The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Chapter 537


James turned around and walked toward the village.

Soon, he returned there.

“Haha, black Dragon, I knew you would cooperate with me.” Seeing James coming back, the Black Snake walked over, opened his arms, and wanted to hug James.

“Get lost.”

James lifted his foot and kicked him. He had injuries on his leg and could not help grit his teeth in pain when he lifted it. The Black Snake took a few steps backward and dodged. “Prepare a car for me,” said James.

The Black Snake took out a bunch of keys and threw them to James. Then, he said, “The car is at the village entrance.”

James took the keys and left.

When he returned, Quincy had already come back to the village entrance. However, many armed men were guarding the place, so she did not dare enter.

She was unaware of what James was doing inside the village, so she could only pace around the village anxiously. “James...” Seeing James returning, Quincy rushed over happily and threw herself into his arms.

James reached out his hands to her chest to block her.

He wanted to stop Quincy from jumping into his arms, but he accidentally touched her chest.

Quincy‘s face blushed bright red.

With an embarrassed expression, James quickly retracted his hand and put the car keys into her hand. He smiled awkwardly and said, “You drive back first.”

“What about you?” Quincy asked with a blushed face. “I have important things to settle. After you go back, head to the Callahans to check on Thea. She must be terrified. Please help me comfort her but don‘t tell her about what happened,” said James. Quincy bit her lips and thought about it for a while. “Okay.” She nodded

She pressed the car keys.

One of the cars at the village entrance lit up, she walked over and opened the door.

After getting in the car, she rolled down the car window and reminded James, “Be careful.”

She started the car and drove away after finishing her words. James watched until Quincy left and returned to the village. In a bungalow in the village. James sat on a shabby sofa. Sitting opposite him was the Black Snake. .

“What exactly do you need me to do?” James asked casually.

The Black Snake replied, “The Emperor promised to bring Blake here before dawn. He will be coming alone. Also, he will prepare a helicopter for us to leave. In exchange, I have to hand you over. However, I don‘t trust him, so I need you to cooperate with me and show me the safest escape route. As for you...” The Black Snake glanced at James and snapped his fingers. The door opened, and a man walked in. The Black Snake pointed at him and said, “I‘ve already found a replacement for you. All you

have to do is make a human mask like yours and hide in the dark. Then, I‘ll pass this man to the Emperor.”

The Black Snake paused for a moment and continued. “It would be best if I can leave with Blake smoothly. In the case that it doesn‘t, I need your help if we are ambushed.

“Don‘t worry. I‘ll keep my word. You will be in complete control of the Dark Castle in the future as long as we leave safely.” “What about those guys outside?” James glanced outside. “Them?”

The Black Snake‘s face darkened, and he replied, “Their mission has been completed, and they can leave at dawn. As for whether they manage to escape depends on their abilities.”

James understood the situation immediately.

The assassins outside have been abandoned.

Whether they lived depended on themselves.

“Alright, we have a deal.”

James agreed without hesitation. It was a big gamble.

He would acquire the Dark Castle and countless assassins if he won the gamble.

Losing would mean that he let a powerful enemy slip away.

It was a worthy gamble.

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