The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 2846

Chapter 2846

Chapter 2846

Chapter 2846

James had already occupied a white halo in advance, enhancing his strength.

“He did not need to boost his defense since he had the 108 Infinity Steles which could be used as a formation to prevent enemies from getting close or causing substantial damage to him.

After fighting for so long and eliminating many other candidates, the remaining contenders’ crystals were also almost exhausted.

Meanwhile, James’ crystal was still mostly unused and sustained almost no damage.

After James boosted his strength, he said with a smile.

"Let’s start i"

the battle."

James’ voice echoed throughout the arena.

However, no one moved a muscle.

Instead, they exchanged glances fm = and watched each other carefully.

There were nine people left in the arena.

Brielle had occupied the golden halo in the center, which kept her safe for the time being.

The other contenders were also scattered throughout the arena.

Seeing that no one had made a move, James swept his gaze over the remaining contenders.

Finally, his gaze stopped on Yorick.

Seeing James eyeing him intently, Yorick inadvertently stepped backward.

His face darkened when James started approaching with the Crepe Myrtle Divine Sword in his hand.

Yorick asked, "What are you doing, James?"

James smiled and replied, "We’re in an arena meant for battles.What do you think I'm doing?"

"There are so many other people here.Why me? We're supposed to have a battle royale, so could you target someone else instead?"

Yorick was helpless.He had fought against James before and lost.

Now that James’ strength had been enhanced, James outclassed him.

If James insisted on targeting him, Yorick would have no chance of winning.

James smirked.

"We're definitely in a battle royale.However, I still need to choose someone to attack.You’re the weakest among the remaining people, so I have no choice but to target you."

Maveth, Matilde, and Wilvalor watched from afar.Since James had chosen Yorick, they were temporarily safe.

At that moment, Maveth secretly communicated telepathically with Matilde.

"We can’t let this continue.Although it’s a battle royale, James’ comrades won’t go after him. He’s currently our biggest threat."

Matilde replied telepathically, "Then what should we do now?"

After briefly thinking about it, Maveth replied, "Since James chose to fight Yorick, we'll stand back for now.

While their fight begins, we’ll wait for an opportunity to attack James.

Even if we can’t eliminate him, we’ll at least try to exhaust his crystal."

Maveth and Matilde had a fairly good relationship throughout this ordeal.

Yorick and Wilvalor were temporary comrades.

Since only one person could make it to the final stage, it was inevitable to rely on some trickery to eliminate the other creatures to ensure they made it to the end.

This was especially true since there were only a few of them left.

Matilde agreed to go along with Maveth’s strategy.

James was aware that while he was still in combat with Yorick, Maveth and Matilde would seize the opportunity to sneakily attack him to eliminate him.

Therefore, he also reached out to Feb telepathically.

"I’m going to target Yorick first and try to get him eliminated.During my fight, the Celestial Ant and Multicolored Flame Python will try to sneak up on me.Although they won’t be able to eliminate me, they’ll probably try to deplete my crystal’s energy.Keep an eye on them for me.As soon as they make a move, attack them."

Feb replied, "How about I attack them now instead of waiting for them to make a move? I’ll keep Maveth occupied, so he won’t have the time to do anything else."

Qusai said, "If that’s the case, then I'll deal with the Multicolored Flame Python."

James asked, "Then what about Wilvalor?"

Hearing this, Qusai and Feb fell silent.

James continued to give instructions telepathically.

"We can’t rely on Lucifer.He was only a member of our temporary alliance.We no longer need the alliance now, so we must be wary of him."

Feb replied, "In situations like this, people tend to prioritize their own safety.If we don’t attack Wilvalor, he probably won’t intervene."

"Then we'll proceed as planned," James replied.

In just a few moments, James and his comrades had come up with a plan.

"Don’t target me, James."

Yorick said, "I know I won’t make it to the end, but the Guardian said that Supernatural Powers from the bean Primordial Age would appear on the arenas.They haven’t appeared yet, but all I want is a Supernatural Power or Secret Art."

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