The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 2356

Chapter 2356

Chapter 2356

Chapter 2356

“Do you know what kind of creature is this, Jace?”

Marcello looked at Jace, who was also watching the video.

After watching the footage for a while, Jace took a deep breath. With a solemn expression, he said, “If I’m not mistaken, this should be a Gorger”

“A Gorger?” Marcello was startled.


Jace nodded solemnly. “It’s a terrifyingly strong beast. I’ve only read about it in our clan’s ancient books The ancient books said that Gorgers fed on stars. At the same time, these beasts possess the ability to devour anything The ancient books have records of a Gorger reigning supreme in ancient times as the lord of heaven and earth.”

Jace pursed lips tightly.

There was little information about the Gorgers recorded in their clan’s books. There were only few brief descriptions of its devastating abilities.

Jace recognized the Gorger instantly.

Other powerful beings also recognized the Gorger.

“This human isn’t one to be messed with.”

Td better avoid this Masked Warrior”

“The Masked Man isn’t the one I fear It’s the Gorger with him that’s dangerous. It has the power to devour anything.”

Many patriarchs from different sects began to warn their clans about the Gorger.

At that moment, Henry, Delainey, and the Blithe King returned to Wrymstead.

When Harold came to Earth, he went to Wrymstead, apprised Thea that James was well, and told her not to worry about him.

After learning that James was unharmed, Thea breathed a sigh of relief.

At the back of Wrymstead, there was a secret location.

It was a forbidden area of Wrymstead, and no one was allowed to approach. Even the Divinity Sect’s spies could not infiltrate the place.

“Haha!” Henry burst out in raucous laughter.

“I never expected that little Gorger to be so amazing. I underestimated it inside the Celestial Abode.”

Delainey smiled and said, “James’ forceful retaliation against these beasts must’ve frightened them. I’m sure they’ll think twice before acting in the future. He bought a lot of time for humans.”

Thea looked at her phone, and smiled beautifully as she looked at the masked man in the video.

She was delighted to see James.

She had not expected to see her beloved for a long time. Surprisingly, she was able to see him again after such a short period.

While watching him, she immediately realized how lacking she was in terms of strength.

Even though she mastered the Four-Quadrant Art, there was still a huge gap between her, the Outsiders from the Three Thousand Worlds, and the recently emerged beasts.

Moreover, James’ strength eclipsed hers

She was his wife and did not want him to bear all his burdens alone. She wanted to be of help to him. As such, she decided right there that she would meditate in seclusion

She put away her phone and the smile on her face vanished. Then, she turned to Delainey, Henry, and the Blithe King, saying, “I’m relieved that that James has returned to Earth, and you guys are back in

Wrymstead. I’m planning to cultivate on my own for a white.”

Thea wanted to go into seclusion and meet with the custodian.

The custodian of the Chamber of Scriptures was the strongest person she knew on Earth

With the custodian’s help, her strength would definitely see major improvements.

Delainey said, “You can go rest assured, Thea. With the three of us here in Wrymstead, everything will be fine Plus, James wouldn’t sit idly by if a beast were to attack Wrymstead.”

Thea nodded and said, “Then I’ll head off now. If James returns, tell him I’m in the Chamber of Scriptures” After Thea finished speaking, she turned around and departed.

She did not disclose the precise location of the Chamber of Scripture. She believed James would know where to find her with the mention of the Chamber of Scriptures.

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