The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 775

Chapter 775

Chapter 775

Chapter 775

After persuading Blake, everything that came next would be much easier.

Quincy drove James back home to her house again.

After returning home, James could not wait to continue reading the medical book. James completely immersed himself in its densely packed text.

He did his best to understand the ancient words as he slowly went through them.

Before he started, he had requested a notebook and pen from Quincy.

Whenever he came across a term or text he could not understand, he’d make a note of it in the notebook. Later he turned on the computer and searched for their meaning online.

James spent his whole day at Quincy’s home studying the contents of the medical book.

“James, you should take a break. Here, have a glass of water.”

Quincy walked over with a glass of warm water, took the medical book out of James’ hands, and placed it aside. With a look of concern, she said, “You’ve been reading for hours. Your body is still quite frail. You shouldn’t be overworking yourself.”

After she mentioned his body, James stretched his sore limbs.

Having studied intensely the whole day, he was both physically and mentally exhausted. On top of that, he felt a little lightheaded.

He took the warm water from Quincy’s hand and smiled at her. “Thank you.”

“Why’re you thanking me? It’s not that big of a deal. What do you want to eat tonight? I’ll order delivery.” She beamed back at him.

Although she knew the time she had left with James was limited, she still felt overjoyed just by being with him.

“I’m fine with anything.”

James was not a picky eater and did not have a particular preference for food.

Quincy sat down and leaned closer to James.

Resting her body weight against him, she took out her phone to order takeout from a popular restaurant.

“Should we get braised beef?”

“Oh, how about pulled pork?”

“Let’s get one of these too. It looks so tasty…”

James could smell the perfume on her body and felt his face heat up in embarrassment. He moved slightly to the side and created some distance from her. He kept his smile as he replied to her, “Sure, order whatever you’d like ”

James’ subconscious actions disappointed Quincy a little.

It was evident that James saw her as a close female friend rather than a girlfriend.

She quickly ordered a couple of different types of food.

After ordering, she said, “I’ve also prepared a hot bath for you. The food should be arriving after you’re done washing up.”

“Alright.” James nodded.

He got up and walked toward the bathroom.

As he undressed and got into the bathtub, he heard a soft knock on the door.

“Do you want me to wash your back?”

“N-No, I’m fine.” James frantically turned down the offer.

He resisted the urge to let Quincy inside.

The outside of the bathroom door went quiet once again.

As he soaked in the hot bath, he looked at the ceiling in deep thought.

His head was occupied with thoughts about his love life.

Thea was the woman that saved his life but ended up suffering for ten years because of him.

On the other hand, Quincy cared for him earnestly and did not ask for anything in return. She was understanding, intelligent, thoughtful, and extremely capable.

He kept thinking about the two women and had no idea how to choose between them.

James inhaled deeply.

‘I don’t have the time to be thinking about this at this moment. I’ll have to resolve the issue with the Emperor and ensure the new king’s election goes smoothly before I even think about trivial matters like


James stayed like this in the bathtub for quite some time and gradually fell asleep.

The food had arrived, but James had yet to come out of the bath.

Quincy knocked on the door.

Despite calling out for James a few times, he did not answer.

She anxiously pushed open the door and walked in.

Seeing that James had fallen asleep in the bathtub, she walked over and tested the water temperature. It had cooled down for quite some time already.

“How did he manage to fall asleep? I’m honestly impressed. Isn’t scared of catching a cold?”

Quincy gently nudged James.

“James, get up. Food is here.”

James’ eyes snapped open.

His face blushed red after seeing Quincy next to him. He stammered in a panic, “W-Why are you in here?”

Quincy pouted and smirked at his boyish reaction. “I knocked on the door, but you didn’t respond. I was worried something had happened to you, so I came in to check on you. Look, I’m not even bothered by this. Why are you so embarrassed? Where did the War God in you go?”

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