When that happens, you’ll regret you ever did this.”

Marquis laughed. “Haha! If I were scared, I wouldn’t have attacked the Ancient Clan in the first place. Do you think your clan is the only one with powerhouses from the Primordial Age?

…And you, Welkin Academy’s headmaster.”

Marquis looked at Welkin Academy’s headmaster and said coldly, “You like to act all high and mighty, so I’ll kill you first.”

He raised his hand, and black Demonic Energy formed in his palm.

Just when he was about to strike, a voice yelled out.


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