The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 2570

Chapter 2570

Chapter 2570

Chapter 2570

After learning of Korinth’s latest assault on Sangria, James rushed into the Southern Fortress and inquired about the war between the two countries.

He learned they had already been fighting for some time.

Sangria suffered very significant losses during the war.

They had been keeping the Korinthian Army at bay by relying on their country’s curse.

The Korinthian Army did not dare to stay in Sangria for too long.

If not for the curse, Sangria’s defenses would have been breached and destroyed by now.

He also learned that Korinth had dispatched tens of millions of soldiers to Yantargh Canyon.

On the other hand, Sangria had assembled 30,000,000 soldiers who planned to defend Sangria with their lives.

James was relieved after hearing Sangria had put together an army of 30,000,000.

For the time being, Sangria would not be defeated.

However, he feared that Korinth would continue to dispatch more soldiers to bolster their army and attack Sangria with the entirety of their forces.

Sangria would be unable to withstand their onslaught even with the curse working in their favor.

Although James wanted to intervene, he was still an outsider, and the war had nothing to do with him.

His goal was to return to Sangria, acquire information about the curse, and find out if it had something to do with the planet’s seal.

Additionally, he wanted to know if there were any benefits if the curse was undone.

James entered a city on the border.

In the past, it used to be a lively city.

However, the bustling streets were now deserted.

The few people that remained on the streets were occupied with evacuating the country.

He headed into a grocery store.

The owner of the store was a middle-aged woman.

She was cleaning up her storeas she prepared to evacuate as well.

James asked, “Maam, could I buy a map?” The owner replied hurriedly, “It’s on the shelf.

Help yourself to it.” Maps were not particularly valuable, so the owner did not plan to take them with her.

James found a map on the shelf before him and inspected it.

Then, he asked, “How much is it?” ‘You can have it for free.” After the owner replied to James, she hurriedly left with her baggage.

Seeing her frantic behavior, James felt troubled.

He took the map and left the grocery store.

Then, he looked over the map.

There were many countries in this world, about tens of thousands of countries of various sizes.

However, there were only three major countries-Korinth, Sangria, and Wushua.

Sangria was located right in the center of this world.

James looked at the map and began to analyze it.

He discovered the centermost region of Sangria was a place called Mount Crepe Myrtle.

There was a simple description of Mount Crepe Myrtle on the map.

There was a sect located on Mount Crepe Myrtle called Crepe Myrtle Sword Pavilion.

After learning that Crepe Myrtle Sword Pavilion was located in this world’s center, James hurried over there.

Meanwhile, Empress Xianna had also departed to Crepe Myrtle Sword Pavillion.

The back mountain of Crepe Myrtle Sword Pavilion was a very calming place with abundant Empyrean Spiritual Energy in the air.

At that moment, two women walked side by side.

One of them was Xianna.

Xianna was dressed in a sleek dress, outlining her perfect figure.

“Sword Master, what do you think about Korinth’s desperate attacks on Sangria?” asked Xianna.

The other woman looked about the same age as Xianna and was at a similar height.

She was equally beautiful and wore a long, white dress with a long sword embroidered on it.

She was mesmerizing and carried herself impressively.

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