The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 924

Chapter 924

Chapter 924

Chapter 924

James had already devised a plan to channel the Cold Energy within Cynthia into his body.

However, he was slightly troubled by the channeling method.

“Cynthia, I have a way of channeling the Cold Energy from your body into mine. However, you’ll have to be undressed during the process.”


Cynthia was taken aback for a moment. She recollected herself and asked, “Do you mean I have to be naked?”

“Yeah.” James nodded. “I’ll need to insert a few acupuncture needles into some of your acupoints to concentrate the Cold Energy in your body to channel it. During this period, there can’t be any mistakes because Cold Energy becomes a potent force when gathered together. Any mistakes and this Cold Energy will cause severe damage to your body.”

“What?” Cynthia hesitated.

Although James had already seen her naked when he used acupuncture needles to discharge the Cold Energy in her body last time, it was only because that was their last resort back then.

It was slightly embarrassing to get naked in front of a man. Thinking of the scene, her face immediately blushed red.

After thinking for a while, she nodded and said, “If it can help you, I’m willing to do it. I would’ve died long ago if it weren’t for you. I won’t have to do anything else except stripping, right?”

Cynthia smiled mischievously.

Maxine said, “Since we’ve come to an agreement, let’s start. What do we need? I’ll go prepare the stuff.”

James ordered, “I only need some acupuncture needles.”

Maxine nodded and said, “Alright. I’ll go get them prepared.”

Suddenly, Luther stood up and said, “You can leave such trivial matters to me.”

With that said, Luther turned and walked out of the villa.

After walking outside, he took out his phone and called Zane to report the situation.

Zane wore a solemn expression after learning about it. He murmured, “What is this girl thinking? She’s willing to risk her innocence?”

Luther had constantly been reporting Cynthia’s situation to Zane daily. Thus, Zane was aware that countless women surrounded James.

Although James was not a playboy, too many women were pursuing him, and he did not want his daughter to get caught up in it.

Initially, he did consider letting Quincy date James. However, different women kept appearing around the man.

There was Thea, then Quincy, and now there was Tiara too.

This time, he only agreed to help James to save his daughter, Cynthia.

“What should I do. Mr. Dawn? Should I stop them?” asked Luther.

Luther thought for a while and said, “Forget it. Let her do as she pleases. You can’t stop her once she makes a decision. Plus, I’ve heard a bit about martial artists. It’ll be good if Cynthia can cultivate True Frost Energy.


After getting permission, Luther hung up the phone and quickly left to buy acupuncture needles.

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