The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 3900

Chapter 3900

Chapter 3900

James had encountered many things in his life along his path of cultivation. However, upon turning around and seeing the many ferocious-looking shadows brandishing their claws and charging toward him, he had the fright of his life. Immediately, he fled from the city in the sky.

Seemingly constrained by a Formation Restriction, the shadows seemed unable to leave the city. Seeing that James was leaving, they stopped in their tracks and did not pursue him further.

Sensing that the shadows were not pursuing him, James breathed a sigh of relief.

“As expected of a restricted area… How terrifying…”

James patted his head.

He then reappeared on the ancient battlefield, but the beast was nowhere to be found. He scanned his surroundings and tried to search for the bird he encountered a while ago but to no avail. This puzzled him.

“Were my eyes playing tricks on me? This shouldn’t be… There’s no way my eyes were deceived at my rank.”

James stroke his chin and scanned his surroundings. The bird and the beast were gone. As the city in the sky was too terrifying, he did not dare approach it anymore.

Lord Samsong had taken off with the Light of Acme, whereas the other Lords were either dead or had escaped. Those who had escaped were nowhere to be seen. Thus, James was unsure of where he should go.

After some contemplation, he planned to turn back and searched for the Lords who had escaped. Soon, he arrived at the spot where the beast had been. There was still a fissure on the ground, from

which a bizarre aura materialized. This aura contained an extremely corrosive ability, so much so that even the void was corroded.

“Hey, kid.”

A voice came.

Taken aback, James immediately turned around. A red bird appeared in his view. It was the bird from before that disappeared after chirping a few times.

James stared at the bird cautiously and asked, “A-Are you talking to me?”

The bird spoke in a commanding voice, “Who else, you dimwit?”

“A-Are you a Gorger?”

James asked.

That was because he had seen what Feb looked like when she was young. However, as a Gorger’s appearance would undergo changes once it reached adulthood, he was unsure whether this was a Gorger. If the bird before him truly was a Gorger, it must have been a Gorger in its infancy. However, an infant Gorger was weak, so how could it possibly traverse so freely in the Ecclesiastical Restricted Zone? Something was not quite right.

The bird rolled its eyes and spoke in an authoritative voice, “You shouldn’t have come here, kid. Leave this place at once. This place is off-limits. Something incredible happened here in the past. There are many too many lost secrets here.”

James rolled his eyes as well. Why would he be afraid when even a bird was acting so carefree?

Though he ridiculed the bird in his heart, he smiled and said, “I came here to search for the Light of Acme.”

“What the hell is that?” The bird froze.

James answered the bird truthfully, “Legend has it that when an Acmean dies, their residual power will be transformed into a light. When ten or more Acmeans die in a single place, a Light of Acme will be born. They say that the Light of Acme can unlock one’s potential and allow one to cross into an unprecedented stage of the Omniscience Path.”

“Preposterous!” The bird reprimanded James. “What nonsense is this? The Light of Acme? Unlocking one’s potential? Where did you learn this nonsense, kid?”

“Is that not the truth?” James returned the question.

“Of course not,” The bird said.

James asked, “In that case, what is the Light of Acme?”

The bird extended its claws and scratched its chin. After some contemplation, it said, “The Light of Acme that you described does exist. The residual power of some dead Acmeans will transform into beams of light. However, the Light of Acme has no positive effects on any living being. In fact, the Light of Acme can also be called the Light of Death. Once contaminated by the light, a living being would die. That's because no known power can effectively resist the Light of Acme… Sorry, the Light of Death.”

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