The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 867

Chapter 867

Chapter 867

Chapter 867

James was pumped up about solving the mystery of the painting.

He opened the box while he sat on his wheelchair and gingerly lifted out the ancient scroll. As he unfurled the scroll, he could see carvings of human figures on it.

The human figures had many different forms and sizes. Some were standing while others were crouching.

Each of them was marked with a white dot and a red line.

James knew that the white dots represented the location of the acupoints, while the red lines represented the meridians.

This was a meridian acupoint diagram.

Though James knew the human body inside-out and was very familiar with the anatomy as a result, the places where the meridians and the acupoints intersected with one another on the carvings were peculiar. They were utterly incomprehensible when viewed through the lens of contemporary medical science

Back then, James would not have a clue about what the diagram meant. Things were different now. Now, he had the knowledge that came from Volume Two of the Medical Book. He leamed about the Internal Cultivation Method and how to control True Energy. This knowledge allowed him to understand what the meridian acupoint diagram on the scroll was trying to say. The carvings illustrated the flow and movement of True Energy within one’s body.

James wanted to test out his newfound information.

He tried summoning his True Energy. However, there was not an iota of it to be found in his body. As a result of this failed attempt, excruciating pain coursed through his body. Unable to withstand it, James fell off his wheelchair as he groaned in agony.

James lay on the floor alone in the vast, spacious basement of the Cadens. There was no one to help him up. Summoning what strength he had to spare, he got up from the floor and slumped against his wheelchair.

All the color had practically drained from his face, and his forehead was drenched in sweat. The sheer effort and exertion also caused his clothes to be wet with how own perspiration.

He let out a harsh and raspy gasp as he swore under his breath, “F*ck the Johnstons, they'll pay for this one day. They'll pay for destroying my meridians and dispersing the True Energy I cultivated. If the Cadens hadn't saved me, I'd have died like a dog.”

Instead of continuing his research while his body was racked with pain, James shut his eyes and meditated.


Tobias sat on a stone armchair in the courtyard.

Maxine walked over to him and greeted him.


Tobias acknowledged her. Maxine sat down in front of him and asked, “Do you really think James can unravel the secret behind the Moonlit Flowers by Cliffside’s Edge and learn the secret martial arts?”

Tobias shook his head vaguely.

“I don't know. I just wanted to give him a chance to try things out. He’s a fast learner, after all. Besides, no one knows what exactly is hidden in the Moonlit Flowers by Cliffside’s Edge. We can only find out after gathering all four paintings.”

Maxine nodded slightly. Suddenly, as if reminded of something, she asked, “By the way, grandpa, who was the one that hired the mercenaries to break into the ancient tomb of the Prince of Orchid? How did they know the exact location of the ancient tomb and about the security measures that lay within?”

Tobias’ expression darkened.

This was something he had yet to figure out.

Records of the ancient tomb of the Prince of Orchid were few and far between even inside the ancient texts held by the Ancient Four.

So how was it possible for an outsider know about this?

Maxine pressed her lips together speculatively. “Could it be someone from the Ancient Four?” Tobias glanced at her and drummed his fingers on the armrest. “Who are you suspecting?"

Maxine hurriedly raised her palms. “I-It'd be impertinent of me to assume.” Tobias waved her concerns aside.

“There's only family present here. You may speak honestly” Maxine hesitated for a second before acquiescing. After some brief contemplation, she opened her mouth

“You once told me that Thomas was extremely talented in martial arts; to the level where he could be considered a genius. Such was his talent that at a young age, he was already able to cultivate True Energy. Although his martial art skills were crippled, he was still undeniably a genius. Is it possible that

he was able to regain his martial art skills after leaving the Cadens? If that’s the case, he likely survived the fire ten years ago.”

Tobias listened to this with his brows furrowed.

Though he had his suspicions, there was no evidence to support this.

“Are you saying that Thomas might have been the one behind all this?”

Maxine nodded slowly.

“This is still baseless conjecture. I cannot confirm or deny it without definitive proof.”

“Alright, you may take your leave. Remember to send James his meal on time.” Tobias waved his hand.


Maxine stood up and left.

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