The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 2345

Chapter 2345

Chapter 2345

Chapter 2345

After James came close to the statue, he overheard the surrounding cultivators’ conversation and obtained an important piece of information

The Elysian Inscription had appeared on a particular island, and beasts from all over the world were rushing there, hoping to benefit by being bathed in the Elysian Light.

Simultaneously, some powerful humans have also headed to the island.

Although it was rumored that the Elysian Inscription had no effect on humans, some cultivators still headed there to observe the situation.

After James learned this, he fell into deep thought

Initially, he wanted to head over and have a look at things. However, he decided not to after properly considering it. He left the mountain and left for Bane City. The city had become more prosperous than it was two years ago.

Outsiders from the Three Thousand Worlds gathered in Bane City

Retracing his previous steps, James walked toward Marcello’s mansion. It did not take long before he arrived in front of it.

Many warriors stood guard outside the mansion. All of them were powerful members of the Demon Race.

James wanted to see Marcello but was afraid spies from the Divinity Sect were around the area. It would be a pain if he showed up and was discovered.

Thus, he did not recklessly head toward the mansion

Instead, he waited outside for two days.

Two days later, Marcello exited the mansion and got into a beast carriage.

A huge lizard with wings on its back was hooked to the carriage. After she got into the carriage, the lizard flew up into the sky and took off

James leaped into the air and flew after it Then, he landed firmly on top of the beast carriage.

As soon as he landed, Marcello launched an attack from inside the carriage.

“Who’s there?”

Marcello raised her hand, and powerful force materialized in her palm. It swept outside, aiming for James

In the past, Marcello used to be very strong. There used to be a considerable difference in strength between her and James. Fortunately, James came across many boons on his recent adventures and grew much stronger. His current cultivation rank had already surpassed Marcello’s cultivation rank

Even if Marcello attacked with full strength, she would barely land a scratch on James

James did not counter the attack but dodged in a flash, He appeared at the other end of the beast carriage and quickly revealed himself, “It’s me, James.“

“James?” Marcello was shocked.

James slowly removed his mask

It’s really you” Marcello sighed in relief when she saw James’ face and said, “I was wondering who was daring enough to sneak onto my beast carriage. Turned out it was you after all. Where have you been

these past two years?”

James wore his mask again and said, “It’s a long story. By the way, are you going on a long journey or something?

Marcello nodded and said, “Yeah. Jace told me the Elysian Inscription appeared on a certain island. I’m headed there to try my luck.”

Hearing this, James was puzzled

Marcello saw through James’ thoughts. She smiled and explained, “I may look like a human, but I’m not actually human. If I’m lucky enough to find the Elysian Inscription and be bathed by the Elysian Light, I’d benefit greatly from it.”

James immediately understood her haste to travel to the island.

Marcello asked, “By the way, what did you come to see me for?”

James sat down inside the carriage and sighed. “I have nowhere to go and no one to turn to, so I came to see you

“Back then, when the Divinity Sect captured you, I planned to save you But the Demon Race’s powerhouses had yet not come to Earth. We wouldn’t have stood a chance against the Divinity Sect’s elder with the few members we had here, so.”

James gently waved his hand.

It was already water under the bridge. He did not blame Marcello for not coming to his rescue.

“By the way, do you know Xacobe?”

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