The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 397

Chapter 397

Chapter 397

Chapter 397

Why did he have to steal from her? Why did he have to gamble? Why did he have to borrow so much? If not for David, none of this would have happened. After Zavier left, he immediately went to look for the Xenoses. The Watsons and the Xenoses were all part of the Five Provinces Business Alliance. Although they were from Cansington and North Cansington respectively, they maintained a close relationship

At the Watsons’ villa at Goodview Villa District, Zavier personally welcomed Zack, “Welcome, Mr. Xenos.”

“It’s been a while, Zavier.”

They hugged each other. At the foyer of the first floor of the villa, Zack grinned, “So what can I do for you today, Mr. Watson?”

Zavier decided to get into the heart of the matter. “I heard that the Xenoses gave 2 billion dollars to Thea. I also heard you’ve taken back 1.5 billion and need 500 million more to be returned.”

Zack’s face clouded over.

All three generations of his family suffered because of James.

His father had even knelt before Thea. How humiliating!

The Black Dragon was now a disgraced figure, and there were even rumors that he had died on the battlefield at Mt. Thunder Pass in the Southern Plains. This was the perfect opportunity for the Xenoses to exact their revenge.

“Zavier, are you trying to intercede for Thea?”

Zavier quickly cleared up. “You misunderstand me. Why would I intercede for her? All I wanted to ask was that you urge her to pay up immediately. No, wait. Sue her straight away. Even better, sue her today. Push her to the brink.” “Huh?”

Zack was puzzled. He cocked his eyebrow at Zavier. “What do you mean?” Zavier smiled slyly and said, “I’m interested in Thea. If you don’t push her to the brink, she won’t fall into my arms and beg me to help her out.”


Zack snickered gleefully, “Alright then. Since you went out of your way to ask me for help, I’ll do my best. I’ll inform the court right away so that she receives a summon. The trial will commence tomorrow, and all financial assets of businesses under the Callahans will be frozen.”

“You’re the best wingman I could ever ask for.” Zavier laughed.

With Zack’s assistance, getting his hands on Thea was as easy as pie.

This was not enough, however.

He had thoroughly investigated Thea. He knew that James had given her a villa and many other valuables. If they sold them all, they would not have any trouble preparing the 500 million dollars.

Through the Watsons’ connections, he contacted Maximus, the soon-to-be new king of the underworld.

In a clubhouse in Cansington… This was Maximus’ territory. In a luxurious room, a dozen or so beautiful women with curvaceous figures were dancing.

Maximus was in the middle of discussions with other key figures of the underworld concerning the takeover of Dawson’s, Nine Fingers’, and the others territories. They were planning the unification of the underworld in Cansington.

At that moment, the door opened and a subordinate walked in. “Maximus, Mr. Watson is here.” Maximum yelled, “Let him in.”

Not long after, a man in a suit walked in.

It was Zavier.

Maximus sat on the sofa and crossed in legs. With a gorgeous woman in his arms, he looked at Zavier as he approached and remarked sarcastically, “What a rare treat to cross paths with the Watsons today. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

The atmosphere in the room was tense. The Watsons were a representative of Cansington in the Five Provinces Business Alliance. They were a powerful and influential family with assets totaling hundreds of billions.

As they were all involved in shady dealings, Maximus could not help but be nervous.

Zavier walked in and took a seat. Smiling, he said, “Your reputation precedes you, Maximus. I’m here today to do business with you. I’ll help you rise to the top and become the new underworld king in Cansington.”


Maximus looked at Zavier quizically. Zavier said, “From today onwards, the Five Provinces Business Alliance will be your sonsor. No one in Cansington or the five provinces will dare touch you.” Hearing

this, Maximus was delighted. He instantly pointed at a few surrounding women and ordered, “You, you, and you! What’re you standing there for? Hurry up and serve Mr. Watson.”

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